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[미국특허] Telescopic sight for individual weapon with automatic aiming and adjustment 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G02B-023/00
출원번호 US-0380957 (1999-11-18)
우선권정보 FR0002937 (1997-03-12)
국제출원번호 PCT/FR98/00495 (1998-03-11)
§371/§102 date 19991118 (19991118)
국제공개번호 WO-9840688 (1998-09-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kaladgew Andre,FRX
출원인 / 주소
  • Kaladgew
  • Andre, FRX
대리인 / 주소
    Piper Marbury Rudnick & Wolfe
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 103  인용 특허 : 8


The invention concerns a telescopic rifle sight for individual weapon equipped with at least one step micro-motor designed to vary the angle of the sight relative to the axis of the weapon and the initial axis of aim, thereby adequately varying the whole sight assembly and thus varying the original


[ What is claimed is:] [1.]1. Telescopic sight for an individual weapon, comprising at least one step micro-motor designed to vary the angle of the sight relative to the axis of the weapon and an initial axis of aim and a laser beam rangefinder which determines the distance between a marksman and a

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (8) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Golubic Victor G. (3321 W. Orchid La. Phoenix AZ 85051), Apparatus and method for displaying and storing impact points of firearm projectiles on a sight field of view.
  2. Holden Gerald B. (35992 Dover Livonia MI 48150), Bullet drop compensating scope mount.
  3. McCann Thomas E. ; Ausman Andrew ; Kavner Douglas M. ; Brogan Michael W. ; Rosser Larri ; Tiffany John R., Graphical user interface system for manportable applications.
  4. Cohen Stephen E. (1521 Brandywyn La. Buffalo Grove IL 60089), Microcomputer device with triangulation rangefinder for firearm trajectory compensation.
  5. Moore Sidney D. (2045 Idylwild Dr. Prescott AZ 86301), Microcomputer-controlled optical apparatus for surveying, rangefinding and trajectory-compensating functions.
  6. Moore Sidney D. (2045 Idylwild Dr. Prescott AZ 86301), Microcontroller operated optical apparatus for surveying rangefinding and trajectory compensating functions.
  7. Litman ; Alan, Mounting arrangement for a rifle scope.
  8. Bass James S. (6009 McGregor Blvd. Fort Myers FL 33901), Range and elevation adjustment for telescopic sight.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (103) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Holmberg, Larry, Accessory mount.
