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[미국특허] Methods and apparatuses for gas separation by pressure swing adsorption with partial gas product feed to fuel cell power source 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01M-008/00
출원번호 US-0013896 (2001-12-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Connor, Denis J.
  • Keefer, Bowie G.
  • McLean, Christopher R.
  • Knights, Shanna D.
  • St-Pierre, Jean
출원인 / 주소
  • QuestAir Technologies Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Klarquist Sparkman, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 79  인용 특허 : 99


Various systems, method and apparatuses are disclosed that include a pressure swing adsorption apparatus coupled to a fuel cell, wherein the fuel cell receives at least a portion of a product gas from the pressure swing adsorption and powers the pressure swing adsorption apparatus. Also disclosed is


1. A system, comprising:a pressure swing adsorption apparatus that can produce a product gas and that defines a product gas outlet; and a fuel cell power source powering the pressure swing adsorption apparatus and defining a cathode feed inlet, the product gas outlet being fluidly coupled to the cat

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (99) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Mezey Eugene J. (Columbus OH) Dinovo Salvatore T. (Columbus OH), Adsorbent regeneration and gas separation utilizing microwave heating.
  2. Bulow Martin ; Fitch Frank R. ; Ojo Adeola Florence, Adsorbents and adsorptive separation process.
  3. Xie Youchang (Beijing CNX) Bu Naiyu (Beijing CNX) Liu Jun (Beijing CNX) Yang Ge (Beijing CNX) Qiu Jianguo (Beijing CNX) Yang Naifang (Beijing CNX) Tang Youchi (Beijing CNX), Adsorbents for use in the separation of carbon monoxide and/or unsaturated hydrocarbons from mixed gases.
  4. Davidson Peter J. (Darlington GB2) Lywood Warwick J. (Hutton Rudby GB2), Adsorption process.
  5. Kumar Ravi (Allentown PA) Naheiri Tarik (Bath PA) Watson Charles F. (Orefield PA), Adsorption process with mixed repressurization and purge/equalization.
  6. Keefer Bowie G. (4324 West 11th Ave. Vancouver ; British Columbia CAX V6R 2M1), Adsorptive gas separator with inertial energy exchange.
  7. Leavitt Frederick W. (North Tonawanda NY), Air separation pressure swing adsorption process.
  8. Jain Ravi ; LaCava Alberto I. ; Maheshwary Apurva ; Ambriano John Robert ; Acharya Divyanshu R. ; Fitch Frank R., Air separation using monolith adsorbent bed.
  9. Ohyauchi Hideo (Ibaraki JPX) Amano Yoshiaki (Ibaraki JPX) Hanzawa Asao (Ibaraki JPX), Air supply apparatus for fuel cell system.
  10. Keefer Bowie G. (4324 W. 11th Ave. Vancouver B.C. CAX V6R 2M1), Apparatus and process for pressure swing adsorption separation.
  11. Botich Leon A. (10125 E. Tanglewood Cir. Palos Park IL 60464), Apparatus for introducing microwave energy to desiccant for regenerating the same and method for using the same.
  12. Snyder Fred P. (St. Louis County MO), Apparatus for pressure swing generation of oxygen.
  13. Sanger Robert J. ; Towler Gavin P. ; Doshi Kishore J. ; Vanden Bussche Kurt M. ; Senetar John J., Apparatus for providing a pure hydrogen stream for use with fuel cells.
  14. Dolan William B. ; Davis Mark M. ; Tang Man-Wing, Apparatus for use in pressure and temperature swing adsorption processes.
  15. Gaffney Thomas Richard ; Golden Timothy Christopher ; Mayorga Steven Gerard ; Brzozowski Jeffrey Richard ; Taylor Fred William, Carbon dioxide pressure swing adsorption process using modified alumina adsorbents.
  16. Bellows Richard J. (Hampton NJ) Robbins John L. (Stockton NJ), Carbon monoxide removal method based on adsorption/steam desorption cycle.
  17. Dowdy Thomas Elwood, Coal gasification and hydrogen production system and method.
  18. LaCava Alberto (South Plainfield NJ) McKeigue Kevin (New York NY), Continuous pressure difference driven adsorption process.
