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[미국특허] Stack of fan folded material and combinations thereof 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47K-010/24
출원번호 US-0871020 (2001-05-31)
발명자 / 주소
  • Sosalla, Gerald Keith
  • Huang, Yung Hsaing
출원인 / 주소
  • Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Bendel, Michael J.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 85


The invention relates to a stack of fan folded material and related systems and processes. The stack includes at least two clips of fan folded material. Each clip includes a plurality of fan folded sheets, with each sheet joined to at least one adjacent sheet by a weakened line. Each clip is joined


1. A dispensing system for fan folded material comprising: a dispenser comprising a base and a top enclosing an interior; a stack of fan folded material stored in the interior, the top comprising an opening through which the fan folded material can pass to an external position outside the dispen

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (85) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Pellegrino Mark J. (3426 Briton Cir. NW. Canton OH 44708), Adhesive bandage dispensing system.
  2. Feer David L. (Medina OH), Adhesive note pad paper dispenser.
  3. Hathaway, John M., Apparatus and process for separating and removing bundles of sheets.
  4. Hathaway John M. (Green Bay WI), Apparatus and process for separating stacks of sheets into bundles.
  5. Thompson Joseph (Bergen County NJ), Apparatus for dispensing articles.
  6. ten Wolde Anne W. (Duindoornlaan 30 Bentveld 2116 TL NLX), Apparatus for dispensing towels and zig zag folded towel packet.
  7. Howard John A. (Bedford GB2), Apparatus for dispensing wet wipes.
  8. Reynolds James R. (Spartanburg SC), Apparatus for producing sealed edge knit wiping cloths.
  9. Muckenfuhs Delmar R. (Middletown OH) Bavely Jane L. (Cincinnati OH), Apparatus for sequential dispensing of tissues and process of dispensing tissues using such an apparatus.
  10. Harrison Thomas S. (Deer Isle ME), Arrangement for sealing a bag containing pre-moistened towelettes and for dispensing towelettes therefrom.
  11. Compton Stephen F. (Wellford SC) Thomas Richard D. (Mauldin SC), Bag dispensing package.
  12. Masui Toshimune (4-3 ; Okata ; 3-chome Kashiwara-shi ; Osaka JPX), Box containing facial tissues.
  13. Marino Michael, Cap for moist tissue dispensers.
  14. Buczwinski Carey Alix ; Larson Todd Christopher ; Serbiak Annamaria ; Astoreca Alfred Jack ; Piscopo Peter Anthony ; Seager Richard Herman, Container.
  15. Margulies Herman (Westfield NJ), Container and dispensing plate for a roll of premoistened towelettes.
  16. Buczwinski Carey Alix ; Larson Todd Christopher ; Serbiak Annamaria ; Astoreca Alfred Jack ; Piscopo Peter Anthony ; Seager Richard Herman, Container for wet wipes having an improved closure mechanism.
  17. Amundson John David,GBX ; Hammonds Yvette Lynn ; Creighton Zoe Samantha,GBX ; van den Broek Lucas Karel Johannes,NLX ; van Amerongen Gerard,NLX ; Saunders Craig Martin ; Riddell Erin Quant, Container for wipes.
  18. Burgin Robert (Schaffhausen CHX), Curved dispensible pads.
  19. Boone Philip (15 Fenwick Road Winchester MA 01890), Device for positioning a container of supplemental material adjacent to a toilet-tissue holder.
  20. Andreoli Paolo (Bologna ITX) Barbieri Giulio (Bologna ITX) Belvederi Bruno (S. Martino di Monte S. Pietro ITX), Device for transversely cutting lengths of a strip traveling continuously along a predetermined route.
  21. Nakamura Kenji (Osaka JPX), Dispenser container for wet tissues, and a process for manufacturing the same and an apparatus thereof.
  22. Bodziak Douglas P. (Lake Elmo MN) Windorski David C. (Woodbury MN) Armbruster June M. (River Falls WI) Bourdin Michel (Beauchamp FRX), Dispenser for a small stack of note paper.
  23. Windorski David C. (St. Paul MN), Dispenser for a stack of note paper.
  24. Windorski David C. (Woodbury MN), Dispenser for a stack of note paper.
  25. Windorski David C. (Woodbury MN), Dispenser for a stack of note paper.
  26. Bodziak Douglas P. (Lake Elmo MN), Dispenser for a stack of sheets.
  27. Smith Daniel D. (Cottage Grove MN), Dispenser for adhesive coated sheet material.
  28. Tramontina Paul F. ; Lewis Richard P., Dispenser for horizontally dispensed centerflow sheet products.
  29. Beard Michael J. (Blackwater GB2), Dispenser for individual moistened paper tissues from a length therefor perforated at intervals.
