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[미국특허] Process for inhibiting scale 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C23F-011/00
  • B08B-017/00
출원번호 US-0147660 (2002-05-16)
발명자 / 주소
  • Narayan-Sarathy, Sridevi
  • Dammann, Laurence G.
  • Zidovec, Davor
출원인 / 주소
  • Ashland Inc.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 11


This invention relates to a process for scale inhibition using random copolymers of acrylic acid and a monomer that is hydrophobic.


1. A process for inhibiting the formation of calcium scale on a metal surface exposed to an aqueous system comprising:adding from 0.1 to 1000 ppm of a random copolymer of acrylic acid and a co-monomer that has hydrophobic properties, whereby said random copolymer is synthesized in the presence of a

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (11)

  1. Egraz Jean-Bernard (Ecully FRX) Grondin Henri (Lyons FRX) Suau Jean-Marc (Lyons FRX), Acrylic copolymer which is water-soluble or moderately water-soluble and may be crosslinked; and its use.
  2. Nieh Edward C. (Austin TX), Anti-icing compositions containing thickener blend having polyacrylic acid and copolymer of acrylic acid and hydrophobic.
  3. Warburton ; Jr. ; Charles E. ; Benischeck ; Joseph J., Anti-soiling treatment for carpets and carpet yarns.
  4. Liao Wen P. (Warminster PA) Chen Fu (Newtown PA), Block copolymers for sludge dewatering and a polymeric initiator for their preparation.
  5. Masahito Takagi JP; Shigeru Yamaguchi JP, Grafted polymer and its production process and use.
  6. Wolff Erich (Solingen DEX), Photographic recording material.
  7. Masler ; III William F. (Hinckley OH) Amjad Zahid (Avon Lake OH), Process for preparing novel copolymer.
  8. Young Chung I. (Roseville MN) Enanoza Rudyard M. (Woodbury MN), Suspension polymerization.
  9. Patel Suresh (37 Lawnswood Park Road Swinton ; Manchester M27 1NJ GB2), Treatment of seawater evaporator aqueous systems with scale-inhibiting mixture of polymaleic anhydride and a carboxyl-co.
  10. Bolich ; Jr. Raymond E. (Maineville OH) Norton Michael J. (Cincinnati OH) Russell Glen D. (Loveland OH), Vehicle systems for use in cosmetic compositions.
  11. Fu Chen ; Natalie A. Kolson, Water soluble copolymers.

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