  19. Firey Joseph C. (P.O. Box 15514 Seattle WA 98115), Cyclic gas separator.
  20. Eimer Klaus,DEX ; Schuster Hans-Michael,DEX ; Patzig Dieter,DEX ; Behrendt Matthias,DEX, Device and method for continuously fractionating a gas by adsorption and in-service testing device.
  21. Vanderborgh Nicholas E. (Los Alamos NM) Nguyen Trung V. (College Station TX) Guante ; Jr. Joseph (Denver CO), Device for staged carbon monoxide oxidation.
  22. Kinoshita Noboru (Chiba JPX), Electric power producing system using molten carbonate type fuel cell.
  23. Settlemyer Bernard W. (Longmont CO), Emergency standby air drying back-up system.
  24. Keller ; II George E. (South Charleston WV) Kuo Chia-Huei A. (Charleston WV), Enhanced gas separation by selective adsorption.
  25. Tagawa Taichi (Takatsuki JPX) Suzu Yasuto (Omihachiman JPX) Hayashi Shigeki (Sakai JPX) Mizuguchi Yasumitsu (Takaishi JPX), Enrichment in oxygen gas.
  26. Keefer Bowie G. (4324 West 11th Ave. Vancouver CAX V6R 2M1), Extraction and concentration of a gas component.
  27. Keefer Bowie Gordon,CAX ; Doman David George,CAX, Flow regulated pressure swing adsorption system.
  28. Hill Charles C. (Del Mar CA) Hill Theodore B. (San Diego CA), Fluid fractionator.
  29. Sircar Shivaji (Wescosville PA), Fractionation of multicomponent gas mixtures by pressure swing adsorption.
  30. Strasser Karl (Erlangen DEX), Fuel cell and method for moistening the electrolyte of the fuel cell.
  31. Kimbara Masahiko,JPX ; Ban Takashi,JPX ; Kubo Hidehito,JPX ; Katoh Hirohisa,JPX, Fuel cell apparatus.
  32. Nakanishi Kenichi (Tokyo JPX) Tanabe Seiichi (Tokyo JPX) Izumi Jun (Hiroshima JPX), Fuel cell composite plant.
  33. Werth John, Fuel cell or a partial oxidation reactor or a heat engine and an oxygen-enriching device and method therefor.
  34. Ohsaki Kozo (Chiba JPX) Okada Mitsuo (Tokyo JPX) Shima Kazumi (Chiba JPX), Fuel cell power generating system.
  35. Baker Bernard S. (Brookfield Center CT) Ghezel-Ayagh Hossein G. (Fairfield CT), Fuel cell system.
  36. Hornburg Gerald,DEX ; Lamm Arnold,DEX ; Urban Peter,DEX, Fuel cell system.
  37. Schramm Walter (Munich DEX), Fuel cells with hydrogen recycle.
  38. Reiter Kurt,DEX ; Chmelik Pavel,CSX ; Lehmeier Jurgen,DEX, Fuel-cell system and method for operating a fuel-cell system.
  39. Kobayashi Satoru (Tsukuba JPX) Mizuno Koichi (Tsukuba JPX) Kushiyama Satoshi (Tsuchiura JPX) Aizawa Reiji (Ushiku JPX) Koinuma Yutaka (Ibaraki JPX) Ohuchi Hideo (Tsukuba JPX), Gas adsorption and desorption method.
  40. Keefer Bowie G. (4324 W. 11th Ave. Vancouver ; B.C. CAX V6R 2M1), Gas phase chemical reactor.
  41. Kagimoto Yoshimi (Nagasaki JPX) Saki Kunio (Nagasaki JPX) Takahashi Sadamu (Nagasaki JPX) Izumi Jun (Nagasaki JPX) Ohshima Kazuaki (Nagasaki JPX), Gas separating system and gas recovery system.
  42. Armond John W. (Great Bookham GB2) Ray Martyn S. (Hednesford GB2), Gas separation.
  43. Bowie Gordon Keefer CA; Kevin Arnold Kaupert CA, Gas separation with split stream centrifugal turbomachinery.
  44. Kai Norichika (Nagasaki JPX) Kaneko Shozo (Nagasaki JPX) Abe Tsugiya (Nagasaki JPX), Gas separator system.
  45. Keefer Bowie G.,CAX, High frequency pressure swing adsorption.
  46. Keefer Bowie G.,CAX ; McLean Christopher R.,CAX, High frequency rotary pressure swing adsorption apparatus.
  47. Hildebrandt Ulrich (Pullach DEX) Schramm Walter (Munich DEX), High-temperature fuel cells with oxygen-enriched gas.
  48. Golden Timothy C. (Allentown PA) Kratz Wilbur C. (Macungie PA) Wilhelm Frederick C. (Zionsville PA), Highly dispersed cuprous compositions.
