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Clock skew tolerant clocking scheme 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H03K-005/01
출원번호 US-0631952 (2003-07-30)
발명자 / 주소
  • Klass, Edgardo F.
출원인 / 주소
  • Sun Microsystems, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Gunnison, McKay &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 3  인용 특허 : 15


A clock skew tolerant clocking scheme addresses both the max-time and min-time problems by using dual transparent pulsed latches operated by complementary phases of the clock signal. According to the present invention, the first pulsed latch is triggered by a first pulse derived by the leading edge


1. A clock skew tolerant clocking scheme comprising:a data stream; a clock signal, said clock signal having a clock cycle, said clock signal comprising a plurality of clock pulses, each of said clock pulses of said plurality of clock pulses comprising a clock pulse rising edge and a clock pulse fall

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (15)

  1. Fujioka Shinya,JPX, Clock generator having DLL and semiconductor device having clock generator.
  2. Miyashita Takumi,JPX, D-type latch circuit and device using the same.
  3. Mizuno Masayuki,JPX ; Yamashina Masakazu,JPX, High speed synchronization circuit in semiconductor integrated circuit.
  4. Banik Jashojiban ; Wong Keng L., Method and apparatus for clocking latches in a system having both pulse latches and two-phase latches.
  5. Benoit Nadeau-Dostie CA; Fadi Maamari ; Dwayne Burek, Method and program product for modeling circuits with latch based design.
  6. Witt David B., Method for deriving a double frequency microprocessor from an existing microprocessor.
  7. Radjassamy Rajakrishnan, Post-silicon methods for adjusting the rise/fall times of clock edges.
  8. Yoshikawa, Atsushi, Semiconductor integrated circuit device having pipeline stage and designing method therefor.
  9. Makino, Hiroshi, Semiconductor integrated circuit device including a clock synchronous type logical processing circuit.
  10. Sugano Hiroaki,JPX, Semiconductor integrated circuit which contains scan circuits of different types.
  11. Yasui Ikuo (Itami JPX) Kengaku Toru (Itami JPX) Teraoka Eiichi (Itami JPX), Semiconductor integrated circuit with master and slave latches.
  12. Chiu, You-Ming, Static timing analysis method for a circuit using generated clock.
  13. Tran Thinh Dinh ; Lee Tsu-Wei Frank, Synchronous circuit with improved clock to data output access time.
  14. Finney Damon W. (San Jose CA) Rayfield Michael J. (Tucson AZ), System for high-speed synchronization across clock domains.
  15. Mason Russell W. (Ft. Collins CO) Lamb Joel D. (Ft. Collins CO) Sigal Leon J. (Monsey NY), VLSI clocking system using both overlapping and non-overlapping clocks.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (3)

  1. Li, Hung-Chun; Chen, Ming-Chyuan; Ho, KunMing, Circuit design systems for replacing flip-flops with pulsed latches.
  2. Hess,Greg M.; Klass,Edgardo F.; Demas,Andrew J.; Jain,Ashish R., Digital jitter detector.
  3. Li, Hung-Chun; Chen, Ming-Chyuan; Ho, KunMing, System and method of replacing flip-flops with pulsed latches in circuit designs.
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