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[미국특허] Adaptive model-based control systems and methods for controlling a gas turbine 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F02G-009/00
출원번호 US-0293078 (2002-11-13)
발명자 / 주소
  • Brunell, Brent Jerome
  • Mathews, Jr., Harry Kirk
  • Kumar, Aditya
출원인 / 주소
  • General Electric Company
대리인 / 주소
    Clarke Penny A.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 177  인용 특허 : 2


Adaptive model-based control systems and methods are described so that performance and/or operability of a gas turbine in an aircraft engine, power plant, marine propulsion, or industrial application can be optimized under normal, deteriorated, faulted, failed and/or damaged operation. First, a mode


1. An adaptive model-based control method for controlling a gas turbine engine to optimize either performance or operability of the engine, the method comprising:a) obtaining information about the current state of the engine;b) updating model data information about the engine in a model in an adapti

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (2)

  1. Morrison Terry (Vernon CT), Adaptive gas turbine acceleration control.
  2. Ellis Stanley H. (Palm Beach Gardens FL), Adaptive self-correcting control system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (177)

  1. Fuller, James W.; Rajagopalan, Ramesh, Adaptive control for a gas turbine engine.
  2. Zeller, Robert J.; Cline, Curtis Harvey; Dougherty, Michael P.; Skertic, Richard Joseph, Adaptive controller using unmeasured operating parameter.
  3. Harris, Oswald George, Apparatus and methods for simulating a system steady state devoid of performing full transient operating conditions.
  4. Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar; Morgan, Rex Allen, Application of combined probabilistic control in gas turbine tuning for power output-emissions parameters with scaling factor, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  5. Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar; Morgan, Rex Allen, Application of combined probabilistic control in gas turbine tuning for power output-emissions parameters with scaling factor, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  6. Morgan, Rex Allen; Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar, Application of combined probabilistic control in gas turbine tuning for power output-emissions parameters with scaling factor, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  7. Morgan, Rex Allen; Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar, Application of probabilistic control in gas turbine tuning for emissions-exhaust energy parameters, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  8. Morgan, Rex Allen; Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar, Application of probabilistic control in gas turbine tuning for emissions-fuel flow parameters, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  9. Morgan, Rex Allen; Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar, Application of probabilistic control in gas turbine tuning for exhaust energy-emissions parameters, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  10. Morgan, Rex Allen; Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar, Application of probabilistic control in gas turbine tuning for exhaust energy-fuel flow parameters, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  11. Morgan, Rex Allen; Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar, Application of probabilistic control in gas turbine tuning for exhaust energy-power output parameters, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  12. Morgan, Rex Allen; Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar, Application of probabilistic control in gas turbine tuning for fuel flow-emissions parameters, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  13. Morgan, Rex Allen; Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar, Application of probabilistic control in gas turbine tuning for fuel flow-exhaust energy parameters, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  14. Morgan, Rex Allen; Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar, Application of probabilistic control in gas turbine tuning for fuel flow-power output parameters, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  15. Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar; Morgan, Rex Allen, Application of probabilistic control in gas turbine tuning for power output-emissions parameters with scaling factor, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  16. Morgan, Rex Allen; Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar, Application of probabilistic control in gas turbine tuning for power output-emissions parameters, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  17. Morgan, Rex Allen; Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar, Application of probabilistic control in gas turbine tuning for power output-exhaust energy parameters, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  18. Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar; Morgan, Rex Allen, Application of probabilistic control in gas turbine tuning with measurement error, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  19. Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar; Morgan, Rex Allen, Application of probabilistic control in gas turbine tuning, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  20. Grichnik, Anthony J.; Seskin, Michael X.; Mason, James R.; Felty, Timothy J., Asymmetric random scatter process for probabilistic modeling system for product design.
  21. Soni, Sumit; Demougeot, Nicolas Roger; Stuttaford, Peter John, Automated extended turndown of a gas turbine engine combined with incremental tuning to maintain emissions and dynamics.
