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[미국특허] Low temperature case hardening processes 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C23C-008/44
  • C23C-008/46
출원번호 US-0570671 (2000-05-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Peter C. Williams
  • Steven V. Marx
출원인 / 주소
  • Swagelok Company
대리인 / 주소
    Calfee, Halter & Griswold, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 20  인용 특허 : 22


A method for case hardening a chromium bearing nickel or ferrous based alloy, for example stainless steel, article, the method including the steps of activating the surface of the article; and carburizing the activated surface at a temperature below that temperature which would promote the formation


1. A method for case hardening a chromium alloy article, the method comprising:activating a surface of the article by disposing the article in a molten alkali metal bath; and carburizing the activated surface at a temperature below that temperature which would promote the formation of carbides.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (22)

  1. Iacovangelo Charles D. (Niskayuna NY), Activation of refractory metal surfaces for electroless plating.
  2. Mycielski Jacek Zygmunt,NLX ; van den Hoven Gerardus,NLX ; Groot Frederik Jan,NLX ; Brouwers Johannes Leonardus Jozefus,NLX, Apparatus for high speed beaming of elastomeric yarns.
  3. Maloney James L. (South Greensburg PA) Tomasello Colleen M. (Scottdale PA), Case carburized stainless steel alloy for high temperature applications.
  4. Stickels Charles Arthur (Ann Arbor MI) Mack Claude Melvin (Ypsilanti MI) Hagler Gary Wayne (Howell MI) Cabadas Eugene Joseph (Fenton MI), Coating method of gas carburizing highly alloyed steels.
  5. Leban Karl (Weiner Neustadt ATX) Schweiger Herbert (Wartberg i. Mrztal ATX), Cold-worked steel of high compressive strength and articles made thereof.
  6. Tahara Masaaki (Takatsuki JPX) Senbokuya Haruo (Tondabayashi JPX) Kitano Kenzo (Kawachinagano JPX) Hayashida Tadashi (Sakai JPX) Minato Teruo (Hashimoto JPX), Loom guide bar blade with its surface nitrided for hardening.
  7. Wahl Georg,DEX ; Willing-Lepenies Rainer,DEX, Method for the Pre-treatment of steel parts prior to salt bath nitriding.
  8. Tahara Masaaki (Takatsuki JPX) Senbokuya Haruo (Tondabayashi JPX) Kitano Kenzo (Kawachinagano JPX) Hayashida Tadashi (Sakai JPX), Method of carburizing austenitic metal.
  9. Tahara Masaaki (Takatsuki JPX) Senbokuya Haruo (Tondabayashi JPX) Kitano Kenzo (Kawachinagano JPX) Hayashida Tadashi (Sakai JPX) Minato Teruo (Hashimoto JPX 4), Method of carburizing austenitic metal.
  10. Tahara Masaaki,JPX ; Senbokuya Haruo,JPX ; Kitano Kenzo,JPX ; Hayashida Tadashi,JPX, Method of carburizing austenitic stainless steel and austenitic stainless steel products obtained thereby.
  11. Yoshino Akira (Osakasayama JPX) Tahara Massaki (Takatsuki JPX) Senbokuya Haruo (Tondabayashi JPX) Kitano Kenzo (Kawachinagano JPX) Minato Teruo (Hashimoto JPX), Method of fluorinated nitriding of austenitic stainless steel screw.
  12. Tahara Masaaki (Osaka JPX) Senbokuya Haruo (Osaka JPX) Kitano Kenzo (Osaka JPX) Hayashida Tadashi (Osaka JPX) Minato Teruo (Wakayama JPX), Method of nitriding austenitic stainless steel products.
  13. Tahara Masaaki (Osaka JPX) Senbokuya Haruo (Osaka JPX) Kitano Kenzo (Osaka JPX) Hayashida Tadashi (Osaka JPX) Minato Teruo (Wakayama JPX), Method of nitriding nickel alloy.
  14. Kitano Kenzo (Kawachinagano JPX) Hashigami Akio (Sanda JPX) Muraoka Takashi (Mino JPX), Method of nitriding steel.
  15. Tahara Masaaki (Takatsuki JPX) Tomoda Takakazu (Sennan JPX) Kitano Kenzo (Kawachinagano JPX) Minato Teruo (Hashimoto JPX), Method of nitriding steel.
  16. Tahara Masaaki (Takatsuki JPX) Tomoda Takakazu (Sennan JPX) Kitano Kenzo (Kawachinagaro JPX) Minato Teruo (Hasimoto JPX), Method of nitriding steel.
  17. Tahara Masaaki (Osaka) Senbokuya Haruo (Osaka) Kitano Kenzo (Osaka) Minato Teruo (Wakayama JPX), Method of nitriding steel and heat treat furnaces used therein.
  18. Yoshino Akira (Osakasayama JPX) Tahara Masaki (Takatuski JPX) Senbokuya Haruo (Tondabayashi JPX) Kitano Kenzo (Kawachinagano JPX) Minato Teruo (Hashimoto JPX), Method of nitriding steel utilizing fluoriding.
  19. Tahara Masaaki (Takatsuki JPX) Tomoda Takakazu (Osaka JPX) Kitano Kenzo (Kawachinagano JPX), Method of pretreating metallic works.
  20. Dajoux Bernard,FRX ; Martin Antoine,FRX, Method of treating ferrous surfaces subjected to high friction strains.
  21. Jakubowski Thomas M. (Salem OR) Wood William G. (Grosse Pointe Farms MI), Process for case hardening steel.
  22. Wahl Georg (Rodenbach DEX), Process for nitrocarburizing components made from steel.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (20)

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  2. Williams, Peter C.; Berry, Tobin; Carlson, George A.; Marshall, Andrew P.; Clason, Mark A.; Bennett, Mark A.; Moghe, Sanjeev S., Fitting for tube and pipe.
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  4. Williams, Peter C.; Clason, Mark; Marshall, Andrew P.; Fruh, Jason; Kvarda, Eric M., Fitting with taper and single ferrule.
  5. Hwang, Kuen-Shyang; Cheng, Li-Hui; Lu, Yung-Chung, Low-temperature stainless steel carburization method.
  6. Hammond, Stephen N.; Trivedi, Udayan; Doubts, Thomas L.; Steckbauer, Douglas C., Method for carburizing steel components.
  7. Hammond,Stephen N.; Trivedi,Udayan; Doubts,Thomas L.; Steckbauer,Douglas C., Method for carburizing steel components.
  8. Hwang, Kuen-Shyang; Cheng, Li-Hui; Lu, Yung-Chung; Fan, Yang-Liang; Chen, Po-Han, Method for improving surface mechanical properties of non-austenitic stainless steels.
  9. Christiansen, Thomas Lundin; Hummelshoj, Thomas Strabo; Somers, Marcel A. J., Method for solution hardening of a cold deformed workpiece of a passive alloy, and a member solution hardened by the method.
  10. Bremer, Cord-Hinrich; Lange, Rolf, Method for the carburization of a deep-drawn part or a stamped-bent part made of austenitic rustproof stainless steel.
  11. Bremer, Cord-Hinrich; Lange, Rolf, Method for the nitro carburization of a deep-drawn part or a stamped-bent part made of austenitic stainless steel.
  12. Moyer, Kenneth A., Nitrogen alloyed stainless steel and process.
  13. Moyer, Kenneth H., Stainless steel carburization process.
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  15. Bennett, Mark A.; Williams, Peter C., Tube fitting.
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