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[미국특허] Process for pressure assisted molding of hollow articles 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B29D-022/00
출원번호 US-0085372 (2002-02-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Thomas, Ronald
출원인 / 주소
  • Alliance Systems, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Dinnin & Dunn, P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 22


The present invention provides a process for fluid assisted injection molding comprising the step of providing an injection molding apparatus having a mold body that defines a mold cavity. The process further comprises the steps of supplying a quantity of fluent plastic to the mold cavity, followed


The present invention provides a process for fluid assisted injection molding comprising the step of providing an injection molding apparatus having a mold body that defines a mold cavity. The process further comprises the steps of supplying a quantity of fluent plastic to the mold cavity, followed

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (22) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Nelson William A. (New Baltimore MI) Shemanski Joseph (Shelby Township ; Oceana County MI), Apparatus for gas assisted injection molding having precise control of injection and holding pressure with stepped holdi.
  2. Jaroschek Christoph (Herbolzheim DEX), Apparatus for the injection molding of fluid-filled plastic bodies.
  3. Jaroschek Christoph (Herbolzheim DEX), Apparatus for the injection molding of fluid-filled plastic bodies.
  4. Jaroschek Christoph (Engingen DEX) Steger Reinhard (Freiburg DEX) Nesch Wolfgang (Lahr-Sulz DEX) Gehring Alexander (Bahlingen DEX) Bourdon Karlheinz (Reute DEX), Apparatus for the sandwich method of injection molding.
  5. Ziegler Hans-Peter (Lerchenweg 19 7148 Remseck 4 DEX) Weissert Wolfgang (Hauptstrasse 12 7057 Leutenbach DEX), Arrangement for introducing a gas into the cavity of an injection mold for producing a hollow plastic body.
  6. Tanada Akinori,JPX, Extended shaft and a mold of the extended shaft and an apparatus for molding the extended shaft and a method for molding the extended shaft.
  7. Blankenburg Karl, Gas assist injection molding apparatus and method with multiple temperature gas supply.
  8. Loren Norman S. (24874 Chalk Farm Rd. Warren MI 48091), Gas assisted injection molding.
  9. Loren Norman S. (24874 Chalk Farm Rd. Warren MI 48091), Gas assisted injection molding.
  10. Sayer Matthew E. (Tamworth GB2), Injection moulding apparatus.
  11. Nelson William A. (New Baltimore MI), Method and apparatus for gas assisted injection molding.
  12. Sayer Matthew Emmett,GBX ; Crow Kenneth Richard,GBX, Method and apparatus for producing an injection moulding of plastics material using gas assistance and a valve to contro.
  13. Mikael Hildesson SE; Tor Hesselgren SE; Lars Odelmark SE, Method and device for manufacturing a hollow plastic component.
  14. Hendry James W. (Brooksville FL), Method for fluid compression of injection molded plastic material.
  15. Eckardt Helmut (Meinerzhagen DEX) Ehritt Jrgen (Hilchenbach-Msen DEX), Method of injection molding articles of thermoplastic materials.
  16. Klotz Bernd (Gunding DEX) Herzog Kurt (Degersheim DEX), Method of operating a gas sealing valve and valve equipped plastic processing installation.
  17. Kaneishi Akimasa,JPX ; Kiboshi Sinji,JPX, Molding method for producing molded article having a hollow portion.
  18. Thomas, Ronald, Process for gas assisted and water assisted injection molding.
  19. Jaroschek Christoph (Herbolzheim DEX), Process for the injection molding of fluid-filled plastic bodies.
  20. Gotterbauer Klaus,DEX, Process of and an apparatus for injection molding hollow-blown plastic bodies.
  21. Shah Suresh D. (Troy MI), Pulsating gas-assisted injection molding method and apparatus.
  22. Hendry James W., System for injection molding of plastic article utilizing a variable volume spill cavity.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Cobb, Daniel P.; Stone, Michael P.; Schluter, James C.; Katona, Michael G.; Brockenbrough, Roger L., Plastic detention chamber for stormwater runoff and related system and methods.

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