  22. Chandler, Christopher, Automated tuning of gas turbine combustion systems.
  23. Volponi,Allan J.; Brotherton,Thomas, Bootstrap data methodology for sequential hybrid model building.
  24. Grichnik, Anthony J.; Mason, James; Felty, Tim, Calibration certificate for virtual sensor network (VSN).
  25. Stewart,Gregory E.; Shahed,Syed M.; Kolavennu,Soumitri N., Calibration of engine control systems.
  26. Kesseli, James B.; Nash, James S., Ceramic-to-metal turbine shaft attachment.
  27. Baldwin, Matthew Stephen, Ceramic-to-metal turbine volute attachment for a gas turbine engine.
  28. Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Healy, Timothy Andrew; Jaiven, Rebecca Kathryn; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar; Morgan, Rex Allen, Combined probabilistic control in gas turbine tuning for power output-emissions parameters with scaling factor, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  29. Karpman, Boris; Meisner, Richard P., Compact aero-thermo model base point linear system based state estimator.
  30. Karpman, Boris; Niemczycki, Thomas; Dinsmore, Ian Michael; Sembiante, David; Luppold, Robert H., Compact aero-thermo model based control system.
  31. Karpman, Boris; Meisner, Richard P., Compact aero-thermo model based degraded mode control.
  32. Karpman, Boris; Dinsmore, Ian Michael; Meisner, Richard P.; Shade, John L., Compact aero-thermo model based engine material temperature control.
  33. Karpman, Boris; Meisner, Richard P.; Donald, Matthew; Case, Thomas E., Compact aero-thermo model based engine power control.
  34. Karpman, Boris; Dinsmore, Ian Michael; Neisner, Richard P.; Shade, John L., Compact aero-thermo model based tip clearance management.
  35. Karpman, Boris; Shishkin, Serge L., Compact aero-thermo model stabilization with compressible flow function transform.
  36. Dong, Yuan; Brilliant, Lisa I.; Carminati, Daniel; Sirica, Steven J., Compressor tip clearance management for a gas turbine engine.
  37. Stewart, Greg; Borrelli, Francesco; Pekar, Jaroslav, Configurable automotive controller.
  38. Tezuka, Makoto, Control apparatus for aeroplane gas turbine engine.
  39. Karpman, Boris; Meisner, Richard P.; Lacour, Mark E., Control of engineering systems utilizing component-level dynamic mathematical model with single-input single-output estimator.
  40. Grichnik, Anthony J.; Seskin, Michael; Perez, Marco; Collins, Roy T., Control system and method.
  41. Childers, Scott Andrew; Ekanayake, Sanji; Thompson, Brett Matthew, Control system for can-to-can variation in combustor system and related method.
  42. Stewart, Greg; Pekar, Jaroslav; Pachner, Daniel, Coordinated engine and emissions control system.
  43. Stewart,Gregory E.; Shahed,Syed M.; Borrelli,Francesco, Coordinated multivariable control of fuel and air in engines.
  44. Litwinowicz, Anthony; Sahasrabudhe, Vineet; Garhart, Jonathan K.; Bates, Preston R., Damage adaptive control.
  45. Litwinowicz, Anthony; Sahasrabudhe, Vineet; Garhart, Jonathan K.; Bates, Preston R., Damage adaptive control.
  46. Karpman, Boris; Meisner, Richard P.; Lacour, Mark E., Design and control of engineering systems utilizing component-level dynamic mathematical model with multiple-input multiple-output estimator.
  47. Martis, Dan; Fletcher, Paul; Rebhi, Betka; Perez, Vincent; Doke, Robert, Determination of a signal indicative of shaft power.
  48. Grichnik,Anthony J.; Seskin,Michael; Willden,Wade, Diagnostic and prognostic method and system.
  49. Donnelly, Frank Wegner; Dewis, David William, Dispatchable power from a renewable energy facility.
  50. Samad,Tariq; Shahed,Syed M.; Lu,Joseph Z.; Stewart,Gregory E.; Ravlena,Vladimir, Distributed control architecture for powertrains.
  51. Gauthier, Donald; Demougeot, Nicolas; Stuttaford, Peter; Rizkalla, Hany, Dynamically auto-tuning a gas turbine engine.
  52. Shahed,Syed M.; Hampson,Gregory J., EGR system.
  53. Boehm, Randall; Donan, Ruth; Bartlett, Stephen; Bleasdale, Donald, Emissions modeling for gas turbine engines for selecting an actual fuel split.
