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[미국특허] Child resistant carton and method for using the same 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-005/38
  • B65D-005/43
출원번호 US-0922596 (2001-08-03)
발명자 / 주소
  • James Ivor Evans
  • Carl W. Treleaven
출원인 / 주소
  • Scott & Daniells, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Myers Bigel Sibley & Sajovec
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 62  인용 특허 : 23


A child resistant carton assembly includes a carton including a body panel. A locking panel is spaced apart from the body panel. The locking panel and the body panel define a locking chamber therebetween. A tray is slidably mounted in the carton. The tray includes a locking tab adapted to releasably


1. A child resistant carton assembly comprising:a) a carton including: 1) a body panel; 2) a locking panel spaced apart from said body panel, wherein said locking panel and said body panel define a locking chamber therebetween; b) a tray slidably mounted in said carton, said tray including a locking

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (23)

  1. Marie Philippe (Chateauroux FRX), Carton with self locking keel.
  2. Reeve, Randy F., Child resistant container.
  3. Berghahn Walter G. (Scotch Plains NJ), Child resistant tablet package.
  4. Anjou Gunnar (Saltholmsgatan 43 Vstra Frlunda SEX 421 76), Child-proof container.
  5. Anjou Gunnar (Vstra Frlunda SEX), Child-proof container.
  6. Mitsuyama Masuhiro,JPX, Commodity antitheft implement.
  7. Mayled Edward (133 Duke of Kent Pointe Claire ; Quebec CA), Container and closure.
  8. Kelly Thomas K. (Larchmont NY), Container for tablets.
  9. Tannenbaum Michael A. (Freehold NJ), Device for inhibiting removal of an article from a blister container.
  10. Tannenbaum Michael A. (Freehold NJ), Device for inhibiting removal of an article from a blister-type container.
  11. Mahler Steven (Bayside NY), Jacket for a compact disc.
  12. Kageyama Shuhei (Kawagoe JPX) Anzai Shohji (Kawagoe JPX) Ueki Tomiji (Kawagoe JPX) Mitsuya Yoshihide (Kawagoe JPX), Lead dispensing storage container.
  13. Horvath William (Watchung NJ), Moisture proof safety container for pills and the like.
  14. Pora Raymond I. (Brookfield IL), Packaging system for medication.
  15. Kotyuk Bernard (Glendale NY), Pill package.
  16. Howard ; Charles S., Pill-dispensing and storage container.
  17. Lawson Frederick W. (Somerset NJ) Behrend Grace A. (Englishtown NJ) Lindsay Frank E. (Hamilton Township NJ), Resealable container for pulverized materials incorporating fragrance-producing ingredients.
  18. Wisdom ; Trevor C. ; Wisdom ; Leroy J., Safety match box.
  19. Tikka Kyosti (Kauttua FIX), Sliding two-piece box with tear strip.
  20. Sledge Larry C. (Midlothian VA), Tablet dispenser.
  21. Johnstone Scott Bowen ; Jones Brad Allen ; Mellon Mark ; Rigby William Roger, Unit dose packaging system (UDPS) having a child resistant locking feature.
  22. Karow Meredith McHugh, Unit dose packaging system (udps) having a child resistant locking feature.
  23. Heath Edward A. (465 Arapahoe Boulder CO 80302), Unitary collapsible and disposable pet litter container.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (62)

