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[미국특허] Roof member and mounting method thereof 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E04D-013/18
출원번호 US-0016422 (1998-01-30)
우선권정보 JP0022613 (1997-02-05)
발명자 / 주소
  • Ohtsuka Takashi,JPX
  • Fukae Kimitoshi,JPX
  • Mimura Toshihiko,JPX
  • Mori Masahiro,JPX
출원인 / 주소
  • Canon Kabushiki Kaisha, JPX
대리인 / 주소
    Fitzpatrick, Cella, Harper & Scinto
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 99  인용 특허 : 9


Roof members of the present invention are those fixed to the roof, each roof member being a combination solar cell and roof member having a solar cell element and a metal reinforcing member, wherein a metal member is provided below the combination solar cell and roof member or a metal member is prov


[ What is claimed is:] [1.]1. A roof member comprising:a roof panel including a solar cell and a metal reinforcing member;a conductive member supporting said metal reinforcing member, with said conductive member being electrically connected with said metal reinforcing member, and said conductive mem

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (9) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Kadonome Nobuo (Kyogo JPX) Yasuda Takayoshi (Kyogo JPX) Kumamoto Jyunji (Toyooka JPX) Nishi Nobuyuki (Sumoto JPX) Kishi Yasuo (Hirakata JPX), Photovoltaic module and a photovoltaic apparatus.
  2. Nath Prem (Rochester Hills MI) Laarman Timothy (Almont MI), Photovoltaic roof and method of making same.
  3. Hawley Wilbur W. (Danville CA), Photovoltaic roof construction.
  4. Nath Prem (Rochester Hills MI) Laarman Timothy (Almont MI) Singh Avtar (Roseville MI), Photovoltaic roof system.
  5. Faludy Thomas G. (Westminster CO), Retractable awning with integrated solar cells.
  6. Itoyama Shigenori (Nara JPX) Fukae Kimitoshi (Nara JPX) Mori Masahiro (Tsuzuki-gun JPX) Inoue Yuji (Nara JPX) Toyomura Fumitaka (Soura-gun JPX) Ohtsuka Takashi (Tsuzuki-gun JPX), Solar battery module and passive solar system using same.
  7. Mori Masahiro (Kyoto JPX), Solar cell module panel.
  8. Wagner Erich (Levittown PA) Twesme Edward N. (Willow Grove PA) Hidalgo Craig (Levittown PA), Solar panel.
  9. Matlin Ronald W. (Lexington MA) Lenskold Richard K. (Flemington NJ) Rangarajan Anand (Lexington MA), Support for photovoltaic arrays.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (99) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Patton, John C.; Li, YangLin; Zhang, ZhengXue, Adaptive installation roof mounted solar power system.
  2. West, Jack Raymond, Apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  3. West, Jack Raymond; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  4. West, Jack Raymond; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  5. West, John R.; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  6. West, John R.; Manansala, Christina C.; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  7. West, John R.; Manansala, Christina C.; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  8. Kruse, John S., Attaching solar collectors to a structural framework utilizing a flexible clip.
  9. Reyal, Jean-Pierre; Jautard, Yves, Bearing frame for an electrically active panel such as a photovoltaic panel.
  10. Reyal, Jean-Pierre; Jautard, Yves, Bearing frame for an electrically active panel such as photovoltaic panel.
  11. Pao, Frank, Building integrated thermal electric hybrid roofing system.
  12. Pao, Frank; Gottlieb, Richard, Building integrated thermal electric hybrid roofing system.
  13. Almy, Charles; Hudson, Tyrus; Molina, David, Clip-in mounting system for photovoltaic systems.
  14. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Johansen, Emil, Combined panel skirt and photovoltaic panels.
