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[미국특허] Under-seat storage bin for extended cab pickup trucks 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B60R-007/00
출원번호 US-0358091 (2003-02-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Tuel, Jr., Dennis
  • Ouren, Danny Lee
대리인 / 주소
    Harr Curtis V.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 12  인용 특허 : 13


A storage bin for use in extended cab pickup trucks having a rear seating area. The storage bin is an opened topped rectangular box, with a removable divider that is specifically designed to fit in the space beneath the rear seat the extended cab pickup truck. The use of the storage bin allows the o


1. A storage bin, adapted for use in an extended cab pickup truck having a rear seat, said storage bin comprising:an elongate front and back wall, a left and right side and a storage bin floor having an upper and lower surface such that said storage bin is configured to fit beneath said rear seat of

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (13) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Langenbeck Keith A. (3112 Purdue St. Dallas TX 75225), Container for storing and transporting letter mail and other flat articles.
  2. Ramberg Clifford F. (6825 Sunrise Rd. ; P.O. Box 145 Harris MN 55032), Divided bait container.
  3. Hinze Billy W. (Rte. 2 ; Box 118 Sedgewickville MO 63781), Extended cab truck storage seat.
  4. Dunchock Richard S. (Farmington Hills MI), Lockable storage compartment and seat for vehicles.
  5. Smith Donald D. (257 10th St. Burlington CO 80807) Winfrey Betty J. (202 Vine Burlington CO 80807), Receptacle with improved features for facilitating separating of recyclable trash.
  6. Salas, James R., Storage device.
  7. Schlachter Bradley S., Structural member for creating an accessible underseat storage enclosure.
  8. Vigilante ; Jr. Antonio, Under rear seat of pickup truck storage.
  9. Karen M. Hofmann ; Michael E. Wiedeman, Under seat storage system.
  10. Singh Jaswant ; Susko Thomas J. ; Moran Michael W. ; Boyer Michael S. ; Knight Daniel M. ; Cannon Carter, Underseat storage bin.
  11. Lamo ; Jr. Ralph J., Underseat storage box.
  12. Green Howard T. (5900 Fairham Rd. Hamilton OH 45011), Underseat storage container.
  13. Verhaeg Martien (2633 Wellington Ct. Concord CA 94520), Vehicle interior storage container.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (12) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Thuma, Michael; Anderson, Torrence; Vogler, Michael R., Blow molded resin furniture having a stabilizing box structure.
  2. Thuma, Michael; Anderson, Torrence; Vogler, Michael R., Blow molded resin furniture having a stabilizing box structure.
  3. Thuma, Michael; Anderson, Torrence; Vogler, Michael R., Blow molded resin furniture having a stabilizing box structure.
  4. Mueller, Peter T.; Soyka, Jr., Richard J., Collapsible rear seat storage assembly.
  5. Mather, Carl; Neag, Dorinel, Deployable under-seat cargo assembly.
  6. Ganti, Satish; Pleet, Edward Andrew; Xu, Naijiang, Floor top crossmember.
  7. Hellman, Kristin Ann; Welch, Ryan; Stone, Christopher Harold; Nowak, Jeffrey M.; Sakarian, Artur; Huebner, Annette Lynn, Inflatable/deflatable seat with stowable collapsing frame.
  8. Hungerford,Michael J.; Cooper,Corry R., Lower bunk for a vehicle.
  9. Nakamura, Norimi; Nada, Koji; Kawamura, Shoichiro; Hayashi, Masaki; Nakaji, Masaru; Saji, Shinichiro; Tsuchiya, Takeshi, Operator's station structure for work vehicle.
  10. Morita, Hirokazu; Iwai, Hiroyuki; Tanaka, Masaki; Schafer, Wayne, Pick-up style utility vehicle with expandable cargo bed.
  11. Nakamura, Mitsuyoshi; Matsui, Toru, Seat-form storage apparatus.
  12. Khan,Moonis F.; Johnson,Randy; Kulkarni,Sharad, Vehicle storage structure.

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