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[미국특허] Method and apparatus for regulating the excitation of an alternator of a genset 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H02P-009/00
  • H02P-009/14
  • H02P-009/10
출원번호 US-0695169 (2000-10-24)
발명자 / 주소
  • Dorn, Douglas W.
출원인 / 주소
  • Kohler Co.
대리인 / 주소
    Quarles & Brady LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 28  인용 특허 : 95


A system and method are disclosed for providing a control signal to control an excitation level of an alternator. The system includes a first calculation element that receives first, second and third indications of first, second and third output voltages of first, second and third phases of the alte


A system and method are disclosed for providing a control signal to control an excitation level of an alternator. The system includes a first calculation element that receives first, second and third indications of first, second and third output voltages of first, second and third phases of the alte

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (95)

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  2. MacFarlane Alistair A. (East Kilbride GB6), Alternator voltage regulator with speed responsive control.
  3. Murrell Peter W. (Cumbria GB2) Calverley John (Cumbria GB2) Williams Donald (Powyf GB7) Thomas Douglas J. (Powyf GB7), Apparatus for providing an electrical generator with a constant rotational speed from a variable speed input.
  4. Dickson Stephen E. (Edwardsville IL), Apparatus for synchronizing frequency and phase of two voltage sources.
  5. Sato Hiroyasu (Hitachi JPX) Yamamoto Kazuaki (Hitachi JPX) Aotsu Hiroaki (Nakaminato JPX), Automatic voltage regulation system for AC generator.
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  9. Matsui Fujio (Musashino JPX), Charging system for an automotive engine.
  10. Bilac Mario M. (Avon CT) Dougherty John J. (Avon CT) Purkayastha Indrajit (Collinsville CT) Premerlani William J. (Scotia NY), Circuit breaker and protective relay unit.
  11. Dickens James W. (Marion IA) McGinnis James P. (Cedar Rapids IA) Zylstra Henry J. (Alburnette IA), Circuit breaker having an electronic fault sensing and trip initiating unit.
  12. Abe, Shunichi; Akiyama, Mitsuo; Kudo, Yoshihiko, Circuit for electric power source.
  13. Mehl Byron R. (Belvidere IL) Olson Raymond N. (Rockford IL) Glennon Timothy F. (Rockford IL), Combined starting/generating system and method.
  14. Bradt Willy A. (Boom BEX) Wilssens Norbert J. F. (Kruibeke BEX), Control apparatus for use in multiple steam generator or multiple hot water generator installations.
  15. Nishimura Shinji (Himeji JPX) Wada Hifumi (Himeji JPX) Komurasaki Keiichi (Himeji JPX), Control apparatus for vehicular charging generator.
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  18. Thomson William R., Control system and circuits for distributed electrical-power generating stations.
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  20. Tewesmeier Werner (Seelze DEX), Device for the generation of regulated and/or adjustable direct voltages or direct currents.
  21. Dougherty John J. (Avon CT), Digital I2T pickup, time bands and timing control circuits for static trip circuit breakers.
  22. Domenico ; Robert J., Digitally controlled power system.
  23. Lipo Thomas A. ; Munoz-Garcia Alfredo Rodolfo, Dual stator winding induction machine drive.
  24. King Robert D. (Schenectady NY), Electric continuously variable transmission and controls for operation of a heat engine in a closed-loop power-control m.
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  26. Ota Atsuo,JPX ; Mohara Toshinari,JPX, Electric-power-assist clutch and transmission and its control method.
  27. Glennon Timothy F. (Rockford IL), Electrical aircraft engine start and generating system.
  28. Schultz Mark H. (Shoreview MN), Electrical generator damage protection apparatus and method with circuit breaker trip initiation.
  29. Mezera John R. (Glendale Heights IL) Dimitrios James T. (Barrington IL) Phillips Graham R. (St. Louis MO), Electrical power generating system.
  30. Bowers Jack R. (Madison IL), Electronic circuit for control of a voltage regulator of an electrical generator.
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  32. Koenig David J. (Wyoming MN), Electronic trimming voltage regulator.
  33. Scott Harold C. ; Shelden Rod K., Energy conversion system employing stabilized half-bridge inverter.
  34. Kern Robert (Waukesha WI) Ruehlow Gerald (Oconomowoc WI) Hoenisch Herb (Waukesha WI) Sarder Mark J. (Waukesha WI) McLean Graham W. (Cheshire WA) Wheeley Michael R. (Waukesha WI) Wedel Frank (Lake Mil, Engine-driven generator.
