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[미국특허] Toothbrush head with stepped bristle array 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 04-02
출원번호 US-0154688 (2002-01-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Harada, Stephen D.
대리인 / 주소
    Holland & Knight LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 5  인용 특허 : 59


초록이 없습니다.


20001221, 2000-134553

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (59) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Key John R. (709 Scurry Big Spring TX 79720), Angular headed toothbrush.
  2. Harada Stephen D., Anterior lingual toothbrush.
  3. Von Stein Paul, Bristled head for a toothbrush.
  4. Kreyer ; Jr. Robert E. (623 Redwood Ave. Corte Madera CA 94925), Dental brush.
  5. Parina Emil (19600 Milan Dr. Maple Heights OH 44137), Denture brush.
  6. Huish Frederic G. (3771 Ingraham St. San Diego CA 92109), Double sulcus toothbrush.
  7. Chan Boon Su (Batu 10¼Kubang Jelai Jalan Tokai 06660 Alor Setar ; Kedah MYX), Double-headed toothbrush.
  8. Choy-Maldonado Gina N. (24 Calle 0-63 ; Zona 1 Guatemala City 01001 GTX), Lingual brush.
  9. Ahrens Patricia (2217 Knollhaven Simi Valley CA 93065) Masse Patrick J. (Woodland Hills CA), Multi-brush denture cleaning device.
  10. Heinzelman Bert D. (Tenafly NJ) Lamond Donald R. (Long Beach NY) Moldauer John (Brooklyn NY), Multi-level bristle tuft toothbrush.
  11. Holzwarth Henry A. (Bayside NY) Wark John D. (Freeport NY), Plaque removal brush.
  12. Curtis John P. (Bloomsbury NJ) Rustogi Kedar N. (Kendall Park NJ) Crawford John C. (Lake Mahopac NJ) Kemp James H. (North Brunswick NJ) Mintel Thomas E. (Rahway NJ) Heinzelman Bert D. (Tenafly NJ) La, Plaque removing toothbrush.
  13. Barman Rolf (Olav Kyrregst. 45 N-5000 Bergen NOX), Process for producing tooth brushes and blanks for use for same.
  14. Harada Stephen D., Set of bristles for a toothbrush.
  15. Amin Jatin N., Tongue cleaner.
  16. Wilkes David B. (3101 East ; 3300 North Twin Falls ID 83301) Wilkes Lucille (3101 East ; 3300 North Twin Falls ID 83301), Tooth brush with helical bristles and method.
  17. Anderson Ray Charles, Toothbrush.
  18. Curtis John P. (Bloomsbury NJ) Rustogi Kedar N. (Kendall Park NJ) Crawford John C. (Lake Mahopac NY) Kemp James H. (North Brunswick NJ) Mintel Thomas E. (Rahway NJ) Heinzelman Bert D. (North Bergen N, Toothbrush.
  19. Fay Andreas (Vienna ATX), Toothbrush.
  20. Fleisher Mae (1500 Locust St. ; Apartment 1705 Philadelphia PA 19102), Toothbrush.
  21. Haddad Michael J. (10980 Palms Blvd. #1 Los Angeles CA 90210), Toothbrush.
  22. Harada Stephen D., Toothbrush.
  23. Hill Percy H. (Silver Lake NH), Toothbrush.
  24. Hill Percy H. (Winchester MA) Kreifeldt John G. (Winchester MA), Toothbrush.
  25. Jagger Vivienne D. (West Perth WA), Toothbrush.
  26. Key John R. (709 Scurry Big Spring TX 79720), Toothbrush.
  27. Macaluso Kenneth C. (130 Glencoe San Antonio TX 78212), Toothbrush.
  28. Marthaler Thomas (Zurich CHX) Witzig-Jaggi Uli (Wolfhausen CHX), Toothbrush.
  29. Marthaler Thomas (Zurich CHX) Witzig-Jggi Uli (Wolfhausen CHX), Toothbrush.
