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[미국특허] Optimum speed tilt rotor 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64C-027/52
출원번호 US-0029597 (2001-10-24)
발명자 / 주소
  • Karem, Abraham E.
대리인 / 주소
    Christie, Parker & Hale, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 22  인용 특허 : 9


A variable speed helicopter tilt rotor system and method for operating such a system are provided which allow the helicopter rotor to be operated at an optimal angular velocity in revolutions per minute (RPM) minimizing the power required to turn the rotor thereby resulting in helicopter performance


A variable speed helicopter tilt rotor system and method for operating such a system are provided which allow the helicopter rotor to be operated at an optimal angular velocity in revolutions per minute (RPM) minimizing the power required to turn the rotor thereby resulting in helicopter performance

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (9) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Fowler Donald W. (West Haven CT) O\Connor Sean J. (Bristol CT), Aerodynamic surface control feel augmentation system.
  2. Cotton ; Lou S., Aerodynamic surface load sensing.
  3. Perry Frederick J. (Sherborne GB2), Helicopter rotor blade.
  4. Jupe Robert J. (Yeovil GB2), Helicopter rotor speed changing transmission.
  5. Moore Richard E. (Los Angeles CA), Helicopter rotor transmission systems.
  6. Fradenburgh Evan A. (Fairfield CT), Mechanism for synchronously varying diameter of a plurality of rotors and for limiting the diameters thereof.
  7. Irwin ; Arlyle Floyd, Model helicopter throttle governor/collective pitch control apparatus.
  8. Yen Jing G. (Arlington TX) Popelka David A. (Bedford TX), Nodalized rotor.
  9. Karem Abraham E., Optimum speed rotor.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (22) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Karem, Abe, Aircraft with integrated lift and propulsion system.
  2. Karem, Abe, Aircraft with integrated lift and propulsion system.
  3. Karem, Abe, Aircraft with integrated lift and propulsion system.
  4. Karem, Abe, Aircraft with integrated lift and propulsion system.
  5. Patt, Dan; Karem, Abe, Anhedral tip blades for tiltrotor aircraft.
  6. Gupta, Neil; Karem, Abe, Composite blade root structure.
  7. Dickman, Clifford C., Directional control for a helicopter.
  8. Baldwin, Tyler Wayne; Choi, Jouyoung Jason; Rauber, Richard Erler; Stamps, Frank Bradley, High stiffness hub assembly for proprotor systems.
  9. Weiner, Steven D.; Eadie, William J., Main rotor rotational speed control for rotorcraft.
  10. Stevens, Mark A.; Handschuh, Robert F.; Lewicki, David G., Offset compound gear inline two-speed drive.
  11. Stevens, Mark A; Handschuh, Robert F; Lewicki, David G, Offset compound gear inline two-speed drive.
  12. Hehenberger, Gerald, Power train for a wind power plant.
  13. Hehenberger, Gerald, Power train for a wind power plant.
  14. Kuhn, Jr., Ira F., Purebred and hybrid electric VTOL tilt rotor aircraft.
  15. Karem, Abe, Rotor hub systems and methods.
  16. Waide, William Martin; Karem, Abe, Rotorcraft engine and rotor speed synchronization.
  17. Waide, William Martin; Karem, Abe, Rotorcraft engine and rotor speed synchronization.
  18. Karem, Abe, Rotorcraft with opposing roll mast moments, and related methods.
  19. Ivans, Steven Ray; Wu, Nathan Gabriel, Tiltrotor aircraft having rotatable wing extensions.
  20. Ivans, Steven Ray; Wu, Nathan Gabriel, Tiltrotor aircraft having rotatable wing extensions.
  21. Ishiba, Masatsugu, Vertical take-off and landing aircraft and vertical take-off and landing aircraft control method.
  22. Weitkamp, Roland, Wind power plant stabilization.

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