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Remote tuning for gas turbines 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G05D-01100
출원번호 US-0906001 (2001-07-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • McCarthy, John Patrick
  • Shapiro, Andrew Philip
  • Williams, George Edward
  • Butterfield, Eric Gardner
  • Mattison, Scott Campbell
  • Russo, Victor Franz
  • Grant, III, Milton Lewiston
출원인 / 주소
  • General Electric Company
대리인 / 주소
    Nixon &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 12  인용 특허 : 37


A system and method for tuning a turbine comprises a turbine controller coupled to the turbine, a first computer system coupled to the turbine controller and located locally to the turbine, and a second computer system for exchanging data with the first computer system. The second computer system is


1. A system for tuning a gas turbine comprising:a turbine controller operatively coupled to the gas turbine; a first computer system operatively coupled to the turbine controller and located locally to the gas turbine; and a second computer system for exchanging data with the first computer system,

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (37)

  1. Iasillo Robert J. ; Davis ; Jr. Lewis Berkley ; Black Stephen Hugh, Apparatus and method for active control of oscillations in gas turbine combustors.
  2. Black Stephen H. (Duanesburg NY), Apparatus for reducing fuel/air concentration oscillations in gas turbine combustors.
  3. Woodmansee Donald E. (Schenectady NY) Caliendo Philip J. (Trumbull CT) Shapiro Andrew P. (Schenectady NY), Batch system for microwave desorption of adsorbents.
  4. Cohen Mitchell ; Kuwata Masayoshi ; Steber Charles E. ; Mick Warren J., Center burner in a multi-burner combustor.
  5. Brown Dale M. (Schenectady NY), Combustion control for producing low NOx emissions through use of flame spectroscopy.
  6. Vandervort Christian L., Combustion dynamics control for variable fuel gas composition and temperature based on gas control valve feedback.
  7. Moore M. Samuel (Northridge CA), Comprehensive engine monitor and recorder.
  8. Rajamani Ravi (Schenectady NY) Norman Bruce G. (Charlton NY), Coordinated fuel-air controller for gas turbine without load feedback.
  9. Butz Mark G. (Cincinnati OH) Berg James A. (Maineville OH), Data link for gas turbine engine control.
  10. Lecomte Pierre (Aureville FRX) Coquin Laurent (Toulouse FRX), Device for supervising the propulsion system of an aircraft.
  11. Shapiro Andrew Philip ; Dean Anthony John, Dewpoint sensor.
  12. Shapiro Andrew Philip ; Dean Anthony John, Dewpoint sensor.
  13. Etheridge Colin J. ; Smith Kenneth O., Emission control for a gas turbine engine.
  14. Abramowicz Daniel A. (Ballston Spa NY) El-Shoubary Youssef (Clifton Park NY) Kim Bang M. (Schenectady NY) Shapiro Andrew P. (Schenectady NY) Shillling Norman Z. (Schenectady NY), Enhanced volatilization of polychlorinated biphenyl compounds.
  15. Davis ; Jr. Lewis Berkley ; Balevic David Justin ; Beaudoin Ronald Joseph ; Mick Warren James, Fuel staging apparatus and methods for gas turbine nozzles.
  16. Beebe, Kenneth W.; Davis, L. Berkly; Iasillo, Robert J., Fuel trim method for a multiple chamber gas turbine combustion system.
  17. Beebe Kenneth W. (Galway NY) Davis L. Berkley (Schenectady NY) Iasillo Robert J. (Ballston Spa NY), Fuel trim system for a multiple chamber gas turbine combustion system.
  18. Beebe Kenneth W. (Schenectady NY) Davis L. Berkly (Schenectady NY) Iasillo Robert J. (Schenectady NY), Fuel trim system for a multiple chamber gas turbine combustion system.
  19. Rajamani Ravi (Schenectady NY) Minto Karl D. (Ballston Lake NY) Bulkley Benjamin E. (Erie PA) Norman Bruce G. (Charlton NY), Gas turbine coordinated fuel-air control method and apparatus therefor.
  20. Daniel Robert Tegel ; Gerald P. Hunt ; Jack Edward Lawton ; Robert Edward Malo, Measurement method for detecting and quantifying combustor dynamic pressures.
  21. Hays Coy L. ; Brunson Thomas A. ; Lenz Gary A., Method and apparatus for diagnosing a pump system.
  22. Tubel Paulo S. ; Mullins ; II Albert A. ; Jones Kevin R., Method and apparatus for the remote control and monitoring of production wells.
  23. Tubel Paulo S. ; Mullins ; II Albert A. ; Jones Kevin R., Method and apparatus for the remote control and monitoring of production wells.
  24. Shapiro Andrew Philip ; Salvo Joseph James, Method and system for treating contaminated media.
  25. Schick, Louis Andrew; Catharine, Douglas Ancona; Sanborn, Stephen Duane, Method for data filtering and anomoly detection.
  26. Day James ; Shapiro Andrew Philip ; Jerabek Elihu Calvin, Method for sealing an ultracapacitor, and related articles.
  27. Davis ; Jr. Lewis B. (Schenectady NY) Fitts David O. (Ballston Spa NY) Mick Warren J. (Altamont NY) Sciocchetti Michael B. (Schenectady NY) Cohen Mitchell R. (Troy NY), Method for staging fuel in a turbine between diffusion and premixed operations.
  28. Mick Warren J. (Altamont NY) Cohen Mitchell R. (Troy NY), Method for staging fuel in a turbine in the premixed operating mode.
  29. Shu Emily Y. (Niskayuna NY) Brown Dale M. (Schenectady NY), Optical sensing of combustion dynamics.
  30. Ina Katsuhiro (Okazaki JPX) Hirabayashi Yuji (Aichi JPX) Minami Kazuaki (Anjo JPX) Ito Katsunori (Aichi JPX) Akiyama Susumu (Kariya JPX) Tanabe Hidemichi (Nagoya JPX), Overall diagnosis apparatus for vehicle-mounted control devices.
  31. Blotenberg Wilfried,DEX, Process for the remote-controlled start-up of machinery, especially compressors and turbines.
  32. John Gamwell Almstead ; Maheshch Amritlal Morjaria ; Keith Andrew Longtin, Remote diagnostic system and method collecting sensor data according to two storage techniques.
  33. Ghanime, George H., Remote notification of machine diagnostic information utilizing a unique email address identifying the sensor, the associated machine, and the associated machine condition.
  34. Borkowicz Richard J. (Westminster MD) Davis ; Jr. L. Berkley (Schenectady NY) Kuwata Masayoshi (Ballston Lake NY), Tertiary fuel injection system for use in a dry low NOx combustion system.
  35. Thornton Roy Fred ; Shapiro Andrew Philip ; Sivavec Timothy Mark, Treatment for contaminated media.
  36. Woodmansee Donald E. (Schenectady NY) Shapiro Andrew P. (Schenectady NY), Ventilated tray for adsorbent desorption.
  37. Steele Douglas S. (West Chester OH) Howington Larry C. (West Chester OH) Schuler James W. (Oxford OH) Sostarich Joseph J. (Fairfield OH) Wojciechowski Charles R. (West Chester OH) Sippel Theodore W. , X-ray inspection system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (12)

