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[미국특허] Semi-cylindrical bucket and tool holder 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-085/00
출원번호 US-0836308 (2001-04-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Godshaw, Donald E.
  • Redzisz, Andrzej M.
출원인 / 주소
  • Travel Caddy Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Banner & Witcoff, Ltd.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 54  인용 특허 : 18


A semi-cylindrical bucket and tool holder includes a molded plastic bucket enclosed and supported by a canvas bag having adjustable bottom straps and a top hook for attachment to the rung of a ladder.


1. A tool carrier comprising, in combination: a rigid bucket having a semi-cylindrical configuration with a flat side wall joined to a generally semi-cylindrical side wall; a bottom wall, an open top and a handle joined to the semi-cylindrical side wall, at a first and a second spaced connection

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (18) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Urbanski Mitchell P., Apron for retaining articles on a bucket.
  2. Fang Liping, Article transport and organizer.
  3. Dent Robert (4145 W. 3800 South West Valley UT 84120), Bucket attachment tool holder.
  4. Dancyger Michael (811 W. 58th St. Los Angeles CA 90037), Bucket mounted tool carrier.
  5. Maire Paul R. ; Fierek David P., Bucket mounted tool carrier.
  6. Maire Paul R. ; Fierek David P., Bucket mounted tool carrier.
  7. Hubert Jack J., Bucket tool organizer with holster.
  8. Fleming Bruce (P.O. Box 154 River Pines CA 95675), Implement retainer.
  9. Lungo Philip M., Ladder bag.
  10. Kornblatt David A., Ladder mounted tool belt carrier.
  11. Campagna Paul ; DeMange Francis Petit, Ladder pouch.
  12. Armstrong Robert John, Ladder saddle.
  13. Hurt Daniel P., Portable vessel receptacle.
  14. Fierek David P. (Duluth MN) Fierek Robert W. (Duluth MN), Toll organizer.
  15. Russell Edmund O. ; Paulsen Michael, Tool and fastener holder with detachable holding belt.
  16. Riccabona Michael A., Tool bucket with electrical cord storage.
  17. Lindsay Brian K. (Box 267K ; Braddock Ave. Hammonton NJ 08037), Tool holder for bucket.
  18. Stein Harvey L. (22 Eastern Ave. Annapolis MD 21403), Tool pouch for bucket.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (54) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Cudney,Dennis, Accessory container attachment for a paint can.
  2. Kinskey, Terrence P., Air gun holster pouch and method of using the same.
  3. Cooper, Lauren, Animal waste pail.
  4. Kinskey, Terrence P., Backing for tool pouch.
  5. Kawamoto, Steven A.; Linquist, John, Backpack.
  6. Hoppe, Christopher S.; Hyma, Steven W.; Squiers, Grant T.; Stearns, Michael, Bag.
  7. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Bondhus, Andy; Nichols, Steve Charles; Bosway, Andrew M.; Hotchkiss, Tobias; Zuck, Dennis, Bucket.
  8. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Bondhus, Andy; Nichols, Steve Charles; Bosway, Andrew M.; Hotchkiss, Tobias; Zuck, Dennis, Bucket.
  9. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Bondhus, Andy; Nichols, Steve Charles; Bosway, Andrew M.; Hotchkiss, Tobias; Zuck, Dennis, Bucket.
  10. Roney, Jeffrey T.; Muhlenkamp, Eric E., Caddy for vacuum cleaner tool and accessories.
  11. Kostner, Justin B., Canvas lift bucket with safety cover.
  12. Kinskey, Terrence P., Clip-on air gun holster.
