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[미국특허] Active combustion fuel valve 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16K-031/02
출원번호 US-0377979 (2003-02-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Jansen, Harvey B.
출원인 / 주소
  • Jansen's Aircraft Systems Controls, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Quarles &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 14  인용 특허 : 18


A fuel metering valve for a gas turbine active combustion control system has a highly responsive pressure balanced valve assembly with either a flapper or clevis member. The valve member is mounted at one end to an armature of a magnetic drive assembly and a movable part of a flexure pivot otherwise


1. A fuel metering valve capable of operating in an active combustion control system of a gas turbine, the valve comprising:a valve housing having an inlet port and an outlet port; a nozzle passageway disposed between the inlet and outlet port; a drive assembly disposed in the valve housing and havi

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (18) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Jansen Harvey B. ; Deutscher Kevin W., Air purging fuel valve for turbine engine.
  2. Richards George A. ; Gemmen Randall S., Combustor oscillation attenuation via the control of fuel-supply line dynamics.
  3. Bak Michael J. (Union Lake MI), Continuous flow fuel control system.
  4. Busato Murray F.,CAX, Control accuracy of a pulse-operated electromechanical device.
  5. Busato Murray Fancis,CAX, Control accuracy of a pulse-operated electromechanical device.
  6. Coldren Dana R. ; Ellenbecker Charles D. ; Jaw Ching W., Control valve having a top mounted single pole solenoid for a fuel injector.
  7. Brocard Jean-Marie,FRX ; Capelle Jean-Yves,FRX ; Desaulty Michel Andre Albert,FRX ; Perrin Jean-Paul,FRX ; Varizat Alain Michel,FRX, Device for actively controlling combustion instabilities and for decoking a fuel injector.
  8. Saito Shinji (Yokohama JA) Suzuki Masao (Kawasaki JA), Electromagnetic flapper valve.
  9. Gttel Otto (Ingelfingen DEX), Electromagnetically actuated valve.
  10. Sakakibara Naoji (Chiryu JPX) Hashimoto Nobuyuki (Toyota JPX), Electromagnetically operated valve unit.
  11. Prescott Robert C. (Marshfield MA) Simpson Donald C. (Norton MA) Sanford Philip H. (Walpole MA) Nudd Howard W. (Foxboro MA), Electropneumatic positioner.
  12. Coldren Dana R. ; Ellenbecker Charles D. ; Jaw Ching W., Internally wetted cartridge control valve for a fuel injector.
  13. Hess Juergen (Baden-Baden-Steinbach DEX) Muschelknautz Claudius (Lauf DEX), Magnetic valve.
  14. Jansen Harvey B., Positive shut-off metering valve with axial thread drive.
  15. Harvey B. Jansen ; Craig S. Jansen, Proportional solenoid-operated fluid metering device.
  16. Hamid Najmolhoda ; David L. Seid ; David A. Nezwek ; John A. Cruden, Jr., Proportional variable force solenoid control valve with armature damping.
  17. Hgler Klaus (Schorndorf DEX), Rocker lever solenoid valve.
  18. Baltus George T. (Tonawanda NY) Warmuz Raymond (Tonawanda NY), Valve mechanism.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (14) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Cornwell, Michael D.; Myhre, Douglas C.; Eriksen, O. Harald; Goeke, Jerry L., Active combustion control system for gas turbine engines.
  2. Williams, Brandon P.; Goeke, Jerry L., Active pattern factor control for gas turbine engines.
  3. Williams, Brandon Phillip; Goeke, Jerry Lee, Active pattern factor control for gas turbine engines.
  4. Williams, Brandon Phillip; Goeke, Jerry Lee, Active pattern factor control for gas turbine engines.
  5. Marocchini, Francis P.; Zimmerman, Elise N., Flexure for metering valve assembly with retaining feature.
  6. Jansen, Harvey B.; Powell, Jerame J., Jet pipe servo with flexure pivot.
  7. Goeke, Jerry Lee; Williams, Brandon Philip, Methods and systems for modulating fuel flow for gas turbine engines.
  8. Hayward, David G; Knight, Douglas W; Powell, Jerame J; Deutscher, Kevin W, Thermo-stratified, passive-cooled servo valve.
  9. Baxter, Randy C.; Goeke, Jerry L., Trim valves for modulating fluid flow.
  10. McElrath, Schuyler V., Turbine liquid fuel simulator.
  11. Cornwell, Michael D.; Baxter, Randy C.; Forst, Michael; Goeke, Jerry L., Valve assembly for modulating fuel flow to a gas turbine engine.
  12. Overman, Nicholas R.; Goeke, Jerry Lee, Valve assembly for modulating fuel flow to a gas turbine engine.
  13. Jansen, Harvey B.; Shields, David K., Variable guide vane actuator.
  14. Jansen, Harvey B.; Shields, David K., Variable guide vane actuator with thermal management.

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