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[미국특허] Container for wet wipes 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 20-02
출원번호 US-0166795 (2002-09-04)
우선권정보 GB-20023001914 (2002-03-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Sams, Stephen
  • Sams, Bernard
  • Young, Kenneth
  • Kammerer, Heike
  • Zethoff, Martin
출원인 / 주소
  • The Procter & Gamble Company
대리인 / 주소
    Robinson, Ian S.Patel, Ken K.Miller, Steven W.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 79  인용 특허 : 8


초록이 없습니다.


The ornamental design for a container for wet wipes, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (8) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Frank Martin W. (Frankfurt DEX) Bitowft Bruce K. (Glashutten DEX) Bauer Rainer R. B. (Weisbaden DEX), Container.
  2. Buczwinski Carey Alix ; Larson Todd Christopher ; Serbiak Annamaria ; Astoreca Alfred Jack ; Piscopo Peter Anthony ; Seager Richard Herman, Container for wet wipes having an improved closure mechanism.
  3. Ishikawa Hiroki (Kagawa-ken JPX) Kenmochi Yasuhiko (Kagawa-ken JPX) Bando Takeshi (Ehime-ken JPX) Hayashi Masaho (Tokyo JPX) Shinogi Norikazu (Tokyo JPX), Container for wetted tissues.
  4. Amundson John David,GBX ; Hammonds Yvette Lynn ; Creighton Zoe Samantha,GBX ; van den Broek Lucas Karel Johannes,NLX ; van Amerongen Gerard,NLX ; Saunders Craig Martin ; Riddell Erin Quant, Container for wipes.
  5. Steven Anh Le ; James Ronald Bath ; Jane Margaret Frieders Ferguson ; Anh Thy Duy Nguyen ; Gary Earl Torkington ; Louis Javier Collazo, Container for wipes.
  6. Buck Frederick Allan ; Kuo Andrew ; Hammonds Yvette Lynn ; Amundson John David,GBX, Container with flexible opening.
  7. Matthew Scott Okin ; Mark Dziersk, Towelette dispensing package.
  8. Boyea Nancy ; Lesenskyj George ; Piscopo Peter ; Seager Richard, Wipes container.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (79) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Zaidman,Uri, Aperture for a dispenser cover.
  2. Vialle, Julien; Van Baal, Patrick; Crusius, Sjors; Van Puijenbroek, Alexander; Bunce, Martin Christopher; Mallion, James, Baby food container.
  3. Khurana,Dalbir Singh, Baby wipes container.
  4. Chin, Henry Young; Gustavsson, Niklas; Remus, Michael; Zethoff, Martin, Box for cosmetics.
  5. Chin,Henry Young; Gustavsson,Niklas; Remus,Michael; Zethoff,Martin, Box for cosmetics.
  6. Brown,Larry Edgerton; Velazquez,Herb Flores; Cammarota,Mark T., Container.
  7. Hutchison, Phillip Lacoi, Container.
  8. Neitzel, Donald C., Container.
  9. Perry, James; Ahmed, Jameel; Phillips, Matthew L.; Schweitzer, David; Bruno, Robert, Container.
  10. Perry, James; Ahmed, Jameel; Phillips, Matthew L.; Schweitzer, David; Bruno, Robert, Container.
  11. Frias, Lucio, Container for cleansing wipes.
  12. Frias, Lucio, Container for cleansing wipes.
  13. Frias, Lucio, Container for cleansing wipes.
  14. Masucci, MaryAnn, Container for wet and dry wipes.
  15. Schlaupitz,Robert Samuel; Velazquez,Herb Flores; Kelley,Meara Catherine; Wilks,David James; Woods,David N.; Manke,Scott G., Container for wipes.
  16. Zaidman,Uri, Dispenser cover.
  17. Zaidman,Uri, Dispenser cover.
  18. Zaidman,Uri; Berkovich,Merav, Dispenser cover.
  19. Stewart, Charmaine, Fashionable wipe holder.
  20. Sanfilippo, James J.; Feld, Eric; Butkus, Michael; Alianello, Michael, Film for making packages.
  21. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad, Film for packaging production.
  22. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad, Film for packaging production.
  23. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad, Film for packaging production.
  24. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad; Skaggs, Jeanne M., Film for packaging production.
  25. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad; Skaggs, Jeanne M., Film for packaging production.
  26. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad, Film used to make packages.
  27. Sanfilippo, James J.; Sanfilippo, John E.; Soria, Francisco Javier; Skaggs, Jeanne M.; Speer, Roy; Radenovic, Milorad, Film used to make packages.
  28. Sanfilippo, John E.; Sanfilippo, James J.; Skaggs, Jeanne M.; Speer, Roy, Flexible container and lid.
  29. Sanfilippo, James J.; Sanfilippo, John E.; Skaggs, Jeanne M.; Soria, Francisco Javier; Radenovic, Milorad; Wyslotsky, Bohdan; Georgelos, Paul; Montefusco, Pat; Speer, Roy; Forowycz, Roman, Flexible package and method of making same.
  30. Sanfilippo, James J.; Sanfilippo, John E.; Skaggs, Jeanne M.; Soria, Francisco Javier; Radenovic, Milorad; Wyslotsky, Bohdan; Georgelos, Paul; Montefusco, Pat; Speer, Roy; Forowycz, Roman, Flexible package and method of making the same.
  31. Sanfilippo, James J.; Sanfilippo, John E.; Skaggs, Jeanne M.; Soria, Francisco Javier; Radenovic, Milorad; Wyslotsky, Bohdan; Georgelos, Paul; Montefusco, Pat; Speer, Roy; Forowycz, Roman, Flexible stackable package.
