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Perforating charge carrier and method of assembly for same 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F42B-003/00
  • C06C-005/04
출원번호 US-0589954 (2000-06-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kevin Alan Gillingham
출원인 / 주소
  • Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Paul I. Herman
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 16


A tubular charge holder assembly for a perforating gun made of a tube having a plurality of pairs of diametrically opposed openings. The pairs of openings are formed over a length of the tube, wherein the each pair has a larger and a smaller opening. A shaped charge is located within the pairs of op


1. A tubular charge holder assembly for a perforating gun comprising:a tube having a plurality of forward openings and a plurality of corresponding rearward openings; a plurality of shaped charges, each having a forward end and a rearward end, each of said shaped charges located within said tube and

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (16)

  1. Rytlewski Gary L. (League City TX), Angularly shaped unitary structured base strip comprised of a specific material adapted for phasing charges in a perfora.
  2. Walker Jerry L. (Ft. Worth TX) Gill Bennie (Burleson TX) Motley Jerry D. (Arlington TX), Apparatus and method for perforating a well.
  3. Christopher Glenn B. (Ft. Worth TX) Motley Jerry D. (Arlington TX), Apparatus for perforating wells.
  4. George Flint R. (Katy TX) Gill Bennie C. (Missouri City TX) Haugen David M. (Houston TX), Apparatus for well completion operations.
  5. Yunan Malak Elias, Hybrid shock tube/LEDC system for initiating explosives.
  6. Regalbuto John A. (Fort Worth TX), Method of assembling a tanged charge holder.
  7. Yunan Malak E. (Boonton Township ; Morris County NJ), Non-electric blasting assembly.
  8. Walker Jerry L. (Fort Worth TX) Lawson James P. (Mansfield TX) Gill Bennie C. (Burleson TX), Perforating charge carrier assembly and method.
  9. Gill Bennie C. (Arlington TX), Shaped charge assembly with retaining clip.
  10. Camp Donald L. (Mansfield TX), Shaped charge mounting system.
  11. Ayers David B. (Houston TX), Shaped charge perforating device.
  12. Garcia Jose B. (Houston TX) Bosse-Platiere Michel J. (Versailles FRX), Shaped charge retention and barrier clip.
  13. Hancock Michael P. (Cleburne TX) Hayes Scott L. (Mansfield TX), Shaped charge with bifurcated projection for detonating cord.
  14. Stout Gregg W. (Montgomery TX) Nelson John A. (Spring TX), Subterranean well casing perforating gun.
  15. Gill Bennie C. (Arlington TX), Well perforating gun and method.
  16. Tseka Thomas C., Wire carrier perforating gun.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13)

  1. Haney, Joseph; Pratt, Dan, Apparatus and method for perforating and fracturing a subterranean formation.
  2. Haney, Joseph; Pratt, Dan W., Apparatus and method for perforating and fracturing a subterranean formation.
  3. Zhang, Guoan; Cheng, Jianlong; Sun, Xianhong, Combined fracturing and perforating method and device for oil and gas well.
  4. Zhang, Guoan; Cheng, Jianlong, Composite perforation method and device with propping agent.
  5. Upchurch, David E.; Noe, Paul E.; Potter, Benjamin O.; Clay, Matthew C.; Pratt, Dan W., Detonating cord clip.
  6. Zhang,Xi; Zhang,Tinghan, High-energy combined well perforating device.
  7. Brooks,James E.; Kneisl,Philip; Zazovsky,Alexander F.; Duhon,Mark C.; Fayard,Alfredo, Propellant fracturing of wells.
  8. LaGrange, Timothy Edward; Andrich, Lyle W.; Day, Cory D.; Pratt, Dan W., Retention member for perforating guns.
  9. Challacombe, Bradley J., Shot perforator device and method for water well bore decommissioning.
  10. Zhang, Guoan; Cheng, Jianlong; Sun, Xianhong, Structure for gunpowder charge in combined fracturing perforation device.
  11. Zhang, Guoan; Cheng, Jianlong; Sun, Xianhong, Structure for gunpowder charge in multi-frac composite perforating device.
  12. Zhang, Guoan; Cheng, Jianlong; Sun, Xianhong, Structure for gunpowder charge in multi-frac composite perforating devices.
  13. Clay, Matthew; Talavera, James, System and method for enhanced wellbore perforations.
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