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[미국특허] Golf bag cart 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B62B-001/00
출원번호 US-0038621 (2002-01-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Su, Po-Tang
대리인 / 주소
    Varndell & Varndell, PLLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 16  인용 특허 : 12


A golf bag cart is constructed to includes a golf bag and a cart adapted for supporting and carrying the golf bag, the golf bag having two lateral plug holes and a front springy retaining block, the card having a retaining hole adapted for receiving the springy retaining block of the bottom cuff of


1. A golf bag cart comprising: a golf bag, said golf bag comprising a plastic bottom cuff, a front carrying handle, a shoulder strap, a front pulling strap, and a rear foldaway stand; and a cart adapted for carrying said golf bag, said cart comprising a base frame, two wheel holders provided at

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (12)

  1. Kijima, Ryodo, Carrying apparatus for golf bag.
  2. Cheng Ying-Hsiung,TWX, Detachable device of a stroller wheel.
  3. Berfield Robert C. (Jersey Shore PA) Crevling ; Jr. Robert L. (Williamsport PA), Dolly bumper.
  4. Berfield Robert C. (Jersey Shore PA) Crevling ; Jr. Robert L. (Williamsport PA) Rightnour Donald G. (Cogan Station PA), Dolly with tank holding device.
  5. Berfield Robert C. (Jersey Shore PA), Dolly with tank latch.
  6. Kaneko Nariie,JPX, Golf bag.
  7. Tan Fu-Hsing,TWX, Golf bag bottom structure.
  8. Fu-Hsing Tan TW, Golf bag carrier.
  9. Otto Sciulli, Golf cart.
  10. Derito Horacio P. (Buenos Aires ARX), Golf club bag cart.
  11. Gordon Liao TW, Lower supporter for a golf cart.
  12. Yang Fu-Hsiung,TWX, Wheeled golf bag support base and associated handle.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (16)

  1. Cheng,Wen Chien, Bottom cuff of golf bag.
  2. Cheng,Wen Chien, Bottom cuff of golf bag.
  3. Cheng,Wen Chien, Bottom cuff of golf bag.
  4. Myers, Chris; Johnson, Tony; Smith, Howard, Golf bag.
  5. Tsu, Hsueh-Yi, Golf bag.
  6. Anderson, Douglas W.; Quartarone, Frank A., Golf bag bottoms and methods to manufacture golf bag bottoms.
  7. Anderson, Douglas W.; Quartarone, Frank A., Golf bag bottoms and methods to manufacture golf bag bottoms.
  8. Anderson, Douglas W.; Quartarone, Frank A., Golf bag bottoms and methods to manufacture golf bag bottoms.
  9. Blomgren, Hans, Golf bag carrier.
  10. Sanchez, Carlos E., Golf bag dolly assembly.
  11. Foxman, Theodore D., Golf bag having a removable golf bag.
  12. Hecht, Abe, Golf trolley, systems, and related methods.
  13. Liao, Gordon, Golf-cart upper support frame.
  14. Frank, Roy W., Retractable golf bag wheel assembly.
  15. St?ckler,Heinz, Transporter for a foldable tent.
  16. Wilmarth,Ralph H, Wheeled golf bag carrier.
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