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Fishing pole harness 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A62B-035/00
  • A01K-097/10
  • F16G-011/00
  • E06C-007/18
출원번호 US-0222964 (2002-08-19)
발명자 / 주소
  • Gollahon, Robert
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 14  인용 특허 : 61


A fishing pole support or harness for connecting a user to a fishing pole to support and control the fishing pole.


1. A fishing pole harness device configured to connect with a fishing pole, said device comprising:a belt portion configured to fit around a body portion of a user, said belt portion being defined by a waist belt portion, said waist belt portion being provided with a strap portion configured to wrap

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (61)

  1. Hardwick Gary L. (7341 Ash Prairie Village KS 66208), Accessory mounting arrangement for boat seats.
  2. Smith Daniel I. (2187 Hastings Ct. Santa Rosa CA 95405), Ascending cam.
  3. Arruza ; Antonio E., Auxiliary seat assembly for sport fishing chair.
  4. Braid Dennis (8046 Oso Ave. Canoga Park CA 91306), Belt for use with a fishing rod.
  5. Eugene G. Martin, Big game fishing chair.
  6. Butts Brian B. (R.R. 7 ; Box 109 Rome NY 13440), Body harness for supporting a fishing rod.
  7. Jordan, Gary, Body support harness for a fishing rod.
  8. Knatz Kenneth, Carry-all backpack.
  9. Reed Bernard L. (2252 Meridian Ct. Columbus OH 43232) Reed Nannie S. (2252 Meridian Ct. Columbus OH 43232), Chair attached fishing pole support.
  10. Hinkey Lawrence A., Clamping device for securing a cable.
  11. Peter Sundman SE, Climbing device.
  12. Presson Paul V., Collapsible fishing chair with detachable floats.
  13. Lamb Timothy A. (11254 Collings Rd. Ione CA 95640) Mora Albert (20 Violet La. Ione CA 95640), Combined chair and backpack.
  14. Keller Rogenald J. (204 N. Minnesota Ave. St. Peter MN 56082), Deep-sea fisherman\s chair.
  15. Klokseth Per (6375 Hovdenakken NOX), Device with a lifeline.
  16. Morse Orville L. (3421 Topaz Ct. Redding CA 96001), Dual-purpose fishing rod holster.
  17. Lew Hyok Sang (17776 W. 14th Ave. ; No. 2 Golden CO 80401), Exerciser for aerial calisthenics.
  18. Lucas Charles E. (Tulsa OK) Wilson Douglas E. (LaMesa CA), Extended wedge socket assembly.
  19. Arrow Martin (Hampton Bays NY), Fighting chair and rod holder.
  20. Miller ; Sr. Daniel C., Fish fighting apparatus.
  21. Elvidge Scott Edward,CAX ITX J6J 5J8 ; Elvidge Shawn Patrick,CAX ITX J6J 5G9, Fisherman's chair system.
  22. Hashihara Muneshige (Tokyo JPX), Fishing chair.
  23. Robert Gollahon, Fishing pole harness/chair support apparatus.
  24. Toliver ; Jr. Joseph (8717 Dolomite El Paso TX 79904) Crank John T. (4821 Junction El Paso TX 79924), Fishing pole holder apparatus.
  25. Fast Jacob B. (8150 Bernice Center Line MI 48015), Fishing rod holder.
  26. Krouth Carl W ; Krouth Gary H, Fishing rod holder.
  27. Minter David J. (319 Midland Ave. Baltimore MD 21225), Fishing rod holder.
  28. Owen John Robert William,AEX, Fishing rod holder.
  29. Solomon, Seth, Fishing rod holder.
  30. McConnell Lewis Alexander,NZX, Fishing rod support.
  31. White ; Billy H. ; Griffin ; William R., Fishing rod support belt.
  32. Dionne Roland A. (Warwick RI), Fishing seat.
  33. Lombardi Peter, Folding chair with fishing accessories.
  34. McDonald Kurt D. ; Ecker Timothy W., Full body harness for fall arrest.
  35. Sheehan Kelly (2951 Washata Bay Rd. Excelsior MN 55337), Gravitational resistant positional chair.
  36. Greene Ginette L. (Virginia Beach VA), Harness safety system.
  37. Stidd Robert (87 Hewitt Blvd. Center Moriches NY 11934), Helm chair.
  38. Lorbek Joze,SIX, Jamming device for rope and alike.
  39. Bowen Paul D. (P.O. Box 454 Filer ID 83328), Lawn chair fish fighter.
  40. Laurin Arthur E. ; MacDonald Walter W., Lifting and raising device.
  41. Ellington Charles E., Light spinning rod holster.
  42. McDonald Charles D. (7906 Royal La. Dallas TX 75230), Man-overboard rescue apparatus for sailboats.
  43. Tesch Charles V. (2016 Cenwood Jonesboro AR 72401), Patient positioning apparatus.
  44. Ostrobrod Meyer, Personnel lifting-lowering system.
  45. Teixeira Tommy A. (325-B Karsten Dr. Wahiawa HI 96786), Portable fishing cushion.
  46. Gordy Thomas L. (707 H St. Salida CO 81201) Gordy Lee S. (707 H St. Salida CO 81201), Portable shopping cart seat belt.
  47. Hill Kevin E. (Milwaukee WI), Resiliently suspended, tiltable and tethered vehicle operator\s seat having fore and aft adjustment.
  48. Lajoie Timothy P., Retainer system for a rod.
  49. Pepping Kenneth E. (682 Redwood La. San Dimas CA 91773), Rod belt suspension system.
  50. Knitig Gerald M. (Hydro OK), Rope grip apparatus.
  51. Anderson Jeffrey J. (P.O. Box 527 Chester NJ 07930), Safety harness for hunters.
  52. Armstrong, Timothy J.; Wynen, Gerrard A., Safety harness system for confined space workers.
  53. Dissing Irene T. (No. 1 Emanuel La. Hot Springs Village AR 71901), Safety restraining vest.
  54. Shamp Ellis W. (1623 Butte Richmond CA 94804), Safety suspension unit and harness for developing jumps in figure skating.
  55. Hede Jean Marc,FRX ; Petzl Paul,FRX, Self-locking descender for a rope with an operating lever.
  56. Gollahon Robert, Sliding insert for a fishing chair.
  57. Zimmerman Matthew K. ; Zimmerman Lee H., Stowable fish fighting chair.
  58. Potter ; Jr. William S. (4235 Douglas Rd. Coconut Grove FL 33133), Striking rod holder.
  59. Chargois, Tony, Support harness adaptor for fishing reel and rod.
  60. Duke Ned E. (5522 Geddes Rd. Ann Arbor MI 48104), Surf fishing rod holder.
  61. Noles Larry J., Track transport system, track-support bracket, and track-traveling apparatus.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (14)