  54. Stewart, Gregory E.; Rhodes, Michael L., Emissions sensors for fuel control in engines.
  55. Stewart,Gregory E.; Rhodes,Michael L., Emissions sensors for fuel control in engines.
  56. Bowman, Ray F.; Owen, Philip Ray, Energy extraction and transfer system for a gas turbine engine.
  57. Pachner, Daniel; Pekar, Jaroslav, Engine and aftertreatment optimization system.
  58. Stewart, Gregory E.; Rhodes, Michael L., Engine controller.
  59. Stewart, Gregory E.; Rhodes, Michael L., Engine controller.
  60. Stewart, Gregory E., Engine exhaust heat exchanger.
  61. Havlena, Vladimir; Lu, Joseph Z.; Shahed, Syed M.; Rhodes, Michael L.; Samad, Tariq, Exhaust catalyst system.
  62. Kolavennu,Soumitri N., Exhaust gas recirculation system.
  63. Grichnik, Anthony J., Expert knowledge combination process based medical risk stratifying method and system.
  64. Grichnik, Anthony J.; Mason, James; Felty, Tim, Fixed-point virtual sensor control system and method.
  65. Dewis, David William; Kesseli, James; Donnelly, Frank Wegner; Wolf, Thomas; Upton, Timothy; Watson, John D., Gas turbine energy storage and conversion system.
  66. Dewis, David William; Kesseli, James; Donnelly, Frank Wegner; Wolf, Thomas; Watson, John D., Gas turbine energy storage and conversion system.
  67. Gill, Christopher; Vedder, Curtis; Moeckly, Kevin, Gas turbine engine and test cell real-time diagnostic fault detection and corrective action system and method.
  68. Myer, Joseph D.; Tomlinson, Steven W., Gas turbine engine configuration interface.
  69. Donnelly, Frank Wegner; Dewis, David William, Gas turbine engine configurations.
  70. Norris, James W.; Banks, Anton G., Gas turbine engine having controllable inlet guide vanes.
  71. Khalid, Syed Jalaluddin, Gas turbine engine performance seeking control.
  72. Karpman, Boris; Meisner, Richard P.; Shade, John L., High fidelity integrated heat transfer and clearance in component-level dynamic turbine system control.
  73. Volponi,Allan J., Hybrid gas turbine engine state variable model.
  74. Pachner, Daniel, Identification approach for internal combustion engine mean value models.
  75. Suciu, Gabriel L.; Merry, Brian D.; Dye, Christopher M.; Elder, James S., Integrated actuator module for gas turbine engine.
  76. Suciu, Gabriel L.; Merry, Brian D.; Dye, Christopher M.; Elder, James S., Integrated actuator module for gas turbine engine.
  77. Anderson, Sterling J.; Peters, Steven C.; Iagnemma, Karl D., Integrated framework for vehicle operator assistance based on a trajectory prediction and threat assessment.
  78. Anderson, Sterling J.; Peters, Steven C.; Iagnemma, Karl D., Integrated framework for vehicle operator assistance based on a trajectory prediction and threat assessment.
  79. Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Healy, Timothy Andrew; Jaiven, Rebecca Kathryn; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar; Morgan, Rex Allen, Machine-specific combined probabilistic control in gas turbine tuning for power output-emissions parameters with scaling factor, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  80. Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Healy, Timothy Andrew; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar; Morgan, Rex Allen, Machine-specific probabilistic control in gas turbine tuning for power output-emissions parameters, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  81. Grichnik,Anthony J.; Seskin,Michael, Medical risk stratifying method and system.
  82. Kesseli, James B.; Baldwin, Matthew Stephen, Metallic ceramic spool for a gas turbine engine.
  83. Bonanni,Pierino Gianni; Brunell,Brent Jerome, Method and apparatus for in-situ detection and isolation of aircraft engine faults.
  84. Deuker, Eberhard; Pernau, Stefan; Bode, Siegfried; Diebels, Andreas; Hahner, Thomas; Hesse, Thomas; Krebs, Werner; Prade, Bernd; Schneider, Peter-Andreas; Simon, Dieter; Sturm, Berthold; Thölking, Heinrich; Warnack, Dieter; Bauer, Andreas; Lepers, Joachim; Müller, Martin, Method and device for regulating the operating line of a gas turbine combustion chamber.
  85. Lefebvre,Wesley Curt; Kohn,Daniel W., Method and system for SCR optimization.
  86. Trejo Sanchez, Adriana Elizabeth; Adhami, Mohammad Waseem; Vega Paez, Jose Leon; Perez Gamboa, Monica Lizbeth; Chavez Valdovinos, Juan Paulo, Method and system for analysis of turbomachinery.
  87. Rosenof,Howard; Lefebvre,W. Curt; Kohn,Daniel W.; Spinney,Peter, Method and system for calculating marginal cost curves using plant control models.
