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[미국특허] User interface icon for a portion of a display screen 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 14-02
출원번호 US-0181906 (2003-05-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Retuta, Salve E.
  • Landis, Jeremy C.
  • Elia, Eric J.
  • Kelly, Leslie A.
  • Langdon, Kevin M.
  • Rosen, Cindy
출원인 / 주소
  • Comcast Cable Holdings, LLC
대리인 / 주소
    Brooks Kushman P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 142  인용 특허 : 6


초록이 없습니다.


The ornamental design for a user interface icon for a portion of a display screen, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6)

  1. Kates, Jesse M.; Gaizutis, Vytas A.; Daley, Michael E.; Ochenas, Jonathan C., Graphical user interface for a display screen.
  2. Kreikemeier, Bruce; Schulz, Marv; Malsam, Craig, Icon for a portion of a computer screen.
  3. Woods G. Alan, Icon image of a software game for a computer display screen.
  4. DeCombe, Jean-Michel, Knowledge map user interface for a display.
  5. Nguyen, Loc V., User interface design for a television display screen.
  6. Christoph Grundel DE; Volker Schmidt DE; Tilo Christ DE; Siegfried Schneider DE, User interface for a medical playback device.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (142)

  1. Gibson,Mark R.; MacKenzie,Mark Daniel, Animated image for a portion of a display screen.
  2. Daniel, Isaac S., Computer screen with icon.
  3. Sculley, Darrin, Content amplification system and method.
  4. Epstein, Lewis, Control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  5. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry, Control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  6. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry, Control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  7. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry, Control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  8. Fujii, Takahiro; Suga, Sho, Display panel or screen with graphical user interface.
  9. Fujii, Takahiro; Suga, Sho, Display panel or screen with graphical user interface.
  10. Imamura, Shoji; Miyazawa, Katsuji; Takahashi, Masahiro; Kunihiro, Takeshi; Yamamoto, Takeshi, Display panel or screen with graphical user interface.
  11. Berg, Frederick J.; Bennett, Timothy J.; Jiddou, Remon J.; Riefe, Richard K.; Dybalski, Ronald H.; Phillips, Timothy M., Display panel with a computer icon of an instrument gauge of a vehicle.
  12. Lee, Kunho; Kim, Younghoon; Nam, Youngwook, Display panel with graphical user interface.
  13. Myoung, Lee Jae; Wang, Jee-Yeun, Display screen for a digital camera with a graphical user interface.
  14. Anzures, Freddy; Chaudhri, Imran; Dye, Alan C.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Patton, Jennifer; Wilson, Christopher, Display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface.
  15. Anzures, Freddy; Sabatelli, Alessandro Francesco, Display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface.
  16. Broughton, Lee; Butcher, Gary; Dye, Alan C.; Guzmán, Aurelio; Ive, Jonathan P.; Wan, Wan Si; Wilson, Christopher, Display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface.
  17. Broughton, Lee; Chaudhri, Imran; Dye, Alan C.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Sabatelli, Alessandro Francesco; Wilson, Christopher; Wilson, Eric Lance, Display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface.
  18. Broughton, Lee; Chaudhri, Imran; Dye, Alan C.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Wilson, Christopher; Wilson, Eric Lance, Display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface.
  19. Broughton, Lee; Dye, Alan C.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Wilson, Christopher, Display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface.
  20. Butcher, Gary; Chan, Joseph; Dye, Alan C.; Graham, Chance; Ive, Jonathan P., Display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface.
  21. Butcher, Gary; Chan, Joseph; Dye, Alan C.; Graham, Chance; Ive, Jonathan P., Display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface.
  22. Butcher, Gary; Dye, Alan C.; Graham, Chance; Ive, Jonathan P., Display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface.
  23. Cavander, Dmitri; Sabatelli, Alessandro Francesco; Schmitt, Brian Andrew, Display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface.
  24. Chaudhri, Imran; Dye, Alan C.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Wilson, Christopher; Wilson, Eric Lance, Display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface.
  25. Clarke, Graham; Lopez, Paulo Michaelo; Manzari, Johnnie; McCann, Samuel James; Miura, Britt; Penha, Henrique, Display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface.
  26. Dye, Alan C.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Wilson, Christopher; Wilson, Eric Lance, Display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface.