  30. Ames John B. (100 Valley Road Marion AL 36756), Dispenser for moist tissues.
  31. Evenson Mel (c/op Eldon Industries ; Inc. ; 9920 La Cienega Blvd. ; P.O. Box H-130 Inglewood CA 90301), Dispenser for note pad sheets.
  32. Nakamura Kenji (Osaka JPX), Dispenser-container for wet tissues, and a process for manufacturing the same and an apparatus therefor.
  33. Bliss Robert A. (St. Paul MN), Dispensing closure for tissue carton.
  34. Vlahakis Eftichios Van ; Manolas John A., Dispensing lid.
  35. Marchesani Cesare N. (Union City NJ), Dispensing means for moist tissues.
  36. Doyle, Ross L.; Harrison, Thomas S., Dispensing moist treated towels or tissues.
  37. Muckenfuhs Delmar R. (Middletown OH) Berg ; Jr. Charles J. (Cincinnati OH) Young Mark D. (West Chester OH), Disposable, compactable, shape-restorable packages for storing and dispensing dry or premoistened sheets.
  38. Dearwester Donald D. (Hamilton OH), Dual dispensing mode carton and concomitant package.
  39. Ball W. Kenneth (Cincinnati OH) Goulait David J. K. (Cincinnati OH) Zorb James E. (Cincinnati OH), Dynamic mechanical bonding method and apparatus.
  40. Boldt Hans G. K. (Lahnstein DEX), Facial tissue dispensing carton.
  41. Mertens Timothy A. (Cottage Grove MN), Fanfolded tablet of a web which is separable into sheets each bearing a pressure-sensitive adhesive pattern.
  42. Dailey ; III Robert (Jackson TN), Flexible dispenser packet for pre-moistened towelettes.
  43. Schutz Rudolph W. (Walnut Creek CA), Folded sheet product.
  44. Chan Michael Y. (Wallingford PA) Hipkins James J. (Prospect Park PA), Interleaved towel fold configuration.
  45. Pelley Kenneth A. (Hopewell NJ), Method for intermittently applying particulate powder material to a fibrous substrate.
  46. De Luca Raymond F. (Stamford CT), Method of automatically attaching the ends of fan-folded web material.
  47. Spencer Harvey J. (Green Bay WI) Niedermeyer William P. (Green Bay WI), Method of manufacturing a packaged web product and apparatus therefor.
  48. Yamada Kikuo,JPX, Method of manufacturing packet with wet tissues.
  49. Sedgwick Henry D. (23 Leonard St. New York NY 10013), Moist tissue dispenser.
  50. Julius Robert P. (Greenwich CT), Moist tissue package construction and tissue.
  51. Julius Robert P. (Greenwich CT), Moist tissue package construction and tissue.
  52. Yoneyama Katsu (413 Mitojima Fuji-shi ; Shizuoka-ken JPX), Multiple folded paper for continuous disposal.
  53. Anderson ; Richard A. ; Sokolowski ; Robert C. ; Ostermeier ; Kurt W., Nonwoven fabric and method of producing same.
  54. Mertens Timothy A. (Cottage Grove MN), Package and dispenser for adhesive coated notepaper.
  55. Wilson Shari J. (Bloomington MN), Package of reclosable plastic bags.
  56. Mahoney Pamela (7503 Valley Meadows Fort Wayne IN 46815), Package of scent impregnated tissues.
  57. Yamada Kikuo,JPX, Packet for wet tissue.
  58. Yoh Julie, Pop-up tissue and sheet dispenser.
  59. Trokhan Paul Dennis, Pop-up tissue package.
  60. Muckenfuhs Delmar R. (Middletown OH), Pop-up towel dispensing system.
  61. Burmeister Harland A. (Outagamie County WI) Weinig Lee A. (Winnebago County WI), Positioning apparatus for treatment device.
  62. Guasch Pubill Marcos (Pere IV ; 314 Barcelona ESX E-08005 ), Process for obtaining disposable cleaning cloths and resulting disposable cleaning cloth.