  49. Krishnamurthy Ramachandran (Piscataway NJ) Malik Virginia A. (Linden NJ) Stokley Alan G. (Wokingham GB2), Hydrogen and carbon dioxide coproduction.
  50. Krishnamurthy Ramachandran (Piscataway NJ), Hydrogen and carbon monoxide production by hydrocarbon steam reforming and pressure swing adsorption purification.
  51. Woodmansee Donald E. (Schenectady NY) Carroll ; Sr. James J. (Ballston Lake NY), In place regeneration of adsorbents using microwaves.
  52. Milburn Ski Muir ; Barber Jeffrey Lewis ; Cronin Jeremiah J., Integrated compressor expander apparatus.
  53. Sederquist Richard A. (Newington CT), Integrated fuel cell and fuel conversion apparatus.
  54. Hable Christopher Thomas ; Golden Timothy Christopher ; Kratz Wilbur Clymer, Layered adsorbent bed for carbon monoxide production.
  55. Keefer Bowie G. (4324 West 11th Avenue Vancouver ; British Columbia CAX V6R 2M1), Method and apparatus for gas separation and synthesis.
  56. Ertl Harald,DEX ; Goebel Johann,DEX, Method and installation for eliminating gaseous organic substances in the air.
  57. Appleby, A. John, Method for forming molten carbonate fuel cell component and structure.
  58. Hirai Hidefumi (14-10 ; 1-Chome Yutenji ; Meguro-Ku ; Tokyo JPX) Komiyama Makoto (Tokyo JPX) Wada Keiichiro (Tokyo JPX), Method for separating carbon dioxide from mixed gas.
  59. Okamoto Takafumi,JPX, Method for supplying fuel gas to fuel cell assembly.
  60. Tsuji Toshiaki (Amagasaki JPX) Shiraki Akira (Amagasaki JPX) Shimono Hiroaki (Amagasaki JPX), Method of producing an adsorbent for separation and recovery of CO.
  61. Hay Lon (Paris FRX), Method of producing oxygen by adsorption.
  62. Nishida Taisuke (Tokyo JPX) Tajima Kazuo (Hiratsuka JPX) Osada Yo (Yokohama JPX) Shigyo Osamu (Yokohama JPX) Taniguchi Hiroaki (Kuki JPX), Method of separating carbon monoxide and carbon monoxide adsorbent used in this method.
  63. Okamoto Takafumi,JPX, Method of supplying fuel gas to a fuel cell.
  64. Keefer Bowie G.,CAX ; Doman David G.,CAX, Modular pressure swing adsorption with energy recovery.
  65. Ackley Mark William ; Leavitt Frederick Wells ; Notaro Frank ; Nowobilski Jeffert John, Multi-thermal pulse PSA system.
  66. Dandekar Hemant W. (Chicago IL) Funk Gregory A. (Carol Stream IL) Swift John D. (Hindhead NY GB2) Maurer Richard T. (Nanuet NY), PSA process with reaction for reversible reactions.
  67. Hill, Theodore B.; Radtke, Edward A.; Schneider, Robert A.; Bixby, James A., Portable oxygen concentration system and method of using the same.
  68. Pawlos Robert A. (13185 N. 91st Way Scottsdale AZ 85260), Portable oxygen concentrator.
  69. Skowronski Mark J., Power generation system utilizing turbine and fuel cell.
  70. Crudden Eric H. (Mercer Island WA) Jessen P. Jay (Snohomish WA), Power opening system for engine cowl doors.
  71. Keefer Bowie G. (4324 W. 11th Ave. Vancouver CAX V6R 2M1), Pressure swing adsorption for concentration of a gas component.
  72. Knaebel Kent S., Pressure swing adsorption system for ammonia synthesis.
  73. Golden Timothy C. (Allentown PA) Webley Paul A. (Macungie PA) Auvil Steven R. (Macungie PA) Katz Wilbur C. (Macungie PA), Pretreatment layer for CO-VSA.