  88. Hall, Edward Joseph; Stott, Kyle; Kumar, Ajith Kuttannair; Mischler, James Robert; Mcnally, Christopher; Dean, Jason, Method and system for engine emission control.
  89. Grichnik,Anthony J.; Seskin,Michael, Method and system for intelligent maintenance.
  90. Renou,Stephane; Shah,Minesh Ashok, Method and system for model based control of heavy duty gas turbine.
  91. Buchalter, Lauren Jeanne; Sweet, Bryan Edward; Szepek, Scott William; Mariani, Michael John, Method and system for operating gas turbine engine systems.
  92. Lefebvre,W. Curt; Kohn,Daniel W., Method and system for sootblowing optimization.
  93. Kihas, Dejan, Method and system for updating tuning parameters of a controller.
  94. Kihas, Dejan, Method and system for updating tuning parameters of a controller.
  95. Stewart, Gregory E., Method and system for using a measure of fueling rate in the air side control of an engine.
  96. Stewart,Gregory E., Method and system for using a measure of fueling rate in the air side control of an engine.
  97. Lu, Manxue; Carpenter, R. Sheldon, Method and system of adaptive model-based control for multiple-input multiple-output plants.
  98. Litt, Jonathan S., Method for estimation of at least one engine parameter.
  99. Lefebvre,Wesley Curt; Kohn,Daniel W., Method for implementing indirect controller.
  100. Lefebvre,Wesley Curt; Kohn,Daniel W., Method for implementing indirect controller.
  101. Lefebvre,Wesley Curt; Kohn,Daniel W., Method for implementing indirect controller.
  102. Lefebvre, W. Curt; Kohn, Daniel W., Method for sootblowing optimization.
  103. Lefebvre, W. Curt; Kohn, Daniel W., Method for sootblowing optimization.
  104. Fischer,Horst Dieter; Chemnitz,Joachim, Method for the fuel-optimized selection of a thruster configuration.
  105. Anderson, Sterling J.; Peters, Steven C.; Iagnemma, Karl D., Methods and apparati for predicting and quantifying threat being experienced by a modeled system.
  106. Adibhatla, Sridhar; Wiseman, Matthew William; Nestico, Brian Francis; Viassolo, Daniel Edgardo; Brunell, Brent Jerome, Methods and systems for estimating operating parameters of an engine.
  107. Parthasarathy, Girija; Mylaraswamy, Dinkar, Methods and systems for performing diagnostics regarding underlying root causes in turbine engines.
  108. Thatcher, Jonathan Carl; Schaberg, Scott; Disch, Mark, Methods and systems for providing real-time comparison with an alternate control strategy for a turbine.
  109. Van Vactor, David R.; Nolte, Steven E.; Noyes, Jr., Bertram S., Methods and systems to facilitate over-speed protection.
  110. Van Vactor, David R.; Noyes, Jr., Bertram S., Methods and systems to facilitate over-speed protection.
  111. Ross, Peter George; Ferreira, Adolfo Bravo; Morales, Osvaldo P., Model based cooling control system.
  112. Meisner, Richard P.; Britten, Alexandra I.; Poth, Jr., Stefan M.; Karpman, Boris, Model based engine inlet condition estimation.
  113. Fuller,James W., Model predictive controller with life extending control.
  114. Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Healy, Timothy Andrew; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar; Morgan, Rex Allen, Modelling probabilistic control in gas turbine tuning for power output-emissions parameters, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  115. Smith, Raub Warfield, Multi-stage compressor fault detection and protection.
  116. Stewart,Gregory E.; Kolavennu,Soumitri N.; Borrelli,Francesco; Hampson,Gregory J.; Shahed,Syed M.; Samad,Tariq; Rhodes,Michael L., Multivariable control for an engine.
  117. Kumar,Aditya, Multivariable controller design method for multiple input/outputs systems with multiple input/output constraints.
  118. Abrol, Sidharth; Ewens, David Spencer; Truesdale, Alan Meier, Online enhancement for improved gas turbine performance.
  119. Yerramalla, Sampath K.; Donat, William; Rajamani, Ravi, Partitioning of turbomachine faults.
  120. Stewart, Gregory; Shahed, Syed M.; Borrelli, Francesco; Hampson, Gregory J., Pedal position and/or pedal change rate for use in control of an engine.
  121. Stewart,Gregory E.; Shahed,Syed M.; Borrelli,Francesco; Hampson,Gregory J., Pedal position and/or pedal change rate for use in control of an engine.