  1. Chandler, Christopher, Automated tuning of gas turbine combustion systems.
  2. Chandler, Christopher, Automated tuning of gas turbine combustion systems.
  3. Chandler, Christopher, Automated tuning of gas turbine combustion systems.
  4. Chandler, Christopher, Automated tuning of gas turbine combustion systems.
  5. Chandler, Christopher, Automated tuning of multiple fuel gas turbine combustion systems.
  6. Stuttaford, Peter John; Soni, Sumit; Gauthier, Donald; Rizkalla, Hany, Dynamic tuning of a gas turbine engine to detect and prevent lean blowout.
  7. Williams, George Edward; Lazzuri, Richard Frank; Gleeson, Eamon Patrick, Method and apparatus for remotely monitoring gas turbine combustion dynamics.
  8. Steber, Charles Evan; Parisay, Massoud; Annigeri, Ravindra; Ziminsky, Willy Steve; Henderson, John Stephen, Method for operating gas turbine engine systems.
  9. Chandler, Christopher, Optimization of gas turbine combustion systems low load performance on simple cycle and heat recovery steam generator applications.
  10. Bollhalder, Heinz; Habermann, Michael; Zinn, Hanspeter, Protection process and control system for a gas turbine.
  11. Kauffman,Eric J.; Rucigay,Richard J.; Christensen,Troy P., System and method for processing operation data obtained from turbine operations.
  12. Ballew,Michael A.; Mason,Larry D., Virtual electronic remote control device.
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