  2. Holmberg, Larry, Adaptor for device mount.
  3. Holmberg, Larry, Adaptor for device mount.
  4. Horvath, Anthony; Adkins, Aaron; Willard, Richard; Stoltz, Paul, Aiming system for weapon.
  5. Sammut, Dennis J., Apparatus and method for aiming point calculation.
  6. Sammut, Dennis J., Apparatus and method for aiming point calculation.
  7. Sammut, Dennis J., Apparatus and method for aiming point calculation.
  8. Sammut, Dennis J.; Buell, Dickinson; Chao, Lawrence, Apparatus and method for calculating aiming point information.
  9. Sammut, Dennis J.; Buell, Dickinson; Chao, Lawrence, Apparatus and method for calculating aiming point information.
  10. Sammut, Dennis J.; Buell, Dickinson; Chao, Lawrence, Apparatus and method for calculating aiming point information.
  11. Sammut, Dennis J.; Chao, Lawrence, Apparatus and method for calculating aiming point information.
  12. Sammut, Dennis J.; Chao, Lawrence, Apparatus and method for calculating aiming point information.
  13. Sammut, Dennis J.; Chao, Lawrence, Apparatus and method for calculating aiming point information.
  14. Sammut, Dennis J.; Chao, Lawrence, Apparatus and method for calculating aiming point information.
  15. Sammut, Dennis J.; Chao, Lawrence, Apparatus and method for calculating aiming point information.
  16. Sammut, Dennis J.; Chao, Lawrence; Buell, Dickinson, Apparatus and method for calculating aiming point information.
  17. Sammut, Dennis J.; Hodnett, Todd, Apparatus and method for calculating aiming point information.
  18. Sammut, Dennis J.; Hodnett, Todd, Apparatus and method for calculating aiming point information.
  19. Sammut, Dennis J.; Hodnett, Todd, Apparatus and method for calculating aiming point information.
  20. Sammut, Dennis J.; Hodnett, Todd, Apparatus and method for calculating aiming point information.
  21. Sammut, Dennis J.; Hodnett, Todd, Apparatus and method for calculating aiming point information.
  22. Sammut, Dennis; Hodnett, Todd, Apparatus and method for calculating aiming point information.
  23. Sammut, Dennis; Hodnett, Todd, Apparatus and method for calculating aiming point information.
  24. Sammut, Dennis; Hodnett, Todd, Apparatus and method for calculating aiming point information.
  25. Sammut, Dennis; Hodnett, Todd, Apparatus and method for calculating aiming point information.
  26. Sammut, Dennis; Hodnett, Todd, Apparatus and method for calculating aiming point information.
  27. Lee, Dong Hee; Jung, In; Choi, Gyu Jung, Automatic correction apparatus for trajectory of a projectile and correction method using the same.
  28. Lee, Dong Hee; Jung, In; Choi, Gyu Jung, Automatic correction apparatus for trajectory of a projectile and correction method using the same.
  29. Tubb, G. David, Ballistic effect compensating reticle and aim compensation method.
  30. Tubb, G. David, Ballistic effect compensating reticle and aim compensation method.
  31. Tubb, G. David, Ballistic effect compensating reticle and aim compensation method with leveling reference and spin-drift compensated wind dots.
  32. Tubb, G. David, Ballistic effect compensating reticle and aim compensation method with sloped mil and MOA wind dot lines.
  33. Tubb, G. David, Ballistic effect compensating reticle, aim compensation method and adaptive method for compensating for variations in ammunition or variations in atmospheric conditions.
  34. Zaderey, Serge; Timm, Steven R.; Williams, Gary R.; Peters, Victoria J.; Peter, Laura; Lesser, Tim; O'Connor, Tim L., Ballistic range compensation for projectile weapon aiming based on ammunition classification.
  35. McDonald, William True; Almgren, Ted C., Ballistic ranging methods and systems for inclined shooting.
  36. McDonald, William True; Almgren, Ted C., Ballistic ranging methods and systems for inclined shooting.
  37. Peters, Victoria J.; Lesser, Tim; York, Andrew W.; Regan, Rick R., Ballistic ranging methods and systems for inclined shooting.
  38. Peters, Victoria J.; Lesser, Tim; York, Andrew W.; Regan, Rick R., Ballistic ranging methods and systems for inclined shooting.
  39. Holmberg, Larry, Camera for mounting.
  40. Holmberg, Larry, Camera for mounting.
  41. Holmberg, Larry, Camera for mounting.
  42. Holmberg, Larry, Camera for mounting.
  43. Holmberg, Larry, Camera with mounting rail.
  44. Holmberg, Larry, Camera with weather cover.
  45. Gilmore, W. Riley, Combination red dot sight and range indicator apparatus.
  46. Holmberg,Larry, Crossbow device mount.
  47. Holmberg, Larry, Device for mounting imaging equipment to a bow and method of recording a hunt.
  48. Holmberg, Larry, Device mount for a firearm.
  49. Holmberg, Larry, Device mount system for a weapon.
  50. Holmberg, Larry, Device mount with stabilizing function.
  51. Holmberg, Larry, Device mounting system for a weapon.
  52. Staley, III, John R., Device with multiple sights for respective different munitions.
  53. Staley, III,John R., Device with multiple sights for respective different munitions.
  54. Tubb, G. David, Dynamic targeting system with projectile-specific aiming indicia in a reticle and method for estimating ballistic effects of changing environment and ammunition.
  55. Tubb, G. David, Dynamic targeting system with projectile-specific aiming indicia in a reticle and method for estimating ballistic effects of changing environment and ammunition.
  56. Holmberg, Larry, Electronic device mount system for weapons.
  57. Holmberg, Larry, Electronic device mount system with strap.
  58. Kendir,Tansel; Shechter,Motti; Clark,John, Firearm laser training system and method facilitating firearm training for extended range targets with feedback of firearm control.
  59. Cross, John; Vermillion, Jordan, Handheld rangefinder operable to determine hold over ballistic information.
  60. Scrogin, Andrew D.; Chapelle, Walter E., Infrared range-finding and compensating scope for use with a projectile firing device.
