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[미국특허] Retractable snap ring structure 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B61D-045/00
출원번호 US-0186589 (2002-06-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Chang, Vincent
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 4  인용 특허 : 13


A retractable snap ring structure includes a snapping hook, a clamping seat, a receiving box, a bottom housing, a fixing plate, an upper washer, a lower washer, a vehicle body, a spring, and a small-sized spring. The hook portion of the snapping hook may be protruded outward from or retracted into t


1. A retractable snap ring structure, comprising a snapping hook, a clamping seat, a receiving box, a bottom housing, a fixing plate, an upper washer, a lower washer, a vehicle body, a spring, and a small-sized spring, wherein: the snapping hook is integrally formed with a hollow hook portion, th

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (13) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Schmidt Thomas F. (Jonesboro AR), Cargo securing means.
  2. Lin, Chia-Sheng, Device mounted on cargo carrier for holding securely cargo-locating rope.
  3. Wang Calvin S., Flush-mounted, spring-activated utility hook assembly.
  4. Gross Nathan R. (HCR 70 Box 64 Volborg MT 59851), Hooks reciprocable between a recessed inoperative position and an exposed operative position.
  5. Elwell James P. ; Worrell James L., Pop-up tie down device.
  6. James P. Elwell, Push-down pop-up tie mechanism.
  7. Lin, Chia-Sheng, Quick-detachable device for attaching ropes thereto.
  8. Morris John L. (1640 E. Delmar Springfield MO 65804), Retractable cleat.
  9. Morris John L. (Springfield MO) Martin Robert L. (Springfield MO), Retractable cleat.
  10. Harris Halford S. (Live Oak FL), Retractable cleat device.
  11. Harris Halford S. (South Pine Ave. Live Oak FL 32060), Retractable cleat device.
  12. Sweetsir Joel M. (Box 53 Ruby AK 99768), Retractable cleat for marine vessel.
  13. Hirakui Hidemasa (Yokohama JPX) Kishima Masayoshi (Atsugi JPX), Retractable rope hook arrangement for vehicle.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (4) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Maddux, Daniel, Connection node and method of use.
  2. Preta, John, Retractable anchor device and method of mounting the anchor device.
  3. Preta, John, Retractable anchor device and method of mounting the anchor device.
  4. Boyd, Eric R.; Heinrichs, Mark A., Retractable fitting.

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