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[미국특허] Waterfowl decoy mounting device 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A01M-031/06
출원번호 US-0252348 (2002-09-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Barnes, Charles David
  • McLean, Ellen Marie
  • Howard, John R.
  • Nichols, Charles E.
  • Sigsworth, William
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 11  인용 특허 : 8


A retainer for holding a plurality of waterfowl decoys has at least three arms pivotally mounted on a pin so as to be moveable between a first position in which the arms are aligned parallel to each other for storage and a open position in which the arms are angularly oriented with respect to one an


A retainer for holding a plurality of waterfowl decoys has at least three arms pivotally mounted on a pin so as to be moveable between a first position in which the arms are aligned parallel to each other for storage and a open position in which the arms are angularly oriented with respect to one an

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (8) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Sheng Chim-Yuem (No. 38 ; Wen Hua S. Rd. Sanchung City ; Taipei Hsien TWX), Adjustable joint assembly for ladder sections.
  2. Dunne James E. (35 Valley View Rd. Milford CT 06460), Decoy holder assembly.
  3. Aeschliman ; Anthony, Duck decoy.
  4. Bauernfeind Robert A. (1416 Oak Haven Rd. Jacksonville FL 32207) Carroll C. Braley (1840 Shelton Rd. Jacksonville FL 32211), Duck decoy deployer.
  5. Mair Bernard (1141 Burmac Dr. ; Unit 9 Weston ; Ontario CAX M2H 1X4), Fastening device.
  6. Whitley Lowell Blake, Indexible wrench.
  7. Cripe James A. (E. 1503 Riverview Dr. Colbert WA 99005), Photographic decoys.
  8. Zun Hong-Fu (No. 59 ; Alley 85 ; Lane 673 ; Chung Chen Road Yi-Chia Village ; Jen Te Hsiang ; Tainan Hsien TWX), Releasable swivel lock assembly for a canopy support of a stroller.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (11) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Luttrull, Carl L, Decoy spreader.
  2. Saringer, Donald J., Decoy stand.
  3. Saringer, Donald J.; Bersch, Travis G., Decoy stand.
  4. Saringer, Donald J.; Bersch, Travis G., Decoy stand.
  5. Saringer, Donald J.; Bersch, Travis G., Decoy stand.
  6. Saringer, Donald John; Bersch, Travis Gene, Decoy stand.
  7. Fanfelle, Yves, Floating decoy adapter for land use.
  8. Smith, Drake S., Hunting decoy.
  9. Beauchamp, Keith, Waterfowl decoy deployment systems.
  10. Beauchamp, Keith, Waterfowl decoy deployment systems.
  11. Rohrke, Donald H., Wind driven bird attractor.

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