  1. Crow, Stephan M.; Postelwait, Larry, Actuated wedge socket assembly.
  2. Silverman, Mark S., Back strain alleviating fishing pole harness.
  3. Silverman, Mark S., Back strain alleviating fishing pole harness with rotatably engaging pole receptacles.
  4. Petzl, Paul; Leveque, Aurelie, Belt for roping harness equipped with a salient equipment-carrying device.
  5. Rullo, James J.; Pennefeather, James, Body belt having added D-rings/attachment for retrofitting existing body belts.
  6. Rullo, James J.; Pennefeather, James, Body belt having added D-rings/attachment for retrofitting existing body belts.
  7. Kelleher, Thomas Joseph, Compact flexible stand-up fish fighting harness set.
  8. Matthews, Bradley J.; Younginer, Jeffrey A., Fastenerless support bracket for portable coolers.
  9. Stanton,Roland, Fishing pole holder.
  10. Chadwick, Karen, Portable fishing pole and binoculars support apparatus and associated method.
  11. Green, Steven A., Quick mount non-destructive temporary mounting apparatus.
  12. Green, Steven A., Quick mount non-destructive temporary mounting system.
  13. Greenwood, Kyle L.; Yalamanchili, Rattaya C.; Buckner, James, Soldier platform system.
  14. Greenwood, Kyle L.; Yalamanchili, Rattaya C.; Buckner, James, Soldier support system in a vehicle.
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