  63. Julius Robert P. (Greenwich CT), Readily openable pop-up dispenser for moist tissues.
  64. Nakamura Kenji (Osaka JPX) Nakamura Koji (Osaka JPX), Resealable dispenser-container for wet tissues.
  65. Logan Dexter J. (1215 W. Farlington St. W. Covina CA 91790), Sanitary tubular napkin for males.
  66. Berg ; Jr. Charles J. (Cincinnati OH) Cook Charles D. (Fairfield OH), Sequential dispensing of tissues and dispenser therefor.
  67. Windorski David C. (Woodbury MN), Sheet dispenser.
  68. Windorski David C. (Woodbury MN) Kirchhoff Kenneth J. (Gem Lake MN), Sheet dispenser.
  69. Hein ; III Carl C. (Neenah WI) Spitz Joseph J. (Neenah WI), Sheet dispensing carton.
  70. Young Terrill A. (Cincinnati OH) Berg ; Jr. Charles J. (Wyoming OH), Sheet products for use in a pop-up dispenser and method for forming.
  71. Shulman Seth D. (Washington DC) Whiddon Orren P. (Gaithersburg MD), Solid state counting system for beta and gamma isotopes of all energies.
  72. Klassen Edward J. (17331 Tramonto Dr. ; No. 6 Pacific Palisades CA 90272), Squeeze bottle with valve septum.
  73. Craig Grantland A. ; Hertel James E. ; Johnson Gary E. ; Luebke Wayne W. ; Heath Peter A.,GBX ; Huempfner Thomas D. ; Wunderlich John H., Stack formed from connected groups of interfolded sheets.
  74. Mertens Timothy A. (St. Paul MN), Stack of pressure sensitive adhesive coated sheets.
  75. Mertens Timothy A. (Cottage Grove MN) Anderson Donn R. (Clifton Township ; Pierce County WI), Stack of sheet assemblies.
  76. Smith Daniel D. (Cottage Grove MN), Stack of sheet material.
  77. Finkelstein Oscar P. (14/18 Ein Rogel St. Jerusalem ILX), Structure of dispenser for dispensing web-like material.
  78. Boedecker Steven M. (McHenry IL), Towelette dispenser.
  79. Wyant James A. (321 Lanthier Ave. #409 Pointe Claire ; Quebec CAX H9S 5K6), Towelling package.
  80. Patel Savinay (Roselle IL) Szuhaj Bernard F. (Lombard IL), Web dispenser.
  81. Ogawa Kiyohisa (Funabashi JPX) Eshima Seiji (Mitaka JPX), Wet tissue container.
  82. Norton Henry J. (Wilmington DE) Urion Kenard E. (Woodbury NJ), Wet tissue dispensing port.
  83. Hartog Lawrence Den, Wet towel dispenser.
  84. Paley Steven J. (Aberdeen NJ) Eberhardt Clifford A. (Saddle Brook NJ) Paley Edward (Saddle Brook NJ), Wipers for cleanroom use.
  85. Ten Wolde A. W. (Bentveld NLX), Zigzag folded towel packet for use with towel dispensing apparatus.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Bunnelle, William L., Disposable article tab attachment adhesive.
  2. Knowlson, Richard; Mariani, Eric; Petersen, Katherine Dyrmose, Method for production of a hydroentangled airlaid web and products obtained therefrom.
  3. Amundson, John David, Methods of stretching wet wipes to increase thickness.
  4. Lange,Scott Richard; Close,Kenneth Bradley, Process and apparatus for producing wipes with a pleat-like zone along the leading edge portion.
  5. Sosalla, Gerald Keith, Stack of fan folded material and combinations thereof.
  6. Sosalla, Gerald Keith; Huang, Yung Hsaing, Stack of fan folded material and combinations thereof.
  7. Andersson, Anders; Larsson, Björn, Stack of interfolded first and second sheets.
  8. Faulks,Michael John; Huang,Yung Hsiang; Newman,William Robert; Velazquez,Herb F.; Rivera,Ligia A.; Dellerman,Paige Annette; Romme,Steven John; Bochmann,Cherry Ann; DeGreen,Gerald P.; Kalman,Jeffrey M, System for dispensing plurality of wet wipes.
  9. Muntzing, Janne; Formon, John S., Top-dispensing absorbent sheet dispenser.
  10. Bunnelle,William L., Water soluble contact lens blocking composition.
  11. Bunnelle,William L.; Hume, III,Robert M., Water soluble contact lens blocking composition with absorbent disintegrant.
  12. McDonald, Duane Lyle, Windowless tissue carton.
  13. Finlay, Nathanael, Wipes container.

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