  74. Lemcoff Norberto O. ; Fronzoni Mario A. ; Garrett Michael E.,GB2 ; Green Brian C.,GB2 ; Atkinson Tim ; La Cava Alberto I., Process and apparatus for gas separation.
  75. Boudet Michel (Vert Saint Denis FRX) Scudier Jean-Marc (La Celle Saint Cloud FRX) Vigor Xavier (Viroflay FRX), Process and apparatus for separating a at least a component of a gaseous mixture by adsorption.
  76. Benz Uwe (Uhldingen DEX) Fleck Wolfram (Erbach DEX) Hornburg Gerald (Elchingen DEX), Process and apparatus for supplying air to a fuel cell system.
  77. Jungerhans Robert R. J. (Pasadena CA), Process for ammonia syngas manufacture.
  78. Benz Uwe (Uhldingen DEX) Fleck Wolfram (Erbach DEX) Hornburg Gerald (Elchingen DEX), Process for supplying air to a fuel cell system.
  79. Ertl Harald,DEX ; Kunz Sabine,DEX ; Gobel Johann,DEX, Process for the adsorption of organic substances in the air.
  80. Emiliani Mario L. (North Palm Beach FL) Spence Jarrett L. (Jupiter FL), Process for the electrophoretic deposition of defect-free metallic oxide coatings.
  81. Engler Yves (Vincennes FRX) Petrie Wilfrid (Paris FRX) Monereau Christian (Paris FRX), Process for the production of a gas with a substantial oxygen content.
  82. Vigor Xavier (Paris FRX) Petit Pierre (Buc FRX) Moreau Serge (Velizy Villacoublay FRX) Sardan Bernard (Plaisir FRX), Process for the separation of nitrogen from a gaseous mixture by adsorption.
  83. Hay Lon (Paris FRX), Process for treating a gaseous mixture by adsorption.
  84. Hornburg Gerald,DEX, Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell system and process of operating same.
  85. Dangieri Thomas J. (Carmel NY) Cassidy Robert T. (Waldwick NJ), RPSA Process.
  86. Kulish Stanley ; Swank Robert P., Rapid cycle pressure swing adsorption oxygen concentration method and apparatus.
  87. Fuderer Andrija (Antwerp BEX), Reformer-pressure swing adsorption process for the production of carbon monoxide.
  88. Opperman Stephen H. (Ludington MI) Arsenault Mark S. (Crestwood KY), Regenerative apparatus for recovery of volatiles.
  89. Denis J. Connor CA; David G. Doman CA; Les Jeziorowski CA; Bowie G. Keefer CA; Belinda Larisch CA; Christopher McLean CA; Ian Shaw CA, Rotary pressure swing adsorption apparatus.
  90. Petit Pierre (Buc FRX) Poteau Michel (Dammartin en Goele FRX) Scudier Jean-Marc (Chatel-Guyon FRX) Vigor Xavier (Viroflay FRX), Rotatable device for the separation by adsorption of at least one constituent of a gaseous mixture.
  91. Tajima Kazuo (Tokyo JPX) Osada Yo (Tokyo JPX), Selective adsorbent for CO and method of manufacturing the same.
  92. Rabo Jule Anthony (Armonk NY) Francis James Nelson (Peekskill NY) Angell Charles Leslie (Pleasantville NY), Selective adsorption of carbon monoxide from gas streams.
  93. Mattia Manlio M. (West Chester PA), Separation and purification of gases and vapors by continuous pressure-swing adsorption.
  94. Golden Timothy C. (Allentown PA) Kratz Wilbur C. (Macungie PA) Wilhelm Frederick C. (Zionsville PA) Pierantozzi Ronald (Orefield PA) Rokicki Andrzej (Alburtis PA), Separations using highly dispersed cuprous compositions.
  95. Wilkinson David P. (Vancouver CAX) Voss Henry H. (West Vancouver CAX) Watkins David S. (Coquitlam CAX) Prater Keith B. (Vancouver CAX), Solid polymer fuel cell systems incorporating water removal at the anode.
