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[미국특허] Thruster systems for spacecraft station changing, station keeping and momentum dumping 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64G-001/26
출원번호 US-0769936 (2001-01-25)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bernard M. Anzel
출원인 / 주소
  • The Boeing Company
대리인 / 주소
    Terje Gudmestad
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 12  인용 특허 : 10


Spacecraft thruster systems are provided that can realize station changing, station keeping and momentum dumping in spacecraft while minimizing loss of spacecraft service time. The systems are formed with pairs of E and W thrusters, NE and SE thrusters and NW and SW thrusters whose thrust directions


1. A thruster system that facilitates station changing, station keeping and momentum dumping for a spacecraft when it is in an orbital plane with its yaw axis directed substantially at the earth, its roll axis directed substantially along the spacecraft's velocity vector and its pitch axis directed

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Goodzeit Neil Evan ; Ratan Santosh, Adaptive harmonic disturbance compensation system.
  2. Uken Arthur H. (Brigham City UT), Energy efficient solid propellant attitude control system.
  3. Anzel Bernard M. ; Ho Yiu-Hung M. ; Noyola Richard A., Fuel efficient methods for satellite stationkeeping and momentum dumping.
  4. Koppel Christophe,FRX, Method and a system for putting a space vehicle into orbit, using thrusters of high specific impulse.
  5. Anzel Bernard M., Method and apparatus for a satellite station keeping.
  6. Anzel Bernard M. (El Segundo CA), Method and apparatus for a satellite station keeping.
  7. Anzel Bernard M., Method and apparatus for stationkeeping a satellite offset by pitch rotation.
  8. Flament Patrick (Le Cannet FRX) Molina-Cobos Miguel (Madrid ESX), Method for controlling the attitude of a satellite aimed towards a celestial object and a satellite suitable for impleme.
  9. Hujsak Edward J. (La Jolla CA), Space maneuvering vehicle control thruster.
  10. Anzel Bernard M., Stationkeeping and momentum-dumping thruster systems and methods.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (12) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Thomas, Ronald Shawn; Milford, Richard I., Algorithm for simultaneous attitude maneuver and momentum dumping.
  2. Majer, Vaclav, Longitude-drift phase plane control with continuous or quasi-continuous maneuvers.
  3. Anzel, Bernard M.; Ho, Yiu-Hung M., Methods and apparatus for node-synchronous eccentricity control.
  4. Weiss, Avishai; Di Cairano, Stefano; Kalabic, Uros, Model predictive control of spacecraft.
  5. Sobel, Alexander Jacob; Wang, Qinghong W.; Lemke, Gary; Lui, Timothy; Lee, Kangsik; Caplin, Glenn N.; Fontana, Troy Allen, Reorientation of a spinning spacecraft using gimbaled electric thrusters.
  6. Chin, Howard M.; Carraha, Kimberly A., Rocket launch system and supporting apparatus.
  7. Ho, Yiu-Hung M., Simultaneous momentum dumping and orbit control.
  8. Wang, Qinghong W.; Sobel, Alexander Jacob; Lemke, Gary; Lui, Timothy; Lee, Kangsik; Caplin, Glenn N.; Fontana, Troy Allen, Spin stabilization of a spacecraft for an orbit maneuver.
  9. Ho, Yiu-Hung M.; Kurland, Jeffrey A.; Uetrecht, David S., System and methods for simultaneous momentum dumping and orbit control.
  10. Bibighaus, Brian P.; Sciulli, Dominic Anthony; Goodzeit, Neil E.; Milien, Johnny, Thruster arrangement for geosynchronous orbit spacecraft.
  11. Campbell, Brian D.; Goodzeit, Neil E., Thruster orbit control method and configuration.
  12. Campbell, Brian D.; Goodzeit, Neil E., Thruster orbit control method and configuration.

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