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[미국특허] Elephant nose plunger 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E03D-009/00
출원번호 US-0310637 (1999-05-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Tash George
대리인 / 주소
    Lyon, Harr & DeFrank, LLPLyon
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 14  인용 특허 : 10


A toilet bowl plunger for use with a new narrow throat 1.6 gallon toilet that can be used equally well with older toilets. The head portion of the plunger is a pleated bellows consisting of two sections, a conically tapering section and a constant average diameter section. The conically tapering sec


[ Wherefore, having thus described the present invention, what is claimed is:] [7.]7. A plunger comprising:a handle; anda head comprising a first section connected to said handle and comprising a pleated bellows and a second section extending from the first section which is sized to interface with t

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Magrath, Joseph M., Aspirator and resuscitator for newborn animals.
  2. Tash George (18658 Chase St. Northridge CA 91324), Combined toilet bowl plunger and holder.
  3. Moore Gregory K., Decorative container for storing plumbing plunger.
  4. Spickofsky William Paul (San Francisco CA), Drain clearing bellows.
  5. Johnson Arthur L. (4921 3rd St. San Francisco CA 94124), Drain declogging device.
  6. Novak Alan (5449 Encino Ave. Encino CA 91436), Toilet bowl plunger.
  7. Tash George (18658 Chase St. Northridge CA 91324), Toilet bowl plunger.
  8. Tash George (5777 Balcolm Canyon Somis CA 93021), Toilet plunger.
  9. Tash George (5777 Balcolm Canyon Somis CA 93021), Toilet plunger.
  10. Tash George (5777 Balcolm Canyon Somis CA 93021), Toilet plunger.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (14) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Tash, George, Adaptable drain plunger.
  2. Bailey, Mitchell, Plunger.
  3. Bailey, Mitchell, Plunger.
  4. Daciw, Michael James, Plunger.
  5. Wu, Kuei-Kun, Plunger.
  6. Alldredge, Andrew L., Plunger appliance for toilets.
  7. Slot, Franchot, Plunger device.
  8. Zavala, Joey, Plunger for plumbing fixtures.
  9. Holden,H. Lee, Plungers and devices for storing plumbing tools.
  10. Piercy, II, Jerry H., Sanitary plunger device.
  11. Kosasih, Angie; Wu, Kuei-Kun, Sink plunger.
  12. Tash, George, Snake plunger.
  13. Wong, Silas, Tear drop toilet plunger.
  14. Gavin, Lawrence E., Toilet plunger apparatus.

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