  96. Ebbeson Bengt (Horbenstrasse 3 CH-8356 Ettenhausen CHX), Sorption device.
  97. Keefer Bowie G. (4324 W. 11th Ave. Vancouver ; British Columbia CAX V6R 2M1), Thermally coupled pressure swing adsorption.
  98. Watson Charles Franklin (Orefield PA) Agrawal Rakesh (Emmaus PA) Webley Paul Anthony (Macungie PA) Wehrman Joseph Gerard (Macungie PA), VSA adsorption process with energy recovery.
  99. Watson Charles F. (Orefield PA) Whitley Roger D. (Allentown PA) Agrawal Rakesh (Emmaus PA) Kumar Ravi (Allentown PA), Vacuum swing adsorption process with mixed repressurization and provide product depressurization.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (79) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

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  2. Jenkins, Michael R., Air dryer.
  3. Fowler, Tracy A.; Huntington, Richard A.; Fulton, John W., Apparatus and system for swing adsorption processes related thereto.
  4. Fowler, Tracy A.; Ramkumar, Shwetha; Frederick, Jeffrey W.; Nagavarapu, Ananda K.; Chialvo, Sebastian; Tammera, Robert F.; Fulton, John W., Apparatus and system for swing adsorption processes related thereto.
  5. Johnson, Robert A.; Deckman, Harry W.; Kelley, Bruce T.; Oelfke, Russell H.; Ramkumar, Shwetha, Apparatus and system for swing adsorption processes related thereto.
  6. McMahon, Patrick D. J.; Johnson, Robert A.; Ramkumar, Shwetha; Oelfke, Russell H.; Thomas, Eugene R.; Nagavarapu, Ananda K.; Barnes, William, Apparatus and system for swing adsorption processes related thereto.
  7. Nagavarapu, Ananda K.; Marshall, Bennett D., Apparatus and system for swing adsorption processes related thereto.
  8. Nagavarapu, Ananda K.; Smith, Ransdall K.; Oelfke, Russell H., Apparatus and system for swing adsorption processes related thereto.
  9. Tammera, Robert F., Apparatus and system for swing adsorption processes related thereto.
  10. Tammera, Robert F.; Frederick, Jeffrey W., Apparatus and system for swing adsorption processes related thereto.
  11. Ramkumar, Shwetha; Johnson, Robert A.; Mon, Eduardo; Fulton, John W., Apparatus and system having a valve assembly and swing adsorption processes related thereto.
  12. Tammera, Robert F.; Anderson, Thomas N., Apparatus and systems having a rotary valve assembly and swing adsorption processes related thereto.
  13. Tammera, Robert F.; Basile, Richard J.; Frederick, Jeffrey W., Apparatus and systems having an encased adsorbent contactor and swing adsorption processes related thereto.
  14. Tammera, Robert F.; Basile, Richard J.; Frederick, Jeffrey W., Apparatus and systems having an encased adsorbent contactor and swing adsorption processes related thereto.
  15. Van Brunt, Nicholas P.; Jagger, Theodore W.; Lonnes, Perry B.; Kivisto, John A., Apparatus for separating oxygen from ambient air.
  16. Van Brunt, Nicholas P.; Jagger, Theodore W.; Lonnes, Perry B.; Kivisto, John A., Apparatus for separating oxygen from ambient air.
  17. Friesen, Cody A.; Krishnan, Ramkumar; Puzhaev, Sergey; Trimble, Todd, Battery resetting process for scaffold fuel electrode.
  18. Friesen, Cody A.; Krishnan, Ramkumar; Trimble, Todd; Puzhaev, Sergey, Battery resetting process for scaffold fuel electrode.
  19. Waycuilis, John J., Bromine-based method and system for converting gaseous alkanes to liquid hydrocarbons using electrolysis for bromine recovery.
  20. Gadewar, Sagar B.; Wyrsta, Michael D.; Grosso, Philip; Zhang, Aihua; McFarland, Eric W.; Komon, Zachary J. A.; Sherman, Jeffrey H., Continuous process for converting natural gas to liquid hydrocarbons.
  21. Gadewar, Sagar; Sardar, Saydul Amin; Grosso, Philip; Zhang, Aihua; Julka, Vivek; Stolmanov, Peter, Continuous process for converting natural gas to liquid hydrocarbons.