  27. Dye, Alan C.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Wilson, Christopher; Wilson, Eric Lance; Yang, Lawrence, Display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface.
  28. Dye, Alan C.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Wilson, Christopher; Wilson, Eric Lance; Yang, Lawrence, Display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface.
  29. Liu, Hechen, Display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface.
  30. Quattrocchi, Giovanni Saint, Display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface.
  31. Amini, Mani; Bebbington, Samuel Howard; Butcher, Gary; Cranfill, Elizabeth Caroline; Dye, Alan C.; Lemay, Stephen O.; Mohseni, Daamun; Wilson, Christopher; Wilson, Eric Lance, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  32. Amini, Mani; Bebbington, Samuel Howard; Butcher, Gary; Cranfill, Elizabeth Caroline; Dye, Alan C.; Lemay, Stephen O.; Mohseni, Daamun; Wilson, Christopher; Wilson, Eric Lance, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  33. Anzures, Freddy; Chaudhri, Imran; Dye, Alan C.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Patton, Jennifer; Williams, Aled; Wilson, Christopher, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  34. Anzures, Freddy; Cranfill, Elizabeth Caroline; Sabatelli, Alessandro Francesco, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  35. Anzures, Freddy; Karunamuni, Chanaka, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  36. Anzures, Freddy; Sabatelli, Alessandro, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  37. Anzures, Freddy; Sabatelli, Alessandro Francesco, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  38. Anzures, Freddy; Sabatelli, Alessandro Francesco, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  39. Anzures, Freddy; Sabatelli, Alessandro Francesco, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  40. Bates, Richard; Kim, Namu; Porcini, Mauro; Park, Joon; Tafolla, Chad, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  41. Bates, Richard; Kim, Namu; Porcini, Mauro; Park, Joon; Tafolla, Chad, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  42. Broughton, Lee; Butcher, Gary; Williams, Aled; Wilson, Christopher, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  43. Broughton, Lee; Butcher, Gary; Williams, Aled; Wilson, Christopher, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  44. Broughton, Lee; Chen, Kevin Will; Dye, Alan C.; Wilson, Christopher; Wilson, Eric Lance, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  45. Broughton, Lee; Chen, Kevin Will; Dye, Alan C.; Wilson, Christopher; Wilson, Eric Lance, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  46. Butcher, Gary; Dye, Alan C.; Graham, Chance, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  47. Butcher, Gary; Dye, Alan C.; Graham, Chance, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  48. Butcher, Gary; Dye, Alan C.; Graham, Chance; Ive, Jonathan P., Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  49. Butcher, Gary; Dye, Alan C.; Graham, Chance; Ive, Jonathan P., Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  50. Chaudhri, Imran; Ive, Jonathan P.; Karunamuni, Chanaka, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  51. Dye, Alan C.; Foss, Christopher; Wan, Wan Si; Wilson, Christopher, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  52. Dye, Alan C.; Foss, Christopher; Wan, Wan Si; Wilson, Christopher, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  53. Dye, Alan C.; Foss, Christopher; Wan, Wan Si; Wilson, Christopher, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  54. Dye, Alan C.; Guzman, Aurelio; Ive, Jonathan P.; Wan, Wan Si; Wilson, Christopher, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  55. Dye, Alan C.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Wilson, Christopher; Wilson, Eric Lance; Yang, Lawrence, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  56. Dye, Alan C.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Wilson, Christopher; Wilson, Eric Lance; Yang, Lawrence, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  57. Engel, Matthew Blake, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  58. Roberts, Samuel Morgan; Ubillos, Randall, Display screen or portion thereof with graphical user interface.
  59. Anzures, Freddy; Chaudhri, Imran; Chen, Kevin Will; Dye, Alan C.; Ive, Jonathan P.; Wilson, Christopher, Display screen or portion thereof with icon.
