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[미국특허] Process for the vitrification of a pulverulent material and apparatus for implementing the process 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C03B-005/183
출원번호 US-0446299 (2000-03-14)
우선권정보 FR-0007720 (1997-06-20)
국제출원번호 PCT/FR98/01268 (1998-06-18)
국제공개번호 WO98/58882 (1998-12-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Labrot, Maxime
  • Beudin, Vincent
  • Guihard, Bruno
  • Pineau, Didier
출원인 / 주소
  • Europlasma, Societe Anonyme d'Economie Mixte Communautaire de Gestion, Aeropatiale Societe Nationale Industrielle
대리인 / 주소
    Oblon, Spivak, McClelland, Maier & Neustadt, P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 9  인용 특허 : 8


The present invention relates to a vitrification process for a pulverulent material and an apparatus for implementing said process. The process consists in introducing the pulverulent material into the fusion area of a furnace via injection means, where it is melted by means of at least one plasma t


The present invention relates to a vitrification process for a pulverulent material and an apparatus for implementing said process. The process consists in introducing the pulverulent material into the fusion area of a furnace via injection means, where it is melted by means of at least one plasma t

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (8)

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  2. Macedo Pedro B. (Bethesda MD) Pegg Ian L. (Alexandria VA) Hojaji Hamid (Bethesda MD) Mohr Robert K. (Washington DC) Brandys Marek (Bethesda MD), Method and apparatus for eliminating volatiles or airborne entrainments when vitrifying radioactive and/or hazardous was.
  3. Carter George W. (800 Chapman Blvd. Ottawa CAX K1G 1T9) Tsangaris Andreas (29 Confederation Private Ottawa CAX K1V 9W6), Municipal solid waste disposal process.
  4. Alvi Obaid U. (Richardson TX) Toor Irfan A. (Plano TX), Plasma arc decomposition of hazardous wastes into vitrified solids and non-hazardous gasses.
  5. McLaughlin David F. (Oakmont PA) Dighe Shyam V. (North Huntingdon PA) Gass William R. (Plum Boro PA), Plasma vitrification of waste materials.
  6. Dighe Shyam V. (North Huntingdon PA) Taylor ; Jr. Raymond F. (Irwin PA) Steffen Robert J. (Whitehall PA) Rohaus David M. (Jeannette PA), Process and apparatus for treatment of excavated landfill material in a plasma fired cupola.
  7. Bitler John A. (Denver PA) Baranski John P. (Sinking Spring PA), Process for remediation of lead-contaminated soil and waste battery.
  8. Bullmann Guido (Essen DEX), Process for the simultaneous smelting of dust and incinerator slag.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (9)

  1. Legein, Filip; Vanlandeghem, Anthony; Martens, Peter, Coated electronic devices and associated methods.
  2. Wang, Zhongming; Weil, Scott; Gullinkala, Tilak; Vempati, Udaya; Kadur, Shivakumar S., Glass furnace.
  3. Wang, Zhongming; Weil, Scott; Gullinkala, Tilak; Vempati, Udaya; Kadur, Shivakumar S., Glass furnace.
  4. Wang, Zhongming; Weil, Scott; Gullinkala, Tilak; Vempati, Udaya; Kadur, Shivakumar S., Glass furnace with bottom material feed.
  5. Deegan, David; Chapman, Chris; Ismail, Saeed, Hazardous waste treatment process.
  6. Yang, Sheng-Fu; Lee, Yung-Woou; Wang, To-Mai; Lee, Wen-Cheng; Sun, Kin-Seng; Chen, Ching-Liang; Tzeng, Chin-Ching, Manufacturing device for producing mineral fibers from incinerator ashes and its plasma-vitrified slag.
  7. Hory, Arnaud, Method for melting at least one powdered mineral material.
  8. Hanus,Gary J.; Reeve,Rodney E.; Stahl,Todd J., Plasma torch with corrosive protected collimator.
  9. Girold, Christophe; Bruguiere, Lionel; Boen, Roger; Bonnetier, Armand; Bojat, Louis, Vitrification furnace with dual heating means.
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