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[미국특허] Toy vehicle having removable scooter wheels, and methods 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B62M-001/00
출원번호 US-0863092 (2001-05-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Glover, Donald R.
출원인 / 주소
  • The Prophet Corp.
대리인 / 주소
    Merchant & Gould P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 2  인용 특허 : 28


A toy sled for use with a wheeled item such as a floor scooter. The sled has a body having a top surface and a bottom surface, the top surface adapted for receiving a rider thereon and the bottom surface adapted for receiving the scooter. The scooter can be removed and replaced, as desired, from the


1. A toy sled comprising:(a) a body having a top surface and a bottom surface, the top surface adapted for receiving a plurality of riders thereon, the body further having a handle generally planar with the top surface and the bottom surface;(b) the bottom surface defining a first scooter engagement

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (28)

  1. Spindel, Martin; Cino, Nadine, Adaptation to wheeled cart to enable pushing of multiple units.
  2. Reese Darrel (10929 Firestone Blvd. ; Suite 187 Norwalk CA 90650), Adjustable pallet.
  3. Null Lance Ludgay ; Pincetich Christopher A., All-Terrain Skateboard.
  4. Tattersall Tammy J. (Simi Valley CA) Floodquist Daniel M. (Simi Valley CA), Convertible cart apparatus.
  5. Favorito Anthony ; Ogie Samuel, Convertible skateboard/scooter.
  6. Kratzenberg Wolfgang,DEX ; Stein Siegfried,DEX, Delivery cart.
  7. Bertrand Stafford (7012 West Hwy. ; #105 Orange TX 77630), Dolly.
  8. Christensen Carl O. (Alamo CA), Double ended warehouse trailer.
  9. Vargas Matthew Richard, Dual in-line skateboard with variable ratio steering.
  10. Roden Harry F. (3863 Motor Ave. Culver City CA 90230), Eight wheel skateboard.
  11. Tucker Mark H., Foldable creeper.
  12. Shorter Thomas E., Folding child's wagon.
  13. Way Frederic Latimer ; Walton Steven Kendall ; Newton David, Gravity driven steerable wheeled vehicle.
  14. Carbonero, Kurt K., Gym scooter.
  15. Plaza Wilfredo (Camden NJ), Mechanic\s creeper.
  16. Liu Lien C. (Taichung TWX), Multi-purpose repair assembly.
  17. Lamson Frederick W. (Birmingham MI), Platform hand truck.
  18. Roby ; Michael A. ; Tomblin ; Glen E., Platform hand truck.
  19. McCallum ; David F., Play vehicle.
  20. Miller Frank P. (P.O. Box 402 Brigham City UT 84302), Scooter.
  21. Berry Billy Joe, Separable mechanic's creeper.
  22. Rohner Patrick,CHX, Skateboard with a foot brake.
  23. Matheny Jamie, Sled.
  24. Karashima Masashi,JPX, Supermarket goods display rack and cart therefor.
  25. Mitchell Terry L. (Jenison MI) Immink David A. (Holland MI), Transport vehicle.
  26. Pickard Albert (14308 Big Ridge Rd. Biloxi MS 39532), Two position utility basket.
  27. Hager Clarence H. (Rockford IL), Vehicle coupling apparatus.
  28. Albert R. Kay, Wheeled vehicle with control system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (2)

  1. Orenstein, Amber; Polk, III, Louis F.; Ness, Jason, Scooter.
  2. Orenstein, Amber; Polk, III, Louis F.; Ness, Jason, Wheeled scooter.
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