  60. Anzures, Freddy; Sabatelli, Alessandro Francesco, Display screen or portion thereof with icon.
  61. Molino, Loïc; Regniez, Christophe, Display screen portion with icon.
  62. Brudnicki, David, Display screen with a graphical user interface.
  63. Johnson, Matthew S., Display screen with a graphical user interface.
  64. Pearson, Mark E.; Kikin Gil, Erez; Kotler, Matthew J., Display screen with a graphical user interface.
  65. Pearson, Mark E.; Kikin Gil, Erez; Kotler, Matthew J., Display screen with a graphical user interface.
  66. Pearson, Mark E.; Kikin Gil, Erez; Kotler, Matthew J., Display screen with a graphical user interface.
  67. Wilson, Stewart, Display screen with a menu wheel icon for a user interface.
  68. Wilson, Stewart, Display screen with a menu wheel icon for a user interface.
  69. Barling, Nicholas R.; Pereira, Charla, Display screen with animated graphical user interface.
  70. Pearson, Mark E.; Kikin Gil, Erez; Kotler, Matthew J., Display screen with animated graphical user interface.
  71. Pearson, Mark E.; Kikin Gil, Erez; Kotler, Matthew J., Display screen with animated graphical user interface.
  72. Pearson, Mark E.; Kikin Gil, Erez; Kotler, Matthew J.; Hockman, Andrew T., Display screen with animated graphical user interface.
  73. Pearson, Mark E.; Kikin Gil, Erez; Kotler, Matthew J.; Hockman, Andrew T., Display screen with animated graphical user interface.
  74. Pearson, Mark E.; Kikin Gil, Erez; Kotler, Matthew J.; Hockman, Andrew T., Display screen with animated graphical user interface.
  75. Pearson, Mark E.; Kikin Gil, Erez; Kotler, Matthew J.; Hockman, Andrew T., Display screen with animated graphical user interface.
  76. Pearson, Mark E.; Kikin Gil, Erez; Kotler, Matthew J.; Hockman, Andrew T., Display screen with animated graphical user interface.
  77. Pereira, Charla, Display screen with animated graphical user interface.
  78. Pereira, Charla, Display screen with animated graphical user interface.
  79. Pereira, Charla, Display screen with animated graphical user interface.
  80. Pereira, Charla, Display screen with animated graphical user interface.
  81. Barling, Nicholas R., Display screen with graphical user interface.
  82. Barling, Nicholas R.; Pereira, Charla, Display screen with graphical user interface.
  83. Herold, Jeffrey Alan; Barling, Nicholas R.; Pereira, Charla; Taylor, Arianne, Display screen with graphical user interface.
  84. Kotler, Matthew J.; Gil, Erez Kikin, Display screen with graphical user interface.
  85. Kotler, Matthew J.; Gil, Erez Kikin, Display screen with graphical user interface.
  86. Kotler, Matthew J.; Gil, Erez Kikin, Display screen with graphical user interface.
  87. Kotler, Matthew J.; Gil, Erez Kikin, Display screen with graphical user interface.
  88. Kotler, Matthew J.; Gil, Erez Kikin, Display screen with graphical user interface.
  89. Kotler, Matthew J.; Gil, Erez Kikin, Display screen with graphical user interface.
  90. Kotler, Matthew J.; Gil, Erez Kikin, Display screen with graphical user interface.
  91. Kotler, Matthew J.; Gil, Erez Kikin, Display screen with graphical user interface.
  92. Pereira, Charla, Display screen with graphical user interface.
  93. Pereira, Charla, Display screen with graphical user interface.
  94. Pereira, Charla, Display screen with graphical user interface.
  95. Pereira, Charla, Display screen with graphical user interface.
  96. Pereira, Charla, Display screen with graphical user interface.
  97. Pereira, Charla, Display screen with graphical user interface.
  98. Pereira, Charla, Display screen with graphical user interface.
  99. Pereira, Charla, Display screen with graphical user interface.
  100. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry; Ludwig, James; Overthun, Thomas; Doerksen, Kyle, Display screen with icon.
  101. Oda, Akemi; Watanabe, Chinatsu; Okabe, Yuuki; Misawa, Atsushi, Electronic camera.
  102. Oda, Akemi; Watanabe, Chinatsu; Okabe, Yuuki; Misawa, Atsushi, Electronic camera.
  103. Brouwers, David; Ristner, Ida, Global navigation satellite system apparatus display screen with user interface for a level display.