  61. Friedli,Andreas; Oberholzer,Markus; Bertholet,Marc; Hok,Aw Cheng; Him,Ng Say, Method and device for aiming a weapon barrel and use of the device.
  62. Holmberg, Larry, Method and device for mounting an accessory to a firearm.
  63. Holmberg, Larry, Method of attaching device to weapon.
  64. Vermillion, Jordan; Cross, Bill, Method, device, and computer program for determining a range to a target.
  65. Vermillion, Jordan; Cross, Bill, Method, device, and computer program for determining range to a target.
  66. Chavakula, Anand Kumar, Multi-power charger and battery backup system.
  67. Chavakula, Anand Kumar, Multi-power charger and battery backup system.
  68. Schick, Darin W.; Kwan, Newton Quan-Chung; Miller, Timothy H.; Elpedes, Jerry Glen S., Optical sight.
  69. Schick, Darin W.; Maciak, Thomas K.; Lim, Kian Siong, Optical sight.
  70. Schick, Darin W.; Maciak, Thomas K.; Lim, Kian Siong, Optical sight.
  71. Schick, Darin W.; Maciak, Thomas K.; Lim, Kian Siong, Optical sight.
  72. Windauer, Bernard T.; McDonald, William True; Almgren, Ted C., Optical sighting system.
  73. Windauer, Bernard T.; McDonald, William True; Almgren, Ted C., Optical sighting system.
  74. Windauer, Bernard T.; McDonald, William True; Almgren, Ted C., Optical sighting system.
  75. Bell, John Curtis; Bell, Curtis King, Projectile sighting and launching control system.
  76. Holmberg, Larry, Rail mount.
  77. Holmberg, Larry, Range finder.
  78. Holmberg, Larry, Range finder.
  79. Kennedy, Mickey McArthur, Range finder device with correction reticle.
  80. Holmberg, Larry, Range finder for weapons.
  81. Holmberg, Larry, Range finder for weapons.
  82. Peters, Victoria J.; Lesser, Tim; York, Andrew W.; Regan, Rick R., Rangefinders and aiming methods using projectile grouping.
  83. Peters, Victoria J.; Lesser, Tim; York, Andrew W.; Regan, Rick R., Rangefinders for inclined shooting of projectile weapons.
  84. Peters, Victoria J.; Lesser, Tim; York, Andrew W.; Regan, Rick R., Ranging methods for inclined shooting of projectile weapon.
  85. Peters, Victoria J.; Lesser, Tim; York, Andrew W.; Regan, Rick R., Ranging methods for inclined shooting of projectile weapons.
  86. Lowrey, III, John William, Riflescope with image stabilization.
  87. Bell, John Curtis, Scope adjustment method and apparatus.
  88. Bell, John Curtis; Seidel, Kendall, Scope adjustment method and apparatus.
  89. Bell, John Curtis; Seidel, Kendall, Scope adjustment method and apparatus.
  90. Bell, John Curtis; Seidel, Kendall, Scope adjustment method and apparatus.
  91. Mencotti, Marcus Decio, Scope cap.
  92. Kennedy, Mickey McArthur, Sight mechanism with integrated range finder.
  93. Kepler, Matthew Flint; Hammond, Douglas Richard, System for automatically aligning a rifle scope to a rifle.
  94. Kepler, Matthew Flint; Hammond, Douglas Richard, System for automatically aligning a rifle scope to a rifle.
  95. Holmberg, Larry, Universal device mount.
  96. Holmberg, Larry, Video camera with mount.
  97. Edwards, Timothy James; Crane, Mark; Yoon, Cathy Ji Kyung; Hogan, Timothy Brandon, Viewer with display overlay.
  98. Edwards, Timothy James; Crane, Mark; Yoon, Cathy Ji Kyung; Hogan, Timothy Brandon, Viewer with display overlay.
  99. Havens, Calen; Lowry, Will; Klemm, Ian; Hamilton, Samuel; Bollig, Garrison; Schultz, Craig; Carlson, Andrew; Lyle, Jason; Hamilton, David M., Viewing optic with an integrated display system.
  100. Staley, III,John R., Weapon sight having analog on-target indicators.
  101. Staley, III, John R., Weapon sight having multi-munitions ballistics computer.
  102. Staley, III,John R., Weapon sight with ballistics information persistence.
  103. Weaver, Christopher S., Weapons system and targeting method.

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