  30. O\Conke James R. (4245 E. 71st St. Cleveland OH 44105), Toothbrush.
  31. Porper Robert P. (New York NY), Toothbrush.
  32. Rethman Michael P. (12117 Blue Flag Way Colombia MD 21044), Toothbrush.
  33. Schneider Peter (Koenigstein DEX), Toothbrush.
  34. Schneider Peter (Konigstein DEX), Toothbrush.
  35. Sung-shan Peng (P.O. Box 19-252 Taipei TWX), Toothbrush.
  36. Vieten Michael J. (81 Eighth Ave. Brooklyn NY 11215), Toothbrush.
  37. Willis Brian D. (Edson CAX), Toothbrush.
  38. Woll Margo Y. (3311 Woodview Lake Rd. West Bloomfield MI 48033) Woll Douglas R. (3311 Woodview Lake Rd. West Bloomfield MI 48033), Toothbrush.
  39. Yost Kevin G. (Short Hills NJ) Trojanowski Alan G. (Monmouth Junction NJ), Toothbrush.
  40. Zeski Stephen J. (1009 Broadway Rockford IL 61104), Toothbrush.
  41. Piero Montorsi (Bologna ITX), Toothbrush and toothbrush holder, therefor.
  42. Clarke A. R. Hyde (Old Greenwich CT), Toothbrush assembly.
  43. Papas Sophia (49 Mellow La. Jericho NY 11753), Toothbrush contoured to the human mouth.
  44. Kim Il Pyung (1023 N. Charles St. Baltimore MD 21201) Kim Hyung C. (1023 N. Charles St. Baltimore MD 21201), Toothbrush device.
  45. Berge Harald,CZX, Toothbrush for brushing teeth and massaging gums.
  46. Hirschmann Jean E., Toothbrush for cleaning of the arch of human teeth.
  47. Peterson ; Vacharee S., Toothbrush for simultaneous-surface and sulcus cleaning.
  48. Dair Thomas M. (Valley Cottage NY) Formosa Daniel J. (Montvale NJ) Stathis Peter (Cold Spring NY) Stowell David B. (New York NY) Yost Kevin G. (Short Hills NJ) Chen Albert C. (East Brunswick NJ), Toothbrush handle.
  49. Schneider Bernard S. (7031 Aracoma Dr. Cincinnati OH 45237), Toothbrush having multiple brushing surface configurations.
  50. Falleiros Alexander Petrocini,BRX ; Reinesch Bernard,BRX ; Lima Paulo Rogerio Braga,BRX, Toothbrush head.
  51. Heinzelman Bert D. (Tenafly NJ) Lamond Donald R. (Long Beach NY) Moldauer John (Brooklyn NY), Toothbrush head.
  52. Harada Stephen D., Toothbrush head with bristles.
  53. Butler C. P. ; Butler ; Jr. F. M., Toothbrush with bendable head.
  54. Dietrich ; Ursula, Toothbrush with curved handle.
  55. Rahman Awaruddin A. (330 NW. 20th St. ; Apt. 110 Boca Raton FL 33431), Toothbrush with disposable head.
  56. Schiffer Carl (Neustadt/Wied DEX) Meyer Berthold (Neustadt/Wied DEX), Toothbrush with flexible head.
  57. Moskovich Robert (East Brunswick NJ), Toothbrush with improved efficacy.
  58. Gentile James L. (Orange CT) Meenan Joseph E. (Pleasantville NY), Toothbrush with movable head.
  59. Dinner Mark E. W. (27 Twain Cir. ; R.D. #1 Sugarloaf PA 18249), Toothbrushes.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Kilian, Robert; Kane, Kevin; Kabatsi, Chris, Architectural fixture.
  2. Kilian, Robert; Kane, Kevin; Kabatsi, Chris, Architectural fixture.
  3. Kilian, Robert; Kane, Kevin; Kabatsi, Chris, Architectural fixture.
  4. Kilian, Robert; Kane, Kevin; Kabatsi, Chris, Architectural fixture.
  5. Kilian, Robert; Kane, Kevin; Kabatsi, Chris, Architectural fixture.

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