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[미국특허] Shock actuated responsive mechanism for vertical fluid valve assemblies 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G05G-017/00
  • F16K-017/36
출원번호 US-0160981 (2002-05-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Sibley, Richard B.
  • Christensen, Sr., Richard F.
  • Keller, William F.
출원인 / 주소
  • Pacific Seismic Products, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Rozsa, Thomas I.Chen, Tony D.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 23  인용 특허 : 4


A vertical shock responsive fluid valve assembly capable of automatically closing a fluid valve in response to earthquake forces or other shock forces of a predetermined magnitude. The vertical shock responsive valve assembly has a flow control mechanism having a cradle that holds a movable ball in


A vertical shock responsive fluid valve assembly capable of automatically closing a fluid valve in response to earthquake forces or other shock forces of a predetermined magnitude. The vertical shock responsive valve assembly has a flow control mechanism having a cradle that holds a movable ball in

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (4)

  1. Sibley Richard D. (Anaheim CA) Keller William F. (Covina CA), Shock actuated device.
  2. Ikegaya Takashi (Tokyo CA JPX) Sibley Richard D. (Anaheim CA) Keller William F. (San Dimas CA), Shock actuated valve.
  3. Keller William F. (West Covina CA) Sibley Richard D. (Anaheim CA), Shock responsive device.
  4. Bourne Douglas A. (466 W. Valley Stream Blvd. Valley Stream NY 11580), Universal trip valve operators and trip actuating seismic vibration sensors and transducers therefor.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (23)

  1. Bartel, Karl C.; Penwell, Chris, DC and RF pass broadband surge suppressor.
  2. Penwell, Chris; Dickman, Edward John, DC block RF coaxial devices.
  3. Penwell, Chris; Bartel, Karl C., DC pass RF protector having a surge suppression module.
  4. Bartel, Karl C.; Swart, Russell, DC power surge protector.
  5. Howard, Mathew; Dole, Michael; Palmer, Randall, Fail open or fail short surge protector.
  6. Jones, Jonathan L.; Chang, Louis Ki Won, High power band pass RF filter having a gas tube for surge suppression.
  7. Jones, Jonathan L.; Chang, Louis Ki Won, High power band pass RF filter having a gas tube for surge suppression.
  8. Penwell, Chris; Jones, Jonathan L., Internally powered earthquake triggered and electrically controllable shutoff valve.
  9. Colak, Ibrahim, Mechanical earthquake valve with orifice shut off.
  10. Dane, Kelly A.; Magee, William K.; Bokma, Peter R., Modular protection cabinet with flexible backplane.
  11. Howard, Matt; Hepler, Matt, Power distribution device.
  12. Jones, Jonathan L.; Penwell, Chris, RF coaxial surge protectors with non-linear protection devices.
  13. Plass, Timothy M.; Bokma, Peter R., Radio frequency surge protector with matched piston-cylinder cavity shape.
  14. Jones, Jonathan L.; Penwell, Chris, Rail surge voltage protector with fail disconnect.
  15. Nguyen, Eric, Reduced let through voltage transient protection or suppression circuit.
  16. Tollefsbol, Trevor O.; Nguyen, Eric, Rigid flex electromagnetic pulse protection device.
  17. Tollefsbol, Trevor Orion; Nguyen, Eric; Griffith, Jonah; Miller, Phelan, Sealed enclosure for protecting electronics.
  18. Minato, Tod; Kent, Ezra; Quintana, Rafael, Seismically activated gas shut-off valve.
  19. Sibley, Richard D.; Keller, William F.; Stoner, Dayna Sibley, Shock actuated responsive mechanism with improved safety means to prevent over-rotation of the valve reset mechanism.
  20. Bishop, Roger; Penwell, Chris; Jones, Jonathan L., Surge current sensor and surge protection system including the same.
  21. Jones, Jonathan L.; Penwell, Chris, Surge protection circuit for passing DC and RF signals.
  22. Jones, Jonathan L.; Chang, Louis Ki Won, Surge protection devices that fail as an open circuit.
  23. Penwell, Chris; Jones, Jonathan L.; Klobassa, Bogdan B., Surge suppression device having one or more rings.
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