  32. Sanfilippo, John E.; Sanfilippo, James J.; Skaggs, Jeanne M.; Speer, Roy, Flexible, stackable container and method and system for manufacturing same.
  33. Sanfilippo, John E.; Sanfilippo, James J.; Skaggs, Jeanne M.; Speer, Roy, Flexible, stackable container and method and system for manufacturing the same.
  34. Sanfilippo, John E.; Sanfilippo, James J.; Skaggs, Jeanne M.; Speer, Roy, Flexible, stackable container and method and system for manufacturing the same.
  35. Sanfilippo, John E.; Sanfilippo, James J.; Skaggs, Jeanne M.; Speer, Roy, Flexible, stackable container and method and system for manufacturing the same.
  36. Sanfilippo, John E.; Sanfilippo, James J.; Skaggs, Jeanne M.; Speer, Roy, Flexible, stackable container including a lid and package body folded from a single sheet of film.
  37. Sanfilippo, John E.; Sanfilippo, James J.; Skaggs, Jeanne M.; Speer, Roy, Flexible, stackable container used for storing a quantity of product and method for manufacturing same.
  38. Sanfilippo, John E.; Sanfilippo, James J.; Skaggs, Jeanne M.; Speer, Roy, Flexible, stackable container used for storing a quantity of product and method for manufacturing same.
  39. Sanfilippo, John E.; Sanfilippo, James J.; Skaggs, Jeanne M.; Speer, Roy, Flexible, stackable sealed package having corner seals and formed from a sheet of film.
  40. Sanfilippo,John E.; Sanfilippo,James J.; Skaggs,Jeanne M.; Speer,Roy, Lid for a flexible container.
  41. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad; Skaggs, Jeanne M., Material for packaging production.
  42. Sanfilippo, James J.; Feld, Eric; Butkus, Michael; Alianello, Michael, Package.
  43. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad, Package.
  44. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad, Package.
  45. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad, Package.
  46. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad, Package.
  47. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad, Package.
  48. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad, Package.
  49. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad, Package.
  50. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad, Package.
  51. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad, Package.
  52. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad, Package.
  53. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad, Package.
  54. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad, Package.
  55. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad, Package.
  56. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad, Package.
  57. Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad; Sanfilippo, John E.; Soria, Francisco Javier, Package.
  58. Sanfilippo, James J.; Sanfilippo, John E.; Radenovic, Milorad, Package.
  59. Sanfilippo, James J.; Sanfilippo, John E.; Soria, Francisco Javier; Skaggs, Jeanne M.; Speer, Roy; Radenovic, Milorad, Package.
  60. Sanfilippo, James J.; Sanfilippo, John E.; Soria, Francisco Javier; Skaggs, Jeanne M.; Speer, Roy; Radenovic, Milorad, Package.
  61. Sanfilippo, James J.; Sanfilippo, John E.; Soria, Francisco Javier; Skaggs, Jeanne M.; Speer, Roy; Radenovic, Milorad, Package.
  62. Sanfilippo, John E.; Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad, Package.
  63. Sanfilippo, John E.; Sanfilippo, James J.; Radenovic, Milorad; Soria, Francisco Javier, Package.
  64. Chin,Henry Young; Gustavsson,Niklas; Remus,Michael; Zethoff,Martin, Portion of a box.
  65. Cowell, Christine Marie; Schlaupitz, Robert Samuel; Possell, Kevin C.; Boon, Jason Robert; VanBuren, Daphne Lynn; Golub, Erica Marie, Refillable travel dispenser for wet wipes.
  66. Oliver, Steven Lamar, Soap container.
  67. Messacar, Peter; Balock, Ryan; Thurman, Charles, Storage and dispensing system for a flexible bag.
  68. Chasid,Shlomit; Zaidman,Uri, Tissue dispensing container.
  69. McArdle,Gloria J., Wet wipes and dry tissue dispenser.
  70. Peters, Timothy James; Brinkdopke, Andrew Dale; Bradley, Elizabeth Oriel; Schlaupitz, Robert Samuel; McGuire, Meghan Marie; Behling, II, Martin John, Wet wipes dispenser.
  71. Johnson, Kroy D.; Van Dyke, Linda J.; Schlaupitz, Robert, Wet wipes dispenser with lid positioning feature.
  72. Fauerbach, Darlene, Wipe container.
  73. Dunn, Steven B.; Hatherill, Mark A.; Tebbe, Mark G.; Pyon, Huisok, Wipe dispenser frame.
  74. Dunn, Steven B.; Hatherill, Mark A.; Tebbe, Mark G.; Pyon, Huisok; Birkert, Thomas, Wipe dispenser frame.
  75. Van Scoyoc, Velissa; Bearsch, Benjamin; Kao, Dah Rong; Villano, Janet; Diamant, Ellen, Wipes container.
  76. Carreiro, Jill, Wipes container cover.
  77. Worden, IV, Morris Elijah; Bachoc, Marie Gabrielle Yvonne; Farrell, Heidi Serene, Wipes dispenser with diaper pouch.
  78. McConnell, Thomas E., Wipes warmer.
  79. McConnell, Thomas E., Wipes warmer.

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