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Surface effect ship advancements 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B63B-001/38
출원번호 US-0889894 (2004-07-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Burg, Donald E.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 0  인용 특허 : 11


Presented is an advanced Surface Effect Ship (SES) that offers the high efficiencies of the pressurized air cushion supported generic flexible bow and stern seal SES but without the generic SES's shortcomings that are due largely to its generally about 80 percent total hull width flexible bow and st


1. In an advanced surface effect ship wherein said advanced surface effect ship includes port and starboard sidehulls that include bow members and is supported upon a water surface in part by an artificially pressurized gas cushion and wherein said gas cushion is restrained by the port and starboard

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (11)

  1. Burg Donald E. (15840 SW. 84th Ave. Miami FL 33157), Extended bow and controllable air cushion air ride boat hull.
  2. Burg Donald E. (15840 SW. 84th Ave. Miami FL 33157), Extended bow and multiple air cushion air ride boat hull.
  3. Wilson Freddie W. (Mt. Airy MD) Howe Harvey J. (Reston VA) Nichols ; Jr. James H. (Hyattsville MD), Flexible annular jet seal for surface effect vehicles.
  4. Burg Donald E. (15840 SW. 84th Ave. Miami FL 33157), Movable bow seal air ride boat hull.
  5. Burg Donald E., Multihulled partially air supported marine vehicle.
  6. Burg Donald E. (15840 SW. 84th Ave. Miami FL 33157), Multiple hull air ride boat.
  7. Burg Donald E. (15840 W.W. 84 Ave. Miami FL 33157), Multiple hull air ride craft.
  8. Bixel ; Jr. Charles Gilbert, Surface effect planing pontoon seaplane (SEPPS).
  9. Moore Robert G. (Slidell LA) Simpson Anthony Y. (Slidell LA) Keefe Howard W. (New Orleans LA), Surface effect ship seals.
  10. Simpson Anthony Y. (Slidell LA), Surface effect ship stern seal.
  11. Bertrand Jean-Paul A. (Paris FRX) Guezou Jean-Pierre R. (Athis-Mons FRX) Balquet Robert J. (Paris FRX) Marcouyoux Sylvain J. A. (Le Pradet FRX) Jodelet Francois C. L. (Saint Etienne de Crossey FRX), Surface effect type, side keel vessel fitted with an improved forward buoyancy cushion seal apparatus.
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