  22. Gadewar, Sagar; Wyrsta, Michael; Grosso, Philip; Zhang, Aihua; McFarland, Eric W.; Komon, Zachary J. A.; Sherman, Jeffrey H.; Stoimenov, Peter; Lin, Hongfei; Huff, Shawn; Sun, Shouli, Continuous process for converting natural gas to liquid hydrocarbons.
  23. Stoimenov, Peter; Cutier, Charles Ian; Cheng, Jihong; Coronelia, Charles J.; Janmanchi, Krishna; Komon, Zachary J. A.; Sardar, Saydul Amin; Julka, Vivek; Gadewar, Sagar; Grosso, Philip; Auerbach, Daniel J.; Wheeler, Jean, Continuous process for converting natural gas to liquid hydrocarbons.
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  25. Stein, Robert A., Direct injection alcohol engine with boost and spark control.
  26. Zubeck, Michael W.; Davis, George Carver; Curtis, Eric Warren, Directly injected internal combustion engine system.
  27. Zubeck, Michael W.; Davis, George Carver; Curtis, Eric Warren, Directly injected internal combustion engine system.
  28. Wilkinson, William R.; Nebrigic, Dragan, Dual oxygen concentrator systems and methods.
  29. Friesen, Cody A.; Krishnan, Ramkumar; Trimble, Todd; Puzhaev, Sergey, Electrochemical cell system with a progressive oxygen evolving electrode / fuel electrode.
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  34. Rode, Edward J.; Boulet, Andre J. J.; Pelman, Aaron M.; Babicki, Matthew L.; Keefer, Bowie G.; Sawada, James A.; Alizadeh-Khiavi, Soheil; Roy, Surajit; Gibbs, Andrea C.; Kuznicki, Steven M., Engineered adsorbent structures for kinetic separation.
  35. Leone, Thomas G.; Stein, Robert A., Ethanol separation using air from turbo compressor.
  36. Lewis, Donald J.; Lippa, Allan J.; Russell, John D., Event based engine control system and method.
  37. Courbon,Emmanuel; Enz,Andreas; Moran,Dan, Exterior vehicle mirror assembly.
  38. Fujita,Goro; Kabumoto,Hiroki; Yano,Masaya, Fuel cell apparatus including manifolds therein.
  39. Pursifull, Ross Dykstra; Dearth, Mark Allen; Leone, Tom G., Fuel rail assembly including fuel separation membrane.
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  41. Sherman, Jeffrey H.; McFarland, Eric W.; Weiss, Michael J.; Lorkovic, Ivan Marc; Laverman, Leroy E.; Sun, Shouli; Schaefer, Dieter J.; Stucky, Galen D.; Ford, Peter C.; Grosso, Philip; Breed, Ashley W.; Doherty, Michael F., Hydrocarbon conversion process improvements.
  42. Sherman, Jeffrey H.; McFarland, Eric W.; Weiss, Michael J.; Lorkovic, Ivan Marc; Laverman, Leroy E.; Sun, Shouli; Schaefer, Dieter J.; Stucky, Galen D.; Ford, Peter C.; Grosso, Philip; Rreed, Ashley W.; Doherty, Michael F., Hydrocarbon conversion process improvements.
  43. Lorkovic, Ivan M.; Noy, Maria; Sherman, Jeffrey H.; Weiss, Michael J.; Stucky, Galen D., Hydrocarbon synthesis.
  44. Wilkinson, William R.; Nebrigic, Dragan, Method and systems for the delivery of oxygen enriched gas.
  45. Van Brunt, Nicholas P.; Jagger, Theodore W.; Lonnes, Perry B.; Kivisto, John A., Method of separating and distributing oxygen.
  46. Keefer,Bowie G.; Carel,Alain A.; Sellars,Brian G.; Shaw,Ian S. D.; Larisch,Belinda C.; Dornan,David G.; Lee,Frederick K.; Gibbs,Andrea C.; Hetzler,Bernard H.; Sawada,James A.; Pelman,Aaron M.; Hunter,Carl F., Methods for their manufacture of adsorbent.