  104. Bisig, Michael D.; Malatesta, Salvatore Angelo, Graphic for a display screen.
  105. Westermair, Maria, Graphic image for a portion of a screen display.
  106. Porat, Lior; Kerman-Hendell, Shiri; Landov, Simcha, Graphic user interface for a computer system display.
  107. Shimoda, Yoshiya, Graphic user interface for a digital audio disc player.
  108. Shimoda, Yoshiya; Yamamoto, Hiroshi, Graphic user interface for a digital audio disc player.
  109. Fujioka, Robb; Miyahara, Daniel; Nishiki, Justin, Graphical user interface for a computer display.
  110. Bouchard,Thomas; Chen,Joy, Graphical user interface for a portion of a display screen.
  111. Oda, Masanori; Takahashi, Yuki, Handheld terminal with a graphical user interface.
  112. Fitzmaurice, George; Kurtenbach, Gord; Matejka, Justin; Leverock, Marsha; Vaters, Paul D., Icon for a portion of a display screen.
  113. Fitzmaurice, George; Kurtenbach, Gord; Matejka, Justin; Leverock, Marsha; Vaters, Paul D., Icon for a portion of a display screen.
  114. Fitzmaurice, George; Kurtenbach, Gord; Matejka, Justin; Leverock, Marsha; Vaters, Paul D., Icon for a portion of a display screen.
  115. Fitzmaurice, George; Kurtenbach, Gord; Matejka, Justin; Leverock, Marsha; Vaters, Paul D., Icon for a portion of a display screen.
  116. Matas, Mike, Icon for a portion of a display screen.
  117. O'Donnell, Adrienne E.; Knott, Candy Renee, Icon for a portion of a display screen.
  118. O'Donnell, Adrienne E.; Nichols, Hayley; Muranaka, Lynn M., Icon for a portion of a display screen.
  119. O'Donnell, Adrienne E.; Nichols, Hayley; Muranaka, Lynn M., Icon for a portion of a display screen.
  120. O'Donnell, Adrienne E.; Nichols, Hayley; Muranaka, Lynn M., Icon for a portion of a display screen.
  121. O'Donnell, Adrienne E.; Perkins, Gilma Annuska; Melander, Greg S.; Muranaka, Lynn M.; Knott, Candy Renee, Icon for a portion of a display screen.
  122. Sapp, Markus; Rogge, Henning; Sauer, Thomas, Icon for a portion of a display screen.
  123. Sapp,Markus; Rogge,Henning; Sauer,Thomas, Icon for a portion of a display screen.
  124. Sapp,Markus; Rogge,Henning; Sauer,Thomas, Icon for a portion of a display screen.
  125. Sapp, Markus; Rogge, Henning; Sauer, Thomas, Icon for a portion of a display screen such as an electronic display or a computer screen.
  126. Sergio,Sorgi, Interface screen.
  127. Andersson, Jan; Platz, Axel; Rackow, Bastian; Reese, Tobias; Reichelt, Stefan; Tomczak, Christoph, Operator panel for medical apparatus with graphical user interface comprising a set of images.
  128. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry, Personal control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  129. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry, Personal control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  130. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry, Personal control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  131. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry, Personal control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  132. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry, Personal control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  133. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry, Personal control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  134. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry, Personal control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  135. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry, Personal control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  136. Epstein, Lewis; Kincaid, Brett; Yoo, Hyun; Stage, Suzanne; Scherrer, Lukas; Cheng, Larry, Personal control apparatus and method for sharing information in a collaborative workspace.
  137. Lee, Kunsik; Lee, Hyungnam; Kim, Uniyoung, Television screen with graphical user interface.
  138. Berg, Frederick J.; Bennett, Timothy J.; Jiddou, Remon J.; Riefe, Richard K.; Dybalski, Ronald H.; Phillips, Timothy M., User interface for a computer display.
  139. Berg,Frederick J.; Bennett,Timothy J.; Jiddou,Remon J.; Riefe,Richard K.; Dybalski,Ronald H.; Phillips,Timothy M., User interface for a computer display.
  140. Fitzmaurice, George; Kurtenbach, Gord; Matejka, Justin; Leverock, Marsha; Vaters, Paul D., User interface for a computer screen.
  141. O'Mullan, Beth Ellyn; Lopez, Michael, User interface for display device.
  142. Loretan,Thomas; Mendoza,Alberto; Landis,Jeremy; Mathur,Arpit, User interface icon for a portion of a display screen.
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