  15. Sung, Shen-Shiou; Huang, Ting-Hui, Corrugated roof sheet and photovoltaic assembly comprising the same.
  16. West, Jack Raymond, Coupling.
  17. Cinnamon, Barry; Baker, David; Leong, Wilson W.; Au, Alexander W., Electrical connectors for solar modules.
  18. Erling,Peter Stuart, Framing system for solar panels.
  19. O'Brien, Edward Joseph; Moulder, Michael J.; Layre, Kenneth A., Grounding clip.
  20. O'Brien, Edward Joseph; Moulder, Michael J.; Layre, Kenneth A., Grounding system for photovoltaic arrays.
  21. Plaisted, Joshua Reed, Interconnected solar module design and system.
  22. Patton, John C.; Lindstrom, Todd; Hafter, Eric, Lateral movement solar panel mounting system.
  23. West, Jack Raymond, Leveling foot.
  24. West, Jack Raymond, Leveling foot.
  25. West, John R., Leveling foot apparatus, system, and method for photovoltaic arrays.
  26. Greenamyer, Michael G.; Huzyak, Greg, Locking rail alignment system.
  27. Liebendorfer, John E., Low profile mounting system.
  28. Plaisted, Joshua Reed, Mechanism for mounting solar modules.
  29. Moore, Joshua Alexander; Brehmer, Todd G.; Wieting, Robert D., Method and apparatus for clamping frameless thin-film solar module.
  30. West, Jack Raymond; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Method and apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  31. West, Jack Raymond; Manansala, Christina C.; Haenlein, Hans-Christoph, Method and apparatus for forming and mounting a photovoltaic array.
  32. Patton, John C.; Lindstrom, Todd; Hafter, Eric, Method and apparatus for mounting solar panels.
  33. Leong, Wilson; Au, Alex, Minimal ballasted surface mounting system and method.
  34. Rizzo, Nathan, Mount for pitched roof and method of use.
  35. Plaisted, Joshua Reed; West, Brian, Mounting assembly for arrays and other surface-mounted equipment.
  36. Plaisted, Joshua Reed; West, Brian, Mounting assembly for arrays and other surface-mounted equipment.
  37. Sizelove, J. David; Garbie, Kevin M., Mounting bracket protection device.
  38. Cinnamon, Barry, Mounting system for a solar panel.
  39. Cinnamon, Barry, Mounting system for a solar panel.
  40. Cinnamon, Barry, Mounting system for a solar panel.
  41. Cinnamon, Barry, Mounting system for a solar panel.
  42. Cinnamon,Barry; Levy,Emanuel Edward, Mounting system for a solar panel.
  43. Newman, Michael; Newman, Glen, Mounting system for photovoltaic panels.
  44. Newman, Michael; Newman, Glen, Mounting system for photovoltaic panels.
  45. Cinnamon, Barry; Levy, Emanuel E.; Baker, David E.; Au, Alexander A., Mounting system for solar panels.
  46. Pao, Frank, Optimized building integrated hybrid roofing system.
  47. West, Jack Raymond, Panel frame.
  48. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Johansen, Emil, Panel skirt and photovoltaic panel.
  49. Mapes, Donald R.; Crosser, Larry G.; Foote, James B.; Richie, Jr., Benjamin L., Photovoltaic array.
  50. Lenox, Carl J. S., Photovoltaic array with minimally penetrating rooftop support system.
  51. Cheung, Brian C.; DuPont, Luc, Photovoltaic frame fastener.
  52. DuPont, Luc; Cheung, Brian C., Photovoltaic panel fastening system.
  53. Poddany, James J.; Bukovinszky, Jr., George L., Photovoltaic panel mounting bracket.
  54. Franklin, Scott; Klinga, Christopher; Rafferty, Brian, Photovoltaic panel mounting rail with integrated electronics.
  55. Metten, Erich Christian; Roddick, Timothy James; Scultety, Jason Leonard, Photovoltaic solar roof tile assembly system.
  56. Jenkins, Robert L., Photovoltaic systems, methods for installing photovoltaic systems, and kits for installing photovoltaic systems.
  57. Jenkins, Robert L., Photovoltaic systems, methods for installing photovoltaic systems, and kits for installing photovoltaic systems.
  58. Jenkins, Robert L., Photovoltaic systems, methods for installing photovoltaic systems, and kits for installing photovoltaic systems.
  59. Jenkins, Robert L., Photovoltaic systems, methods for installing photovoltaic systems, and kits for installing photovoltaic systems.
  60. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Johansen, Emil; Atchley, Brian, Pivot-fit connection apparatus and system for photovoltaic arrays.
