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Computer component retention tray 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47B-081/00
출원번호 US-0471737 (1999-12-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bao G. Le
  • Derek T. Nguyen
  • Lisa Luong
출원인 / 주소
  • Gateway, Inc.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 5  인용 특허 : 36


A spring-loaded disk drive retention tray comprises a first and a second plate moveably engaged to each other. The plates are kept in a closed position relative to each other via tension from a spring. A hard disk drive housing can be inserted into a first edge of the tray, and pressure to insert a


1. A retention tray comprising:a first plate having a first edge, a second plate having a second edge, said first plate and said second plate being moveably engaged, said first edge comprising a first post means for engaging a first corresponding recess in a first edge of a computer component housin

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (36)

  1. Fussell Derrill J. ; Ford Edson E. ; Truesdell Charles, Adaptor sleeve for portable hard drive.
  2. Lin Chin-Chih,TWX, Adjustable keyboard shelf.
  3. Hastings Robert J. (Houston TX) Varghese Paily T. (Tomball TX) Alexander Dennis J. (Spring TX) Babb James F. (Houston TX) Bradshaw John R. (Tomball TX), Apparatus for removably supporting a plurality of hot plug-connected hard disk drives.
  4. Womble J. Scott ; Kuchar ; Jr. Francis A. ; Dewitt John R. ; Neer Jay H., Assembly for removably connecting data storage devices.
  5. Uchiyama Yoshiharu,JPX ; Kurihara Mikio,JPX ; Noguchi Hiroyuki,JPX, Attachment structure for a display device and an equipment in which such structure is provided.
  6. Taesang Kim (Suwon KRX), Cage in computer equipment for locking peripheral equipment therewithin using hooked lockpins.
  7. Jeffries John (Marble Falls TX) Dewey Doug (Pflugerville TX), Carrier for a computer device.
  8. Iwata Hirokimi (Ibaragi JPX) Tamayama Ryuzou (Kanagawa JPX), Compact disk drive arrangement with one disk mounted on top of another.
  9. Francovich Walter,CAX ; Shaanan Gad,CAX ; Hunziker Derek,CAX ; Girard Joseph Germain Maurice Paul,CAX ; Ircha Vladislav,CAX, Computer case having slidably insertable drive housing with U-shaped mounting bracket having inwardly projecting pins on.
  10. Huang Meng-Chou,TWX, Detachable case assembly for computer.
  11. Aoyama Takashi (Tokyo JPX), Disc loading mechanism including a damper mounted in a base plate recess.
  12. Gonzalez Adolpho (San Jose CA) Ray Brian J. (San Jose CA), Disk drive bracket.
  13. Christensen Gordon (Manteca CA) Marceca John (San Jose CA), Disk drive holder and interconnection system.
  14. Furay David M. (Boulder CO), Disk drive with rail mounting arrangement.
  15. Wu Ching Hsiu,TWX, Drawer type hard diskdrive box assembly.
  16. Mills R. Steven ; McAnally Andrew L., Drive bay for alternately orientable computer chassis.
  17. Gildea Larry A. (Kalamazoo MI) Marwah Ramesh (St. Joseph MI), Drive platform assembly with rotatable mounting brackets and automatic grounding bracket.
  18. Cooke Kevin K. (Delray Beach FL) Dewitt John R. (Boca Raton FL) Kerezman Paul A. (Royal Palm Beach FL), Grounding apparatus for rail-mounted devices employed in a computer.
  19. Varghese Paily T. (Tomball TX) Hastings Robert J. (Kingwood TX) Lobato William D. (Spring TX), Hard disc drive support tray apparatus with built-in handling shock reduction, EMI shielding and mounting alignment stru.
  20. Schmitt Ty (Round Rock TX), Hard drive carrier design permitting floating retention of a connector assembly to facilitate blind mating of the connec.
  21. Johnson Greg P., Hardware mounting rail.
  22. Imsdahl John A. (Richfield MN), Insertion, extraction, and clamping apparatus for electrical modules.
  23. McAnally Andrew ; Cook Stephen, Mounting assembly for electronic equipment.
  24. Burke Jonathan C., Mounting assembly for removable installation of electronic components into a housing.
  25. Chen I-Fee,TWX ; Liu Alvin,TWX, Mounting bracket for data processing device.
  26. Jung Hae-Soo,KRX, Personal computer with disk drive mounting structure.
  27. Eldridge Robert A. (Beaverton OR) Unrein Ed J. (Lake Oswego OR) Brown David L. (Milwaukee OR) Noble Scott L. (Beaverton OR), Portable disk drive carrier and chassis.
  28. Singer Richard (Menlo Park CA) Fiorella Charles (Sunnyvale CA) Bolich Bryan (Sunnyvale CA) Willheim David (Los Gatos CA) Hobson ; deceased Stephen (late of Palo Alto CA by Judith Haccou ; administrat, Rack and pinion retaining and release device for removable computer components.
  29. Batta Krishan K. (Canoga Park CA) Bejer Gene (Moorpark CA) Shakibai Ghodratollah (Moorpark CA), Railing with grounding tabs for grounding and mounting computer components in a computer.
  30. Blackborow Richard J. (Cupertino CA) Hahn Peter S. (Fremont CA) Camp Claude E. (Milpitas CA) Westwood Donald C. (Cupertino CA) Florea Rodica (San Jose CA) Botto Eric J. (Palo Alto CA) Richmond Scott , Removable and transportable hard disk subsystem.
  31. Cooke Kevin K. (Delray Beach FL) Dewitt John R. (Boca Raton FL), Removable guide apparatus for a rail-mounted device employed in a computer.
  32. McAnally Andrew (Georgetown TX) Cook Stephen (Georgetown TX), Screwless hard drive mounting in a computer system with a chassis via a first bracket rigidly mounted to the chassis and.
  33. Leong Ming Huat, Self-locking mounting apparatus.
  34. Russell Scott B. (Livermore CA) Nguyen Tuan N. (San Jose CA) Milock Marvin P. (San Jose CA), Shock mounted disk drive module having snap-lock cover.
  35. Larabell Henri J. (10241 Rancho Pl. ; #A Cupertino CA 95104) Knoll Thomas (3075 Hillview Court R55 Surry ; BC CAX V4B 4Z5), Universal bracket and assembly slide for storage devices.
  36. Hileman Vince ; Foo Khim H., Universal hard drive bracket with shock and vibrational isolation and electrical grounding.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (5)

  1. Marroquin,Marco A.; Curlee,James Don; Revell,John D., Apparatus and method for securing a component in an information handling system.
  2. Chiang,Lin Hsu; Chou,Shih Kun; Kao,Pi Min, Electronic device with removable module.
  3. Dennison, Peter E., Equipment clamping assembly having horizontal and vertical clamps for use in rugged and other environments.
  4. Zhang, Guang-Yi; Zhang, Zhe, Expansion card supporting structure.
  5. Li, Zhan-Yang, Mounting apparatus for power supply.
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