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  36. Aotsu Hiroaki (Nakaminato JPX) Isono Akira (Hitachi JPX) Goto Masuo (Hitachi JPX) Kimura Koichi (Hitachi JPX) Momochi Yasushi (Hitachiota JPX) Kai Takaaki (Ibaraki JPX) Kitamura Satoshi (Hitachi JPX), Excitation control apparatus for a generator.
  37. Onitsuka Naganori (Tokyo JPX), Excitation control apparatus for synchronous machine.
  38. Eisenhaure David B. ; Kirtley ; Jr. James L. ; Lansberry Geoffrey B. ; Donegan Kevin J. ; Rao Gita P., Externally field-controlled induction generator.
  39. Koenig David J. (Wyoming MN) Schultz Mark H. (Minneapolis MN), Fail safe monitoring apparatus and method.
  40. Jackovich Melvin C. (Stillman Valley IL) Spencer William (Rockford IL) Thom James B. (Rock City IL), Generator shorted diode protection system.
  41. Kanuchok John M. ; Burnworth Jeffrey A. ; Bright James A., Intergrating reset overcurrent relay.
  42. Winter Marlan L. (Hendersonville NC) Innes Mark E. (Asheville NC), Load controller with digitally modeled overload protection and analog tracking of heat state during power off.
  43. Anderson William J ; Scott Harold C. ; Sun Chiping ; Pandya Kandarp I., Load demand throttle control for portable generator and other applications.
  44. Sasaki Asao (Tokyo JPX) Minegishi Masami (Tokyo JPX), Load detecting system for an engine driven generator.
  45. Earleson Walter E. (Peoria IL) King Dennis M. (Peoria IL) Moncelle Michael E. (Normal IL), Locomotive governor control.
  46. Legrand Michel (Barentin FRX) Canonne Paul (Barentin FRX) Brault Christian (Pavilly FRX), Low voltage circuit breaker.
  47. Sandford Lorraine V. (Champaign FL) Maier Joseph K. (Milwaukee WI) Stormont Robert S. (Waukesha WI), MRI system with dynamic receiver gain.
  48. Phillips Timothy B. (Raleigh NC) Stentz Antoine D. (Paris FRX), Method and apparatus for RMS current approximation.
  49. Aotsu Hiroaki (Nakaminato JPX) Isono Akira (Hitachi JPX) Inayama Tsutomu (Hitachi JPX) Fukushima Mamoru (Hitachi JPX), Method and apparatus for controlling excitation of a generator.
  50. Lane Lawrence J. (Salem VA), Method and apparatus for damping oscillations of an ac generator.
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  79. Crecelius David R., Sensorless power angle control for a vehicle alternator.
  80. Gordon Richard S. (Schenectady NY) Devlin Charles L. (Ballston Lake NY) Durling Mark W. (Scotia NY), Shared data logger controller and method.
  81. Kampf Julian C. (Grafton WI) Graefe Richard J. (Bayside WI) Profio Mark V. (Wauwatosa WI), Solid state over-current protective apparatus for a power circuit.
  82. Rozman Gregory I. (Rockford IL) Markunas Albert L. (Roscoe IL) Nuechterlein Paul E. (Rockford IL), Starter/generator system with variable-frequency exciter control.
  83. Hwang Eddie Y. (Nether Providence PA) Szabo Andras I. (Export PA) Ottobre Louis G. (Murrysville PA), Steam turbine generator control system.
  84. Shutty John V. ; Kaehler John J. ; Nelson Chris, System for customizing vehicle engine control computer operation.
  85. LeRow Kevin E. ; Donegan Kevin J. ; Tolikas Mary ; Eisenhaure David, Temperature feedback control of alternator output power.
  86. Markus David R. (Monroeville PA) Eichler Kenneth M. (Murrysville PA) Kimmel Donald S. (Fletcher NC) Kasprowicz Gerhard K. (Ancaster CAX) Murray Robert S. (Caledonia CAX), Thermal protection apparatus for a synchronous machine.
  87. Vanek Laurence D. (Girard PA) McGrath Robert G. (North East PA), Thermal protection for locomotive main traction alternators.
  88. Scott Harold C. ; Sun Chiping ; Pandya Kandarp I. ; Anderson William J., Throttle controlled generator system.
  89. Fernandez Manuel (University City MO) Frierdich Waldo J. (Highland IL), Transfer apparatus, regulating apparatus and methods.
  90. Seazholtz John W. ; Farris Robert D., Use of cellular digital packet data (CDPD) communications to convey system identification list data to roaming cellular subscriber stations.
  91. Glennon Timothy F. (Rockford IL) Peterson William J. (Rockford IL) Thom James B. (Freeport IL), Voltage regulator.
  92. Luhn Dennis A. (Richfield MN) Schultz Mark H. (Mounds View MN), Voltage regulator.
  93. Watrous Donald L. (Liverpool NY), Voltage regulator circuit with multiple control functions.
  94. Maehara Fuyuky (Kariya JPX) Kato Hidetoshi (Suzuka JPX), Voltage regulator for alternator of vehicle.
  95. Sims, Cecil W.; Hill, Arthur, Voltage regulator with independent peak and average voltage sensing.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (28)