  13. Hugher, Jeff, Collapsible tree stand device with integrated storage and mounting system.
  14. Bachman, Tim; Leyden, Matthew Vail; Trifilio, Christian Richard; Waffensmith, Jeff; St. Michel, Rod, Components to allow buckets to be used as structural or alternative elements.
  15. Bachman, Tim; Leyden, Matthew Vail; Trifilio, Christian Richard; Waffensmith, Jeff; St. Michel, Rod, Components to allow buckets to be used as structural or alternative elements.
  16. Murray,Christopher J., Cord-based accessory caddy and hand-held steam vacuum.
  17. Kortum, Philip Ted; Sullivan, Marc Andrew; Brandt, Jeffrey Lewis, Device, system, and method for managing television tuners.
  18. Kortum, Philip Ted; Sullivan, Marc Andrew; Brandt, Jeffrey Lewis, Device, system, and method for managing television tuners.
  19. Kinskey, Terrence P., Drill holster pouch.
  20. Popier, Ladislav, Drywall accessory holder and associated use thereof.
  21. Mikesell, Sr., Andrew, Extension ladder toolbox.
  22. Kinskey, Terrence P., Full apron tool belt.
  23. Kinskey, Terrence P., Hand tool pouch.
  24. Begin, Jason; Connelly, Jacob, Ice bucket.
  25. Takach, Robert J., Ladder caddy.
  26. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Bondhus, Andy; Nichols, Steve Charles; Bosway, Andrew M.; Hotchkiss, Tobias; Zuck, Dennis, Lid.
  27. Cicero,Vincent P., Magnetic health club accessory.
  28. Testaverde, Thomas R, Multi-function hopper gun stand/tool holder/work platform.
  29. Wang,Wen Tsan, Organizer.
  30. Toleski, Steven A., Paint carrier and organizer.
  31. Kyle, James William, Portable hanging toolbox.
  32. Lungo,Philip M., Portable tool carrier for step ladders.
  33. Torres,Jose; Torres,Sonia, Portable tool storage apparatus.
  34. Martin, Joseph M.; Cook, Albert L., Portable, self-contained soldering system.
  35. Martin, Joseph M.; Cook, Albert L., Portable, self-contained soldering system.
  36. Nish, Jeffery Lynn, Sportsmen's utility bucket cover apparatus and method.
  37. Mikesell, Sr., Andrew, Storage ladder.
  38. Arena, William, System and method for attaching tools to a bucket.
  39. Kinskey, Terrence P., Three pocket framer pouch.
  40. Kinskey, Terrence P.; Williams, Matthew G., Tiered tool holder.
  41. Kinskey, Terrence P.; Williams, Matthew G., Tool holder.
  42. Pohot, James Bryan, Toolbox and tool mount for aerial work platform.
  43. Seiders, Roy Joseph; Bondhus, Andy; Nichols, Steve Charles; Bosway, Andrew M.; Hotchkiss, Tobias; Zuck, Dennis, Tray.
  44. Kinskey, Terrence P., Triple snap pouch.
  45. Kinskey, Terrence P., Two pocket framer pouch.
  46. Kinskey, Terrence P., Two pocket small framer pouch.
  47. Gummo, Diane, Utility caddy.
  48. Rane, Mark Carlson; Desroches, Donald Edward; Seiders, Roy Joseph; Hotchkiss, Tobias, Utility wrap.
  49. Rane, Mark Carlson; Desroches, Donald Edward; Seiders, Roy Joseph; Hotchkiss, Tobias, Utility wrap.
  50. Rane, Mark Carlson; Desroches, Donald Edward; Seiders, Roy Joseph; Hotchkiss, Tobias, Utility wrap.
  51. Rane, Mark Carlson; Desroches, Donald Edward; Seiders, Roy Joseph; Hotchkiss, Tobias, Utility wrap.
  52. Rane, Mark Carlson; Desroches, Donald Edward; Seiders, Roy Joseph; Hotchkiss, Tobias, Utility wrap.
  53. Rane, Mark Carlson; Desroches, Donald Edward; Seiders, Roy Joseph; Hotchkiss, Tobias, Utility wrap.
  54. Snider,Gregory S.; Busschaert,Jason; Read,Clifford D.; Sirois,Michael G.; Pangerc,James E., Work box.

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