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Conveyor device 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65G-023/00
  • B65G-023/14
  • B65G-015/54
  • B65G-017/38
  • B65G-017/06
출원번호 US-0827400 (2001-04-06)
우선권정보 IT-0001066 (2000-05-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Luigi, Reguzzi
대리인 / 주소
    Hedman & Costigan, P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 6  인용 특허 : 8


A conveyor device comprises a conveyor belt including a plurality of slidable links which can slide on guiding elements. The conveyor belt is driven by a timing belt through link teeth formed on each of the links, and designed for engaging corresponding teeth of the timing belt.


1. A conveyor device comprising a conveyor belt, including a plurality of links having link teeth, said conveyor belt sliding on guide means supported by a supporting frame, said conveyor device including a timing belt slidably supported on said supporting frame and having timing belt teeth for driv

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (8)

  1. Burger Raymond (7 Place de la Fleur 68160 Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines FRX), Articulated metallic band apparatus, particularly for conveying heavy loads.
  2. Odink Albert Jan,NLX, Conveyor belt and transporting device provided therewith.
  3. Kissee Darrell E. (Kenner LA), Drive system for modular link conveyor belts.
  4. Hook Christopher A. ; Bailey Ronald L., Movable backup bar assembly.
  5. Majewski ; Sr. Theodore J. (Clermont FL) Lee Phillip L. (Leesburg FL), Plate-type conveyor utilizing improved power applying means.
  6. Murano Tetsuya,JPX ; Kitagawa Seiji,JPX ; Suko Tomoo,JPX, Speed-increasing and accumulating conveyor chain.
  7. Krismanth Kenneth A. (Strongsville OH) Osowski Denis J. (Maple Hts. OH), Tandem belt conveyor system.
  8. Stebnicki James C., Thermoplastic chain link for a modular conveyor chain.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (6)

  1. Kirkpatrick, Jr., Paul Edward; Marshall, Angela Longo; Landrum, John F.; Rosen, Robert L., Conveyor system with transfer belts.
  2. Yoon, Woo-Keun, Direct acting extensible and retractable arm mechanism, and robot arm provided with direct acting extensible and retractable arm mechanism.
  3. Muller, Erwin, Drive for conveyor means or conveyed objects.
  4. Reguzzi,Luigi, Endless chain for conveying panels and the like to be processed.
  5. Cornelissen, Leonardus Adrianus Catharinus; Verduijn, Gijsbertus Johannes, Module for a conveyor mat, modular conveyor mat and conveyor.
  6. van de Loecht, Heinrich, Transporting apparatus with articulated conveying element.
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