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[미국특허] Method and device for preparing a hot beverage 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A47J-031/32
  • A47J-031/24
출원번호 US-0247377 (2002-09-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hu, Ruguo
  • Arrick, Corey
  • Scoville, Eugene
  • Bernardi, John
  • Sheehan, Brita Frangsmyr
  • Overbaugh, William F.
  • Bardin, Ennio
  • Chrisman, Randall C.
출원인 / 주소
  • Nestec S.A.
대리인 / 주소
    Winston & Strawn LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 112  인용 특허 : 5


The invention relates to a capsule for the preparation of a beverage obtained by supplying hot water within the capsule under pressure and releasing the beverage from the capsule; said capsule comprising a food substance therein, a first surface adapted to be traversed by a flow of water entering th


1. A system for preparing a liquid food, comprising:a containment portion configured for containing a food ingredient and for receiving a liquid supplied to flow therethrough in contact with the food ingredient to produce a liquid-food mixture;a boundary wall having a wall surface extending along a

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Fond Olivier,CHX ; Lavanchy Gerard,CHX ; Pleisch Jean-Pierre,CHX ; Schaeffer Jacques,CHX ; Yoakim Alfred,CHX, Apparatus for extracting a substance contained in a sachet.
  2. Dijs Daniel Albertus Jozef,NLX, Assembly for use in a coffee machine for preparing coffee.
  3. Beaulieu Roderick H. ; Wuertele James W. ; Sweeney Richard P. ; Sylvan John E. ; Focht Kenneth A. ; Kwo Jennie, Automated beverage brewing system.
  4. Fond Olivier,JPX, Cartridges containing substances for beverage preparation.
  5. Gasser Ruedy,CHX ; Strub Jurg,CHX, Espresso brewing-head unit.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (112) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Fischer, Daniel; Brendle, Christian, Apparatus for automatically dissolving instant powder, particularly milk powder, in hot water and, in particular, for frothing-up.
  2. Hulett, Randy; Doucette, David; Apone, Dan; Koller, Izaak; Juris, Amanda L.; Allison, Jeff; Shay, Brian; Johnson, John Andrew; Horth, Roland; Frankovich, Steve; Klecker, Glenn; Hancock, Stephen Hoyt; Singer, Marc, Apparatuses, systems, and methods for brewing a beverage.
  3. Hansen, Nick Andrew, Beverage cartridge.
  4. Hansen, Nick Andrew, Beverage cartridge.
  5. Hansen, Nick Andrew, Beverage cartridge.
  6. Hansen, Nick Andrew, Beverage cartridge.
  7. Hansen, Nick Andrew, Beverage cartridge.
  8. Hansen, Nick Andrew; Norton, Mark Richard Thomas, Beverage cartridge.
  9. Hansen, Nick Andrew; Norton, Mark Richard Thomas, Beverage cartridge.
  10. Winkler, Karl T., Beverage cartridge.
  11. Winkler, Karl T., Beverage cartridge.
  12. Winkler, Karl T.; Lai, Shih-Hao; Pasquini, Richard, Beverage cartridge.
  13. Winkler, Karl T.; Lai, Shih-Hao; Pasquini, Richard, Beverage cartridge.
  14. York, Geoffrey; Bentley, Andrew Charles, Beverage cartridge.
  15. York, Geoffrey; Bentley, Andrew Charles, Beverage cartridge.
  16. Beaulieu, Roderick H.; Wuertele, James W., Beverage cartridge with filter guard.
  17. Beaulieu, Roderick H.; Wuertele, James W., Beverage cartridge with filter guard.
  18. Massey, Adrian Harold; Massey, Ayse Tulay; Michaut, Clemence; Blangy, Helen, Beverage concentrates.
  19. Hansen, Nicholas Andrew, Beverage delivery pod and methods of use and manufacture.
  20. Suggi Liverani, Furio; Mastropasqua, Luca; Van Eeden, Frans; Dellapietra, Bruno, Beverage extraction assembly for extracting a beverage from a particulate substance contained in a cartridge.