  61. West, Jack Raymond, Pivot-fit connection apparatus, system, and method for photovoltaic modules.
  62. West, John R., Pivot-fit connection apparatus, system, and method for photovoltaic modules.
  63. West, Jack Raymond, Pivot-fit frame, system and method for photovoltaic modules.
  64. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes, Pivot-fit frame, system and method for photovoltaic modules.
  65. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Coleman, Nathaniel, Pivot-fit frame, system and method for photovoltaic modules.
  66. West, John R., Pivot-fit frame, system and method for photovoltaic modules.
  67. Plaisted, Joshua Reed; West, Brian, Rack assembly for mounting solar modules.
  68. Plaisted, Joshua Reed; West, Brian, Rack assembly for mounting solar modules.
  69. Wentworth, Stuart; Wentworth, Claudia, Rail-less roof mounting system.
  70. Patton, John C.; Li, YangLin; Zhang, ZhengXue; Hafter, Eric L., Roof mounted installation solar power system.
  71. Patton, John C.; Li, YangLin; Zhang, ZhengXue; Hafter, Eric L., Roof mounted installation system.
  72. West, John Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Johansen, Emil; Capsuto, Ian; Medcroft, Chad; Atchley, Brian; Coleman, Nate, Skirt for photovoltaic arrays.
  73. Haddock, Robert M. M.; Haddock, Dustin M. M., Slide fit mounting clip for installing photovoltaic modules.
  74. Haddock, Robert M. M.; Haddock, Dustin M. M., Slide fit mounting clip for installing photovoltaic modules.
  75. Haddock, Robert M. M.; Haddock, Dustin M. M., Slide fit mounting clip for installing photovoltaic modules.
  76. Grushkowitz, Tyler; Cole, Corey; Wares, Brian, Snap-in and progressive locking photovoltaic module.
  77. Matsumi, Shin; Yagiura, Toshio, Solar cell module, method of connecting solar cell module, method of installing solar cell module and method of grounding solar cell module.
  78. Matsumi, Shin; Yagiura, Toshio, Solar cell module, method of connecting solar cell module, method of installing solar cell module and method of grounding solar cell module.
  79. Møller, Brent, Solar collector.
  80. Yen, Tung-I, Solar device.
  81. Kilgore, Dorian J.; Teller, William; Evangelista, Elio G.; McCullah, Justin; Wagner, Thomas; DuPont, Luc; VanBoxel, James, Solar panel assembly attachment apparatus.
  82. Hemingway, Todd L., Solar panel attachment system for a roof.
  83. Ryba-White, Julian; Scott, Damien; Tarbell, Ben, Solar panel fire skirt.
  84. Port, Jonathan, Solar panel mounting systems.
  85. DuPont, Luc; Cheung, Brian C., Solar panel securing system.
  86. Patton, John C., Solar panel with pivoting side supports.
  87. Pierson, John L.; Lambert, Brian, Solar roofing system.
  88. Cusson, Paul R.; Greenamyer, Michael G.; Nobile, Joseph A.; Kilar, Jr., Thomas P., Spring clip.
  89. Plaisted, Joshua Reed; West, Brian, Strut runner member and assembly using same for mounting arrays on rooftops and other structures.
  90. Franklin, Scott, System and method for mounting photovoltaic panels.
  91. Liebendorfer, John E., System for mounting a photovoltaic module to a surface.
  92. Liebendorfer, John E., System for mounting a photovoltaic module to a surface.
  93. Liebendorfer, John E., System for mounting a photovoltaic module to a surface.
  94. Liebendorfer,John E., System for removably and adjustably mounting a device on a surface.
  95. Plaisted, Joshua Reed; West, Brian, Technique for electrically bonding solar modules and mounting assemblies.
  96. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Molina, David; Atchley, Brian, Torque Tube Mounted Photovoltaic Apparatus, System, and Method.
  97. West, Jack Raymond; Hudson, Tyrus Hawkes; Molina, David; Atchley, Brian, Torque tube mounted photovoltaic apparatus, system, and method.
  98. DuPont, Luc, Universal clip apparatus for solar panel assembly.
  99. Jaffari, Andy A., Universal panel clamp.

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