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  2. Ye,Zhihong; Du,Pengwei; Nelson,John Keith; Miller,Nicholas Wright; Walling,Reigh Allen, Anti-islanding protection systems for synchronous machine based distributed generators.
  3. Mellor,Philip Henry; Burrow,Stephen George; Churn,Philip Michael, Controller for a permanent magnet generator and a generator in combination with such a controller.
  4. Kim, Kiyong; Rao, Pranesh; Burnworth, Jeff, Digital excitation control system utilizing swarm intelligence and an associated method of use.
  5. Kleen,Randall John, Engine generator sets and methods of assembling same.
  6. Harris, James W.; Oilar, Sean P., Engine state-based control of software functions.
  7. Chen, Hsiu-Ping; Fang, Sheng-Hsien; Feng, Shih-Hsiung; Shen, Chen-Jui, Method and apparatus for providing a power factor correction (PFC) compatible solution for electronic devices.
  8. Chen, Hsiu-Ping; Fang, Sheng-Hsien; Feng, Shih-Hsiung; Shen, Chen-Jui, Method and apparatus for providing a power factor correction (PFC) compatible solution for nonsinusoidal uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
  9. Eaton, Zane C.; Dorn, Doug; Albsmeier, Eric; Chiu, Harrison; Frampton, Isaac, Method and apparatus for regulating excitation of an alternator.
  10. Harmon, Jack D.; Zhou, Mingshe; Phillips, Jim, Method and system for protecting voltage regulator driver circuitry during field coil short circuit condition.
  11. Terörde, Gerd, Processing unit.
  12. Schaffer, Thomas Scott; Scott, Randolph W.; Lucy, Scott James, Relay control between power distribution center and body control module.
  13. Errera, Michael R.; Gills, Kenton D., Roof-mounted muffler for system for generating electric power.
  14. Janscha, Ryan D.; Townsend, Robert G.; Tesmer, Troy D., Standby generator including enclosure with intake opening in rear wall and exhaust opening in front wall.
  15. Janscha, Ryan D.; Townsend, Robert G.; Tesmer, Troy D., Standby generator with air intake on rear wall and exhaust opening on front wall.
  16. Janscha, Ryan D.; Townsend, Robert G.; Tesmer, Troy D., Standby generator with air intake on rear wall and exhaust opening on front wall.
  17. Janscha, Ryan D.; Townsend, Robert G.; Tesmer, Troy D., Standby generator with removable panel.
  18. Janscha, Ryan D.; Townsend, Robert G.; Tesmer, Troy D., Standby generators including compressed fiberglass components.
  19. Kim, Kiyong; Burnworth, Jeffrey A., System and method for a load anticipation feature and its tuning method for a generating set.
  20. Kim, Kiyong, System and method for detecting generator incipient failures.
  21. Kim, Kiyong, System and method for detecting generator incipient failures.
  22. Frampton, Isaac S., System and method of detecting a wiring configuration for a controlled field alternator.
  23. Errera, Michael R.; Gills, Kenton D., Thermal shield for system for generating electric power.
  24. Larsen,Einar V., Voltage control for wind generators.
  25. Larsen,Einar V., Voltage control for wind generators.
  26. Larsen,Einar V., Voltage control for wind generators.
  27. Larsen, Einar Vaughn; Barker, Sidney Allen, Voltage control for wind turbine generators.
  28. Morrissette, Gary E., Voltage regulator having enhanced regulation over vehicle charging system.

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