  21. Douma, Sipke Theo, Beverage maker, comprising an easy-to-clean duct system having at least one duct for conveying a fluid beverage ingredient.
  22. Rivera, Adrian, Beverage pod packaging manufacturing machine.
  23. Cable, Fred; Gale, Peter, Beverage preparation systems with brew chamber securing mechanisms.
  24. Crarer, Alan Scott; Mack, Adam Mekeel; James, Matthew Thomas; Manoux, Philipe Roget; Lee, Diane Chia-Lin; Ruegg, Martin, Beverage production machines with multi-chambered basket units.
  25. Crarer, Alan Scott; Mack, Adam Mekeel; James, Matthew Thomas; Manoux, Philipe Roget; Lee, Diane Chia-Lin; Ruegg, Martin, Beverage production methods with multi chambered basket units.
  26. Rivera, Adrian, Brewing cartridge.
  27. Deuber, Louis, Capsule for an extraction material, method for producing the capsule, and device for brewing coffee.
  28. Yoakim, Alfred; Borne, Patrice, Capsule for preparation of a beverage with a delivery wall forming a confined flowpath.
  29. Yoakim, Alfred; Borne, Patrice, Capsule for preparation of a beverage with delaminating or breakable seal at delivery wall.
  30. Yoakim, Alfred; Perentes, Alexandre; Gerbaulet, Arnaud, Capsule for preparing coffee in a device comprising a cartridge holder with relief and recessed elements.
  31. Yoakim, Alfred; Perentes, Alexandre; Gerbaulet, Arnaud, Capsule with filtering insert for preparing a coffee beverage.
  32. Arrick, Corey; Hu, Ruguo; Scoville, Eugene, Capsule with foam conditioning feature.
  33. Arrick,Corey; Hu,Ruguo; Scoville,Eugene, Capsule with foam conditioning feature.
  34. Yoakim, Alfred; Gavillet, Gilles; Denisart, Jean-Paul; Kollep, Alexandre, Capsule with outer sealing material pressurized by fluid and method and system for using same.
  35. Yoakim, Alfred; Gavillet, Gilles; Denisart, Jean-Paul, Capsule with sealing means and its use in a beverage producing system.
  36. Yoakim, Alfred; Gavillet, Gilles; Denisart, Jean-Paul, Capsule with sealing means and its use in producing a beverage.
  37. Halliday, Andrew; Ballard, Colin; Panesar, Satwinder; Rendle, Geoff; Gomez, Maria, Cartridge and method for the preparation of beverages.
  38. Halliday, Andrew; Ballard, Colin; Panesar, Satwinder; Rendle, Geoff; Gomez, Maria, Cartridge and method for the preparation of beverages.
  39. Halliday, Andrew; Ballard, Colin; Panesar, Satwinder; Rendle, Geoff; Gomez, Maria, Cartridge and method for the preparation of beverages.
  40. Halliday, Andrew; Ballard, Colin; Panesar, Satwinder; Rendle, Geoff; Gomez, Maria, Cartridge and method for the preparation of beverages.
  41. Schmed, Arthur, Cartridge containing one serving of coffee powder for preparing a coffee beverage.
  42. Schmed, Arthur; Venturi, Roberto Degli Esposti, Cartridge containing one serving of coffee powder for preparing a coffee beverage.
  43. Windler, Andrew Timm; Manoux, Philipe Roget, Cartridge ejection systems and methods for single-serve beverage production machines.
  44. Macchi,Edoardo; Sagliaschi,Marco, Cartridge for coffee and soluble products and relative method of producing a beverage and apparatus for extracting a beverage.
  45. Halliday, Andrew; Ballard, Colin; Panesar, Satwinder; Rendle, Geoff; Gomez, Maria, Cartridge for the preparation of beverages.
