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[미국특허] Method of applying corrosion, oxidation and/or wear-resistant coatings 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C23C-004/10
출원번호 US-0854820 (2001-05-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Richard Knight
  • Michel W. Barsoum
출원인 / 주소
  • Drexel University
대리인 / 주소
    Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, L.L.P.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 8  인용 특허 : 9


Corrosion-resistant, oxidation-resistant, and/or wear-resistant coatings are made of ternary ceramic compounds of the general formula (I):M2X1Z1 (I) wherein M is at least one transition metal, X is an element selected from the group consisting of Si, Al, Ge, Pb, Sn, Ga, P, S, In, As, Tl and Cd, an


1. A method of coating a surface comprising the steps of:(a) providing a powder of at least one of a ceramic compound of the general formula (I): M2X1Z1 (I) wherein M is at least one transition metal, X is an element selected from the group consisting of Si, Al, Ge, Pb, Sn, Ga, P, S, In, As, Tl an

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  2. Quets Jean M. (Indianapolis IN), Duplex coatings for various substrates.
  3. Browning James A. (c/o Browning Thermal Systems ; Inc. ; P.O. Box 477 Enfield NH 03748), Flame sprayed coatings of material from solid wire or rods.
  4. Gottselig Bernd (Frechen DEX) Gyarmati Ern (Jlich DEX) Naoumidis Aristides (Jlich DEX), Method and components for bonding a silicon carbide molded part to another such part or to a metallic part.
  5. Ashary Adil A. (Indianapolis IN) Tucker ; Jr. Robert C. (Brownsburg IN), Nickel-chromium corrosion coating and process for producing it.
  6. Holleck Helmut (Karlsruhe DEX), Protective layer of hard material with homogeneous distribution of elements.
  7. Billings Garth W., Refractory nitride, carbide, ternary oxide, nitride/oxide, oxide/carbide, oxycarbide, and oxynitride materials and arti.
  8. Karlsson Axel T. (94 Townsend Dr. Middletown NJ 07748) Stand Mille (Apt. 4A ; 117 S. Highland Ave. Ossining NY 10562), Thermal spray apparatus for coating a substrate with molten fluent material.
  9. Browning James A. (c/o Browning Companies ; P.O. Box A ; May St. Enfield NH 03748), Thermal spray method utilizing in-transit powder particle temperatures below their melting point.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (8)

  1. Tarkiainen,Veli Pekka; Muilu,Liisa; Kervinen,Kirsi; Sorsa,Petri, Dewatering member with a composite body for a paper or board machine and method for manufacturing a dewatering member with a composite body for a paper or board machine.
  2. Jovic,Vladimir; Barsoum,Michel, Electrolytic cell and electrodes for use in electrochemical processes.
  3. Sundberg,Mats; Lindgren,Kjell; El Raghy,Tamer; Malmqvist,Gustav, Material for high temperatures.
  4. Amini, Shahram; Strock, Christopher W; Guo, Changsheng, Max phase reinforced polymer matrix composite abradables with enhanced thermal conductivity.
  5. Van Aken, David C.; Baumann, John A.; Lederich, Richard J.; Talwar, Rajesh, Method and sealant for weld joints.
  6. Sundberg,Mats; Lindgren,Kjell; El Raghy,Tamer; Barsoum,Michael, Method of producing a metal-containing single-phase composition.
  7. Van Aken, David C.; Kato, Yoshihide, Sealants for structural member joints and methods of using same.
  8. Gupta, Surojit; Palanisamy, Thirumalai G.; Barsoum, Michel; Li, Chien Wei, Ternary carbide and nitride materials having tribological applications and methods of making same.

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