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Thermal retention-device 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H05B-003/34
출원번호 US-0679707 (2000-10-05)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hyatt Gary F.
출원인 / 주소
  • Vesture Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Merchant & Gould P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 8  인용 특허 : 50


A heat retention device is disclosed in the form of a heating pad which includes an electrically resistive coil contained within a volume. The coil terminates at an electric coupler which is external of the volume. A heat retention mass is contained within the volume in thermal conductivity with the


[ What is claimed is:] [1.]1. A method for maintaining the warmth of food, said method comprising:(a) heating a warmer, the warmer comprising:(i) a plastic member defining an interior volume;(ii) a phase change material for storage of latent heat positioned within the interior volume of said plastic

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (50)

  1. Anderson Leslie B. (Easton PA), Absorbent assembly for use as a thermal pack.
  2. Phillips Jerry G. (6800 Cypress Rd. #304 Plantation FL 33317), Anisotropically bendable heating pad.
  3. Salyer Ival O., Article for thermal energy storage.
  4. Clark Frank L. (872 E. Napier Benton Harbor MI 49022), Device for relieving ear pain.
  5. Hartz Marvin E. (39 Stanley Dr. Glastonbury CT 06033), Disposable heat storage unit.
  6. Usui Akio (Tochigi JPX), Disposable warmer holder.
  7. Salyer Ival O. (Dayton OH), Dry powder mixes comprising phase change materials.
  8. Cunningham Paul A. (118 West St. Attleboro MA 02703) Grise Frederick G. J. (137 E. Bay Rd. Osterville MA 02655), Electrical heater and plug.
  9. Kanare Donald M. (P.O. Box 2933 Alameda CA 94501) Abdenour Thomas E. (14644 Outrigger San Leandro CA 94577) Axelgaard Jens (811 Tumbleweed La. Fallbrook CA 92028), Electrical stimulation heat/cool pack.
  10. Seto Hiroshi (549 Enterprise Dr. Rohnert Park CA 94928), Electrically heated portable seat.
  11. Swanton ; Jr. Joseph E. (719 4th Ave. ; NE. Hickory NC 28601), Electrically heated therapeutic pillow.
  12. Bostic William M., Food delivery container.
  13. Solomon Harold D. (Brighton MI) Greve Wayne R. (Canton MI), Food delivery hot bag with electric hot plate.
  14. Frohlich Sigurd ; Koellner Hans Jochen ; Salyer Ival, Food warning device containing a rechargeable phase change material.
  15. Owens Byron C. (Asheboro NC), Footwear with therapeutic pad.
  16. Owens Byron C. (Asheboro NC), Footwear with therapeutic pad.
  17. Walter Henry J. (Wilton CT) Kunz Raymond W. (Monroe CT), Heat retaining appliance.
  18. Johnson Kendrick A. (8242 Queen Ave. S. Bloomington MN 55431), Heat retaining food container.
  19. Suematsu Mitsulu (Urawa JPX), Heat storage mat.
  20. Walter Henry J. (Wilton CT) Kunz Raymond W. (Monroe CT), Heat treating articles.
  21. Schirico John P. (Elmwood Park IL), Heated delivery bag.
  22. Senee Olivier (Annecy FRX) Billet Philippe (Annecy-Le-Vieux FRX), Heating device.
  23. Kamin Sam (6500 Sands Point #513 Houston TX 77074) Spector George (233 Broadway Rm 702 New York NY 10279), Hot or cold bubble insulation sheeting.
  24. Yamashita Kazuo (Ikoma JPX), Latent heat storage apparatus.
  25. Kolodziej, Ronald M., Liquid back support pad for inclined surfaces.
  26. Francis ; Jr. Sam E. (Melbourne FL), Microwavable thermal compress and method and use thereof.
  27. Hughes Thomas E. (P.O. Box 634 Fairhope AL 36533) Seals Calvin L. (908 Daphine Circle Daphne AL 36526), Microwave activated heating element.
  28. Salee Gideon (Dayton OH), Microwaved-activated thermal storage material; and method.
  29. Oscadal Augustin (29262 Union City Blvd. Union City CA 94587), Oil filled body heater.
  30. Dobry Reuven (87 Rolling Wood Dr. Stamford CT 06905), Particulate heating/cooling agents.
  31. Browder Thomas H. (7168 Forest City Road ; Apt. No. 102 Orlando FL 32810), Portable cushion apparatus.
  32. Hawkins Junior F. (3120 W. 16th Wichita KS 67203-1742), Portable oven and an improved method for heating food.
  33. Marney ; Jr. O. Guy (Tulsa OK) McKinley ; Jr. Henry J. (Tulsa OK), Portable thermally insulated case.
  34. Wada Takahiro (Katano JPX) Hiroshi Yoneno (Shiki JPX), Reduced pressure heat storage element and electric heater using the same.
  35. Marx Ronald P. (Grand Chute WI) Cheshire James O. (Neenah WI), Resistance heater for a carryout pizza package or other food items.
  36. Grim Tracy E. (Broken Arrrow OK), Simplified orthopaedic back support.
  37. Tanaka Toshio (Yokohama JPX), Stuffed toy with heater and phase changing heat storage.
  38. Krafft Pam (70 Pemberwick Rd. Greenwich CT 06831), Therapeutic garment.
  39. Feldman Henry L. (8844 Town & Country Blvd. Ellicott City MD 21043) Berman Philip G. (11517 Karen Dr. Potomac MD 20854) Washburn William L. (7704 Jansen Dr. Springfield VA 22152), Therapeutic heat application.
  40. Geldmacher Barbara J. (Rte. 4 ; Box 736 Alvin TX 77511), Therapeutic heat cushion.
  41. Hong James K. (13704 Osborne St. Arleta CA 91331), Therapeutic inflatable lumbar brace having a heater.
  42. Owens Byron C. (Asheboro NC), Therapeutic pad and method.
  43. Thoma Paul E. (Burlington WI), Thermal energy storage apparatus.
  44. Hyatt Gary F., Thermal retention device.
  45. Hyatt Gary F., Thermal retention device.
  46. Hyatt Gary F., Thermal retention device with outer covering receiving a warmer and food to be heated.
  47. Skamser Ingrid (Des Plaines IL), Thermally insulated food bag.
  48. Skamser Ingrid (Hoffman Estates IL), Thermally insulated food bag.
  49. Skamser Ingrid (Hoffman Estates IL), Thermally insulated food bag.
  50. Eckler Paul E. (2705 Hulman St. Terre Haute IN 47803) Hunt Richard B. (1312 Jessamine Rd. Dade City FL 33525), Warming devices and method using a material with a solid-solid phase change.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (8)

  1. Kelly, Teresa Goodman, Apparatus for warming a user and keeping a user warm, a system, and a method.
  2. Parker, April F.; Jenkins, Kevin L., Heated booty.
  3. Grabowski,Brian M.; Atreyapurapu,Rao, Heated delivery system.
  4. Yue,Steven, Heating pad having a phase change material.
  5. Rock, Moshe; Sharma, Vikram, Heating/warming textile articles with phase change components.
  6. Phillips,Richard D., Popcorn heating device.
  7. Swartz, John R.; Lown, Aaron, Sleeve.
  8. Lamb, Vickie, Snow blanket.
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