  46. Rivera, Adrian, Cartridge for use in coffee maker.
  47. Kirschner, Jonathan; Green, Charles Bradley; Heinsz, Louis Joseph, Coffee and tea pod.
  48. Rivera, Adrian, Coffee maker.
  49. Rivera, Adrian, Coffee maker with multi and single cup modes.
  50. Rivera, Adrian; Green, Kenneth L., Coffee maker with multi and single cup modes.
  51. Norton, Mark Richard Thomas; de Cleir, Piaras Valdis, Container.
  52. Denisart, Jean-Luc; Meier, Alain; Bonacci, Enzo; Pleisch, HansPeter; Talon, Christian, Device for preparing a liquid beverage from a cartridge.
  53. Doglioni Majer, Luca, Dispensing assembly for preparing beverages from soluble products.
  54. Kihnke, Kevin B., Disposable cartridge for brewed beverages.
  55. Rivera, Adrian, Disposable single serving beverage pod adapter.
  56. Yang, Frank; Sandor, Joseph; Cardenas, Orlando, Electric soap dispenser.
  57. Yang, Frank; Sandor, Joseph; Cardenas, Orlando, Electric soap dispenser.
  58. Yang, Frank; Sandor, Joseph; Cardenas, Orlando, Electric soap dispenser.
  59. Yang, Frank; Wolbert, David; Yen, Kenneth; Cohen, Guy; Chen, Hon-Lun; Pirshafiey, Nasser; Sandor, Joseph, Foaming soap dispensers.
  60. Glucksman, Dov Z.; Belanger, David Normand; McGonagle, Gary P.; Nickerson, Laura J., Infusible material capsule for brewing a beverage.
  61. Glucksman, Dov Z; Nickerson, Laura J; McGonagle, Gary P; Belanger, David Normand, Infusible material capsule for brewing a beverage.
  62. Suggi Liverani, Furio; Mastropasqua, Luca; Van Eeden, Frans; Dellapietra, Bruno, Integrated cartridge for extracting a beverage from a particulate substance.
  63. Suggi Liverani, Furio; Mastropasqua, Luca; Van Eeden, Frans; Dellapietra, Bruno, Integrated cartridge for extracting a beverage from a particulate substance.
  64. Suggi Liverani, Furio; Mastropasqua, Luca; Van Eeden, Frans; Dellapietra, Bruno, Integrated cartridge for extracting a beverage from a particulate substance.
  65. Yang, Frank; Yen, Kenneth; Lum, Myk; Wade, Adam, Liquid dispenser cartridge.
  66. Yang, Frank; Yen, Kenneth; Lum, Myk; Wade, Adam, Liquid dispenser cartridge.
  67. Yang, Frank; Wolbert, David; Sandor, Joseph; Cardenas, Orlando, Liquid dispensing units.
  68. Yang, Frank; Wolbert, David; Sandor, Joseph; Cardenas, Orlando, Liquid dispensing units.
  69. Skalski, Lukasz D.; Van Dillen, Tiemen T., Liquid flow control and beverage preparation apparatus.
  70. Skalski, Lukasz D.; Van Dillen, Tiemen T., Liquid flow control and beverage preparation apparatuses.
  71. Skalski, Lukasz D.; Van Dillen, Tiemen T., Liquid flow control and beverage preparation apparatuses, methods and systems.
  72. Skalski, Lukasz D.; Van Dillen, Tiemen T., Liquid flow control and beverage preparation apparatuses, methods and systems.
  73. Skalski, Lukasz D.; Van Dillen, Tiemen T., Liquid flow control and beverage preparation apparatuses, methods and systems.
  74. Skalski, Lukasz D.; Van Dillen, Tiemen T., Liquid flow control and beverage preparation apparatuses, methods and systems.
  75. Skalski, Lukasz D.; Van Dillen, Tiemen T., Liquid flow control and beverage preparation apparatuses, methods and systems.
  76. Skalski, Lukasz D.; Van Dillen, Tiemen T., Liquid flow control and beverage preparation apparatuses, methods and systems.