  122. Khan, Khan Mohamed Khirullah Genghis; Ali, Mohamed Ahmed; Ayhan, Ali Osman; Behera, Ajay Kumar; Isburgh, Anne Marie; Jammu, Vinay Bhaskar; Madelone, Jr., John Joseph; Velagandula, Omprakash, Physics-based lifespan modeling.
  123. Self, Kristian Alexander; Radmore, Geoffrey, Power demand management.
  124. Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar; Morgan, Rex Allen; Smith, Raub Warfield, Power outlet, emissions, fuel flow and water flow based probabilistic control in liquid-fueled gas turbine tuning, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  125. Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar; Morgan, Rex Allen, Power output and emissions based degraded gas turbine tuning and control systems, computer program products and related methods.
  126. Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar; Morgan, Rex Allen, Power output and fuel flow based probabilistic control in gas turbine tuning, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  127. Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Fernandez, Paul Robert; Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar; Morgan, Rex Allen, Power output and fuel flow based probabilistic control in part load gas turbine tuning, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  128. O'Connor, Michael James; Johnson, Scott Francis; Schroder, Mark Stewart, Power plant operation enhancement.
  129. Ogunnaike,Babatunde A.; Mukati,Kapil, Predictive regulatory controller.
  130. Ogunnaike,Babatunde A.; Mukati,Kapil, Predictive regulatory controller.
  131. Jordan, Jr., Harold Lamar; Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Day, Scott Arthur; Ewens, David Spencer; Morgan, Rex Allen, Probabilistic control in gas turbine tuning for power output-emissions parameters, related control systems, computer program products and methods.
  132. Grichnik, Anthony J.; Seskin, Michael; Jayachandran, Amit, Probabilistic modeling system for product design.
  133. Gallestey,Eduardo Alvarez; Stothert,Alec, Process control system.
  134. Grichnik,Anthony J.; Seskin,Michael, Process model based virtual sensor and method.
  135. Grichnik,Anthony J., Process model error correction method and system.
  136. Grichnik, Anthony J.; Seskin, Michael, Process modeling and optimization method and system.
  137. Grichnik, Anthony J.; Brazzale-Anderson, Andrea; Patel, Amar; Seskin, Michael; Roozenboom, Stephan D.; Milam, David M., Product design optimization method and system.
  138. Delaloye, James; Payne, David A., Prognostic and health management accuracy maintenance system and method.
  139. Weakley, Thomas Craig; Masslon, Dale R.; Geib, Andrew F.; Donahue, Kevin, RFID tag system.
  140. Meisner, Richard P.; Winebrenner, Brian V.; Feulner, Matthew R.; Karpman, Boris; Marcos, Juan A.; Ma, David L., Real time model based compressor control.
  141. Karpman, Boris; Roadinger, Thomas J.; Meisner, Richard P., Robust flow parameter model for component-level dynamic turbine system control.
  142. Adibhatla, Sridhar; Kamath, Deepak Manohar; Shinkle, William Randolph, Sensor-based performance-seeking gas turbine engine control.
  143. Litt, Jonathan S., Singular value decomposition-based method for optimal estimation of turbofan engine thrust and other unmeasurable parameters.
  144. James, John Robert; McDermott, John; Piche, Stephen; Pickard, Fred; Parikh, Neel J., Sootblowing optimization for improved boiler performance.
  145. James, John Robert; McDermott, John; Piche, Stephen; Pickard, Fred; Parikh, Neel J., Sootblowing optimization for improved boiler performance.
  146. Demougeot, Nicolas; Gauthier, Donald; Rizkalla, Hany; Stuttaford, Peter; Oumejjoud, Khalid, Stabilizing a gas turbine engine via incremental tuning.
  147. Rizkalla, Hany; Gauthier, Donald; Soni, Sumit; Stuttaford, Peter John, Stabilizing a gas turbine engine via incremental tuning during transients.
  148. Hisano,Atsushi; Otani,Shigeko, State space navigation system, user system and business methods for machine to machine business.
  149. Hannula, Scott Victor; Watt, Duncan George, Steam turbine performance testing.
  150. Grichnik, Anthony J.; Seskin, Michael, Symmetric random scatter process for probabilistic modeling system for product design.
  151. Lefebvre, W. Curt; Kohn, Daniel W., System and method for assigning credit to process inputs.
  152. Karpman, Boris; Meisner, Richard P.; Lacour, Mark E., System and method for design and control of engineering systems utilizing component-level dynamic mathematical model.
