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[미국특허] Septic waste treatment system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B01D-017/00
출원번호 US-0628124 (2000-07-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Thibault Ronald M.
출원인 / 주소
  • Osborne Industries, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 19  인용 특허 : 16


A septic tank structure having first and second lower tank members and a cover member supported on and forming a seal with respective upper ends of the tank members. The tank members each have a closed lower end, an open upper end, and side walls extending between the lower and upper ends to form a


[ What is claimed is:] [1.]1. A septic tank structure, comprising:first and second lower tank members, each of said tank members having a closed lower end, an open upper end, and side walls extending between the lower and upper ends to form a receptacle for receiving waste materials; anda cover memb

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (16) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Adams ; Leon R., Apparatus for treating sewage.
  2. McKinney Jerry L. (P.O. Box 546 Silsbee TX 77656), Apparatus for treating waste water.
  3. Bernhardt Bruno (Reutlingen DEX), Clarifying arrangement for waste water.
  4. Drewery T. Gig (P.O. Box 426 Kountze TX 77625-0426), Diffuser assembly for an aeration system of a wastewater treatment plant.
  5. Nurse ; Jr. Harry L., Filter device.
  6. Drewery T. Gig, Interconnected tank assembly of a wastewater treatment system.
  7. Lee Norman C., Method of fabricating a refuse container.
  8. McKenzie Kenneth M. (Winnipeg CAX) Anderson Wayne R. (Winnipeg CAX) Abrams Lorne (Winnipeg CAX), Molded septic tank.
  9. Warner Lloyd S. (8007 Rickard Rd. Plain City OH 43064), Multi-chambered septic tank with elongated partition crossover conduits.
  10. Fife Jerome J. (Occidental CA), Multi-component fluid tank.
  11. Monteith Joseph Gordon,CAX, Multicell separator.
  12. Berg Robin ; Mallick Kaushik ; Garcia Brian ; Zais Michael, Residential septic tank.
  13. Tracy Lawrence M. (241 Ball Pond Rd. New Fairfield CT 06812), Septic system.
  14. Daniels Byron Charles (R.D. #1 - Box 269-2 Effort PA 18330), Septic system filter assembly, filter arrangement and method of using.
  15. Mondragon ; Jr. Anastacio (P.O. Box 604 Alcalde NM 87511), Sewer system water purifier.
  16. Graham Thomas S. (Loomis CA), Wastewater treatment system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (19) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. McKinney,Jerry L., Aeration vessel for use in aerobic wastewater treatment system.
  2. Luneckas, Darin; Kunert, Steve; Medema, Blayne, Apparatus and method for limiting ice formation.
  3. Nurse, Jr., Harry L.; Terry, III, Theophilus B., Biofilter treatment module.
  4. Joseph Gordon Monteith CA, Method and apparatus for handling water at low and high feed rates.
  5. Frink, Norman, Method and apparatus for removing debris from septic waste.
  6. Edvardsson, Christina; Edvardsson, Tomas, Mobile waste treatment system.
  7. Holbrook, Paul R.; Coppes, Bryan A.; Moore, Jr., Roy E., Molded plastic water storage tank.
  8. Batten, William C.; Kyles, Bruce W.; Prochnau, Kenneth Kaie, Passive grease trap using separator technology.
  9. Batten, William C.; Kyles, Bruce W., Passive grease trap with pre-stage for solids separation.
  10. Roth, Manfred, Plastic underground tank.
  11. Hallahan, Dennis F.; Dix, Stephen P., Radial flow septic tank.
  12. Bolzer,Todd; Rogers,Jeffrey T., Rotationally molded subterranean tank with riser.
  13. Perry, Carlos, Septic tank having a support system and mold for manufacturing same.
  14. Terry, III,Theophilus B., System and method for treating wastewater using coir filter.
  15. Nurse, Jr., Harry L.; Terry, III, Theophilus B., System for treating wastewater.
  16. Graf, Otto P., Tank.
  17. Jaslow,Lee, Toroidal tank.
  18. Weed, Christopher D.; Elliott, David A., Underground septic tank.
  19. Kelty,Charles F., Water collection system.

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