  77. Skalski, Lukasz D.; Van Dillen, Tiemen T., Liquid flow control and beverage preparation for a refrigerator.
  78. Skalski, Lukasz D.; Van Dillen, Tiemen T., Liquid flow control through a beverage preparation apparatus.
  79. Rivera, Adrian, Method and apparatus for capturing a rimmed single serving cup in an adapter.
  80. Rivera, Adrian, Method for tamping brewing material using a self tamping single serving brewing material holder.
  81. Cortese, Virginio, Method of making a beverage from powdered material in a sealed capsule.
  82. Rehfuss, Evgeni, Mixed beverage unit.
  83. Domit, Antonio, Multi-flap box for soda straws.
  84. Koeling, Hendrik Cornelis; Brouwer, Gustaaf Frans, Pad and assembly of a holder and such a pad.
  85. Heijdel, Frederike Ingeborg; Van Der Veen, Christiaan Jos; Brouwer, Gustaaf Frans; Van Os, Ivo; De Koning, Wenda Corina, Pad, pad holder, assembly, and method for producing a beverage.
  86. Rivera, Adrian, Pod adaptor system for single service beverage brewers.
  87. Doglioni Majer, Luca, Pressure beverage cartridge and preparation method.
  88. Rivera, Adrian, Reusable brewing cartridge.
  89. Massey, Adrian Harold; Massey, Ayse Tulay; Michaut, Clemence; Blangy, Helene, Sealed cartridge containing beverage concentrates.
  90. Rivera, Adrian, Self tamping coffee holder.
  91. Rivera, Adrian, Single and multi-cup coffee maker.
  92. Rivera, Adrian, Single serving brewing material adapter with readable label.
  93. Rivera, Adrian, Single serving brewing material holder.
  94. Rivera, Adrian, Single serving reusable brewing material holder.
  95. Rivera, Adrian, Single serving reusable brewing material holder.
  96. Rivera, Adrian, Single serving reusable brewing material holder with offset passage for offset bottom needle.
  97. Yang, Frank; Wolbert, David; Sandor, Joseph; Cardenas, Orlando, Soap dispensing units with anti-drip valve.
  98. Yang, Frank; Wei, Tzu-Hao; Chang, Di-Fong; Lum, Myk; Wade, Adam, Soap pump.
  99. Yang, Frank; Wei, Tzu-Hao; Chang, Di-Fong; Lum, Myk; Wade, Adam, Soap pump.
  100. Yang, Frank; Wei, Tzu-Hao; Lum, Myk; Wade, Adam, Soap pump.
  101. Yang, Frank; Wei, Tzu-Hao; Lum, Myk; Wade, Adam, Soap pump.
  102. Yang, Frank; Wei, Tzu-Hao; Lum, Myk; Wade, Adam, Soap pump.
  103. Yang, Frank; Yen, Kenneth; Lum, Myk; Wade, Adam, Soap pump.
  104. Yang, Frank; Yen, Kenneth; Lum, Myk; Wade, Adam; Chan, Kasin, Soap pump.
  105. Yang, Frank; Yen, Kenneth; Lum, Myk; Wade, Adam, Soap pump head.
  106. Thomas, William, Substance holder with removable insert.
  107. Mandralis, Zenon Ioannis; Koch, Peter; Campiche, Francisco, System for dispensing short and long coffee beverages.
  108. Yoakim, Alfred; Gavillet, Gilles; Denisart, Jean-Paul, System with capsule having sealing means.
  109. Yoakim, Alfred; Gavillet, Gilles; Denisart, Jean-Paul, System with capsule having sealing means.
  110. Kamerbeek, Ralf; van Loon-Post, Angenita Dorothea; Koeling, Hendrik Cornelis, System, apparatus and method for preparing a beverage.
  111. Rahn, Christopher W.; Pope, Randy D., System, method and apparatus for heating water.
  112. Majer Doglioni,Luca, Unit for preparing beverages from soluble products.

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