  47. Krishnan, Ramkumar; Friesen, Cody A., Multi-mode charging of hierarchical anode.
  48. Pursifull, Ross Dykstra; Dearth, Mark Allen, On-board fuel vapor separation for multi-fuel vehicle.
  49. Pursifull, Ross Dykstra; Dearth, Mark Allen, On-board fuel vapor separation for multi-fuel vehicle.
  50. Leone, Thomas G.; Dearth, Mark Allen, On-board water addition for fuel separation system.
  51. Leone, Thomas G.; Dearth, Mark Allen, On-board water addition for fuel separation system.
  52. Wilkinson, William R.; Westersten, Allan Sten; Shockley, Jr., H. David, Oxygen concentrator apparatus and method having an ultrasonic detector.
  53. Wilkinson, William R.; Westersten, Allan Sten; Shockley, Jr., H. David, Oxygen concentrator apparatus and method having flow restricted coupling of the canisters.
  54. Wilkinson, William R.; Westersten, Allan Sten; Shockley, Jr., J. David, Oxygen concentrator apparatus and method having flow restricted coupling of the canisters.
  55. Wilkinson, William R.; Westersten, Allan Sten; Shockley, Jr., H. David, Oxygen concentrator apparatus and method having variable operation modes.
  56. Wilkinson, William R.; Westersten, Allan Sten; Shockley, Jr., H. David, Oxygen concentrator apparatus and method with an oxygen assisted venting system.
  57. Wilkinson, William R., Oxygen concentrator heat management system and method.
  58. Wilkinson, William R.; Nebrigic, Dragan, Oxygen concentrator pump systems and methods.
  59. Wilkinson, William R.; Nebrigic, Dragan, Oxygen concentrator systems and methods.
  60. Friesen, Cody A., Oxygen recovery system and method for recovering oxygen in an electrochemical cell.
  61. Wilkinson, William R.; Westersten, Allan Sten; Hassan, Alaa, Power management systems and methods for use in an oxygen concentrator.
  62. Waycuilis, John J, Process for converting gaseous alkanes to liquid hydrocarbons.
  63. Waycuilis, John J., Process for converting gaseous alkanes to liquid hydrocarbons.
  64. Waycuilis, John J., Process for converting gaseous alkanes to liquid hydrocarbons.
  65. Waycuilis, John J., Process for converting gaseous alkanes to olefins and liquid hydrocarbons.
  66. Waycuilis, John J.; Thomas, Raphael; Moore, Patrick K., Processes and systems for conversion of alkyl bromides to higher molecular weight hydrocarbons in circulating catalyst reactor-regenerator systems.
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  68. Kurukchi, Sabah A.; Liu, Yijun; Moodley, Anand, Processes and systems for drying liquid bromine.
  69. Kurukchi, Sabah A.; Liu, Yijun, Processes and systems for fractionation of brominated hydrocarbons in the conversion of natural gas to liquid hydrocarbons.
  70. Waycullis, John J.; Gadewar, Sagar B.; Thomas, Raphael, Processes and systems for separate, parallel methane and higher alkanes' bromination.
  71. Waycuilis, John J.; Turner, William J., Processes and systems for the staged synthesis of alkyl bromides.
  72. Waycuilis, John J.; Turner, William J., Processes and systems for the staged synthesis of alkyl bromides.
  73. Waycuilis, John J.; Turner, William J., Processes for converting gaseous alkanes to liquid hydrocarbons.
  74. Waycuilis, John J.; Turner, William J.; Thomas, Raphael, Processes for converting gaseous alkanes to liquid hydrocarbons.
  75. Brickey, Raymond T.; Lisewsky, Greg A.; Waycuilis, John J.; York, Stephen D., Processes for converting gaseous alkanes to liquid hydrocarbons using microchannel reactor.
  76. Alizadeh-Khiavi, Soheil; Sawada, James A.; Gibbs, Andrea C.; Alvaji, Jeffrey, Rapid cycle syngas pressure swing adsorption system.
  77. Gadewar, Sagar B.; Stoimenov, Peter K.; Grosso, Philip; McFarland, Eric W.; Breed, Ashley W.; Weiss, Michael J.; Wyrsta, Michael D., Separation of light gases from halogens.
  78. Brody, John F.; Leta, Daniel P.; Fowler, Tracy Alan; Freeman, Stephanie A.; Cutler, Joshua I., Structured adsorbent beds, methods of producing the same and uses thereof.
  79. Weiss, Michael Joseph, Zone reactor incorporating reversible hydrogen halide capture and release.

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