  153. Abrol, Sidharth; Kumar, Rajeeva; Dokucu, Mustafa Tekin, System and method for emissions control in gas turbine systems.
  154. Davidson, Dwight Eric; Delvernois, Paul Griffin, System and method for operating a compressor.
  155. Armstrong, Michael J.; Ruff, Christopher K.; Smith, John W.; Cline, Curtis H., System and method for optimizing component life in a power system.
  156. Rhodes, Michael L.; Krafthefer, Brian C.; Kittleson, David B.; Ma, Hogbin, System for particulate matter sensor signal processing.
  157. Rhodes, Michael L.; Krafthefer, Brian C.; Kittleson, David B.; Ma, Hongbin, System for particulate matter sensor signal processing.
  158. Morgan, Rex Allen; Davis, Jr., Lewis Berkley; Jordan, Harold Lamar; Baker, Scott Richard, Systems and methods for control of operating life of a gas turbine.
  159. Blom, Rogier Sebastiaan; Kopecek, Herbert; Aramanekoppa, Sharath Sridhar; Huber, Johannes, Systems and methods for detecting anomalies at in-cylinder pressure sensors.
  160. Pandey, Achalesh Kumar; Sholes, John Edward; McDuffie, Dwayne David; Mundra, Kamlesh; Mazzaro, Maria Cecilia, Systems and methods for improved combined cycle control.
  161. Blom, Rogier Sebastiaan; Kopecek, Herbert; Aramanekoppa, Sharath Sridhar; Huber, Johannes, Systems and methods for in-cylinder pressure estimation using pressure wave modeling.
  162. Healey, Timothy Andrew; Rosson, Randy S.; Wilkes, Kevin Wood, Systems and methods for initializing dynamic model states using a Kalman filter.
  163. Brunell,Brent Jerome, Systems and methods for reducing an effect of a disturbance.
  164. Yuan,Chao; Neubauer,Claus; Brummel,Hans Gerd; Fang,Ming; Cataltepe,Zehra, Systems and methods for selecting training data and generating fault models for use in use sensor-based monitoring.
  165. Tonno, Giovanni; Paci, Mariateresa; Stewart, Jesse Floyd; Asti, Antonio, Systems and methods for using a combustion dynamics tuning algorithm with a multi-can combustor.
  166. San Andres, Ramon Juan; Mucklow, Blaine Madison; Tadepalli, Venu Madhav; Nigam, Atul; Sharma, Prashant Kumar; Lewkovich, Robert Michael; Srivastava, Shitanshu; Bhutani, Deepti, Systems and methods to monitor the operation of a power generation system.
  167. Pandey, Achalesh Kumar; Nanda, Subrat; Mazzaro, Maria Cecilia; Talukdar, Atanu, Turbine performance diagnostic system and methods.
  168. Attarwala,Fakhruddin T, Use of core process models in model predictive controller.
  169. Stewart,Gregory E.; Kolavennu,Soumitri N.; Borrelli,Francesco; Hampson,Gregory J.; Shahed,Syed M.; Samad,Tariq; Rhodes,Michael L., Use of sensors in a state observer for a diesel engine.
  170. Pekar, Jaroslav; Stewart, Gregory E., Using model predictive control to optimize variable trajectories and system control.
  171. Grabowski, Zbigniew M.; Morris, Robert J.; Carmichael, Ray W., Variable area fan nozzle fan flutter management system.
  172. Grichnik, Anthony J.; Seskin, Michael, Virtual sensor based control system and method.
  173. Grichnik, Anthony J.; Jacobson, Evan E.; Jayachandran, Amit; Seskin, Michael, Virtual sensor based engine control system and method.
  174. Grichnik, Anthony J.; Mason, James; Felty, Tim, Virtual sensor network (VSN) system and method.
  175. Grichnik, Anthony J.; Jayachandran, Amit; Kesse, Mary L.; Seskin, Michael, Virtual sensor system and method.
  176. Grichnik, Anthony James; Felty, Timothy Joe; Mason, James Robert, Virtual sensor system and method for generating output parameters.
  177. Truesdale, Alan Meier; Ewens, David Spencer; Abrol, Sidharth, Wash timing based on turbine operating parameters.
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안녕하세요, AI-Helper입니다. 좌측 "선택된 텍스트"에서 텍스트를 선택하여 요약, 번역, 용어설명을 실행하세요.
※ AI-Helper는 부적절한 답변을 할 수 있습니다.

선택된 텍스트