  1. Hession, Christopher J., Blister card for child-resistant package.
  2. Buss,Michael Adam, Blister pack having a tether ultrasonically welded through a lidding and into a rib.
  3. Scott, William Mitchell, Box.
  4. Bellamah, Stephen J., Boxed blister pack having slide and retain feature.
  5. Le, Thanhhung N., Carrier card for peel-open blisters.
  6. Evans, James Ivor; Treleaven, Carl W., Child resistant carton and method for using the same.
  7. Smith, Daniel T.; Thibault, Richard C., Child resistant locking packaging.
  8. Arnold,William, Child resistant product dispenser.
  9. Sattel, Oliver; Adam, Meino; Dambacher, Juergen; Bauernfeind, Dirk; Fuhrmann, Peter; Gertitschke, Detlev; Bugar, Holger, Child-proof carton package.
  10. Sattel, Oliver; Adam, Meino; Dambacher, Juergen; Bauernfeind, Dirk; Fuhrmann, Peter; Gertitschke, Detlev; Bugar, Holger, Child-proof carton package.
  11. Sattel, Oliver; Adam, Meino; Dambacher, Jürgen; Bauernfeind, Dirk; Fuhrmann, Peter; Gertitschke, Detlev; Bugar, Holger, Child-proof carton package.
  12. Weston, Michael H.; Smith, Frank Edward, Child-resistant and senior-friendly eco-friendly pill dispenser blister package.
  13. Weston, Michael H.; Smith, Frank Edward, Child-resistant and senior-friendly eco-friendly pill dispenser blister package.
  14. Weston, Michael H.; Smith, Frank Edward, Child-resistant and senior-friendly eco-friendly pill dispenser blister package.
  15. Weston, Michael H.; Smith, Frank Edward, Child-resistant and senior-friendly eco-friendly pill dispenser blister package.
  16. Weston, Michael H.; Smith, Frank Edward, Child-resistant and senior-friendly eco-friendly pill dispenser blister package.
  17. Brollier, Brian W.; Boase, David, Child-resistant package with latch and retaining feature.
  18. Grosskopf, Glenn A., Child-resistant packaging container and blank.
  19. Grosskopf, Glenn A., Child-resistant packaging container and blank and method for making the same.
  20. Sack, Ryen; Knutson, Curtis A.; Moyer, Thomas, Child-resistant, senior-friendly package having a squeeze-release mechanism and method of assembly.
  21. Buss,Michael, Customizable fold-over card.
  22. Fath, Scott A., Display package.
  23. Fath, Scott A., Display package.
  24. Fath, Scott A.; Cascone, Monika, Display package.
  25. Fischer, Michael, Folding box with a blister pack contained therein.
  26. Hession, Christopher J., Insert for sleeve-and-insert type package.
  27. Paliotta, Michael; Howell, George, Lock and release mechanism of child resistant unit dose package.
  28. Weston, Michael, Lockable container with integral internal tray.
  29. Patwardhan, Tanuja A.; Jones, Marty, Lockable packaging.
  30. Sandberg,Lars; Dehlin,Marcus; Rosentreter,Antje, Locking sleeve package and blank therefor.
  31. Firestone, Bruce A.; Vander Zanden, John Jacob; Terwilliger, Rodney J.; Cheetham, Janet K.; Kurjan, Richard; Kuan, Teresa; Chang, Chin-Ming; Le Espiritu, J. Abraham M., Memantine titration/compliance dosage methods.
  32. McGonagle, Sean; Pankow, Greg; Lewis, J. Randolph; Lee, Victor, Method and system for verification of product transfer from an intermediate loading cartridge to a multi-container blister pack.
  33. Fath, Scott A., Method of displaying electronic vaping device, display packages with divider, blanks for forming display package for containing electronic vaping device, and method of manufacturing display package for electronic vaping device.
  34. McGonagle, Sean; Pankow, Greg; Lewis, J. Randolph; Lee, Victor, Method of loading a multi-dose blister card using a transfer fixture.
  35. McGonagle, Sean; Pankow, Greg; Lewis, J. Randolph; Lee, Victor, Method of loading a multi-dose blister card using a transfer fixture.
  36. McGonagle, Sean; Pankow, Greg; Lewis, J. Randolph; Lee, Victor, Method of loading a multi-dose blister card using intermediate blister cards.
  37. McGonagle, Sean; Pankow, Greg; Marotta, Christina M.; Biesenthal, Amy C.; Valls, William H.; Simmering, Zack, Multi-dose blister card pillbook.
  38. McGonagle, Sean; Pankow, Greg; Lewis, J. Randolph; Lee, Victor, Multi-dose filling machine.
  39. Kälin, Alfred; Krause, Martin, Pack.
  40. Meier, Lucien; van Rijssel, Marcel Leenderd Rodolphe; Collet, Guylann; Andersen, Julia Christina; Tiling, Stephanie Irmgard Pauline, Package.
  41. Bressan, Michel; Gandolla, Alberto; Bressan, Alessio, Package and associated container, process for making said package and said container.
  42. Dehlin, Marcus, Package and insert adapted to form part of a package.
  43. Dehlin, Marcus, Package and insert adapted to form part of a package.
  44. Lewis, J. Randolph, Package for medicine.
  45. Hammond, Carol Lynn; Davis, Nigel, Packaging.
  46. Hammond, Carol Lynn; Davis, Nigel, Packaging.
  47. Hammond, Carol Lynn; Davis, Nigel, Packaging.
  48. Hammond, Carol Lynn; Davis, Nigel, Packaging.
  49. Hession, Christopher Jeffrey, Packaging system with an improved inner structure.
  50. Schwester, Charles, Product package and related method.
  51. Schwester, Charles, Product package and related method.
  52. Albrecht, Kregg; Gaumont, Robert E., Product packaging system with button lock release.
  53. Baker, Michael A.; Schmerling, Richard; Ekdahl, Leonard E.; Kempf, Dawn M.; Davis, Gregory L.; Albrecht, Kregg, Product packaging system with lock release.
  54. Hession, Christopher J., Slide card for selective insertion and withdrawal from a sleeve.
  55. Hession, Christopher J., Slide card for selective insertion and withdrawal from a sleeve.
  56. Hession, Christopher J., Slide card for selective insertion and withdrawal from a sleeve.
  57. Botha, Eugene; Sharpe, Andre, Storage box.
  58. Buss,Michael Adam, System and a method for a V-indent blister opening cavity.
  59. Zanden,John Jacob Vander; Terwilliger,Rodney, Titration/compliance pack with increasing doses.
  60. Zanden,John Jacob Vander; Terwilliger,Rodney, Titration/compliance pack with increasing doses.
  61. Gelardi, John A.; Bertram, Ken; Williams, Ricky N.; Bolognia, David L., Unit dose locking container.
  62. Gelardi, John A.; Huffman, Todd H.; Jones, Brad A.; Rigby, William R.; Sharma, Keshav, Unit dose packaging system with molded locking feature.
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