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[미국특허] Machine and system for power generation through movement of water 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F03B-013/00
  • F03B-013/10
  • F03B-013/12
  • H02P-009/04
출원번호 US-0851604 (2004-05-21)
발명자 / 주소
  • Krouse, Wayne F.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 37  인용 특허 : 40


A machine and system for power generation through movement of water having an array of power generating cells electrically interconnected, where the array is configured in an interchangeable modular fashion and the cells are positioned to receive kinetic energy from the movement of water to generate


1. A machine for power generation through movement of water comprising:an array of power generating cells; said array composed of said cells in an electrically interconnected modular arrangement; said cells operate independently of each other within said array and are interchangeable with each other

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (40)

  1. Philippe Vauthier, Bi-directional hydroturbine assembly for tidal deployment.
  2. Vauthier Philippe, Bi-directional hydroturbine assembly for tidal deployment.
  3. Solell Yedidia,ILX, Bidirectional rotary motion-converter, wave motors, and various other applications thereof.
  4. Vauthier Philippe, Dual hydroturbine unit.
  5. Wood Eric (Northants GB2) Bellamy Norman W. (Coventry GB2), Energy generating device.
  6. de Geus Arie M. (6625 - 4th St. South St. Petersburg FL 33705), Horizontal wind powered reaction turbine electrical generator.
  7. Rauch Hans G. (426 Wayman Cir. West Palm Beach FL 33406), Hydro-current energy converter.
  8. Williams Herbert L. (Rte. 1 Box 454 E. Palatka FL 32131), Hydroelectric powerplant.
  9. Darwin Aldis Salls, Hydrokinetic generator.
  10. Belinsky, Sidney Irving, Installation for harvesting ocean currents (IHOC).
  11. Van Berkel Jacob,NLX, Magneto hydro dynamical tidal and ocean current converter.
  12. Dehlsen James G. P. ; Dehlsen James B. ; Deane Geoffrey F., Method of controlling operating depth of an electricity-generating device having a tethered water current-driven turbine.
  13. Yapp Martin G. (Needham MA) Matsu Richard L. (Plymouth MI), Multi-part injection-molded plastic fan.
  14. Haining Michael L. (6731 Ashmore Houston TX 77069), Ocean current power generator.
  15. Conn John L. (3615 Woolworth Bldg. ; 233 Broadway New York NY 10007) Spector George (3615 Woolworth Bldg. ; 233 Broadway New York NY 10007), Ocean tide and wave energy converter.
  16. Rynne Timothy M. (Huntington Beach CA), Ocean wave energy conversion system.
  17. Levesque Normand (P.O. Box 841 St-Jovite ; Province of Quebec CAX J0T 2H0), Plastic hydraulic turbine.
  18. Nalbandyan Nikolaes A. (all 4421 Melbourne #5 Los Angeles CA 90027) Nalbandyan Grigor A. (all 4421 Melbourne #5 Los Angeles CA 90027) Nalbandyan Harutyun G. (all 4421 Melbourne #5 Los Angeles CA 9002, Portable hydroelectric power unit.
  19. Borgren Peter M. (Duluth MN), Portable hydrogenerating apparatus.
  20. Hesh Frank (1155 W. Ogden Naperville IL 60540), Portable water-powered electric generator.
  21. Axtell Robert C., Portable wind and hydro electric generating system.
  22. Jamie C. Chapman ; Jon A. Peterka, Power-transducer/conversion system and related methodology.
  23. Gruzling Josip (1065 Heritage Blvd. North Vancouver ; B.C. CAX V7J 3G7), Propeller shroud.
  24. Mouton ; Jr. William J. (P.O. Box 10515 New Orleans LA 70181) Thompson David F. (Box 183 Darby PA 19023), River turbine.
  25. Kirsch Jerome (Dix Hills NY) Markow Edward (Oakdale NY), Spoiler for fluid turbine diffuser.
  26. Robson, John H., Submersible electrical power generating plant.
  27. Gutierrez Atencio Francisco J. (Estafeta Dr. Garcia 3101 Diamanta- E. Rios ARX), Symmetric tidal station.
  28. Retz Philip (1783 Lanier Pl. NW. Washington DC 20009), Tide turbine.
  29. Diggs Richard E. (S. 12A Road ; P.O. Box 776 Carthage MO 64836), Tidewater power plant.
  30. Holliger, Karl, Turbine.
  31. Mouton ; Jr. ; William J. ; Thompson ; David F., Turbine wheel with catenary blades.
  32. Skendrovic Lawrence (402 Glencoe Dr. West Mifflin PA 15122), Understream turbine plant.
  33. Bowley, Wallace W., Underwater power generator.
  34. Borgren Peter M. (Duluth MN), Water power generator.
  35. Schmidt Friedrich (7 Harrigan St. Edison NJ 08817), Water turbine.
  36. Melvin Kenneth P. (934 Park St. Alameda CA 94501), Wave energy engine.
  37. Wood Peter (5 Budworth Close Birkenhead ; Merseyside ; L43 9TJ GBX), Wave power converter.
  38. Quarterman Edward A. (2284 Evans St. Livermore CA 94550), Wind driven turbine generator.
  39. Edwards Samuel S. (17401 Marilia St. Northridge CA 91325), Wind energy converter utilizing vortex augmentation.
  40. Cohen ; Nathan, Wind or water operated power plant.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (37)

  1. Kelly,William Lowell, Apparatus for hydroelectric power production expansion.
  2. Fraenkel, Peter L., Articulated false seabed.
  3. Chen, Shih H; Li, Ka Shing, Do-it-yourself wind power generation wall.
  4. Smith, Bradley, Electrical generation system based on tidal flow.
  5. Smith, Bradley, Electrical generation system based on tidal flow.
  6. Smith, Bradley, Electrical generation system based on tidal flow.
  7. Davey, Kent; Hansen, Ned R.; Power, III, Daniel E., Energy conversion systems and methods.
  8. Davey, Kent; Hansen, Ned R.; Power, III, Daniel E., Energy conversion systems and methods.
  9. Fraenkel,Peter L., Fatigue resistant large hollow rotor blade for underwater energy converter.
  10. Caragine, Paul, Generator and method for generating electricity from subsurface currents.
  11. Fraenkel, Peter L., Hydraulic speed-increasing transmission for water current powered turbine.
  12. Allaei, Daryoush, Intake assemblies for wind-energy conversion systems and methods.
  13. Ahmad,Jameel, Kinetic hydropower generation from slow-moving water flows.
  14. Allaei, Daryoush, Kinetic hydropower generation system and intake therefore.
  15. Phillips, Reed E., Linear faraday induction generator for the generation of electrical power from ocean wave kinetic energy and arrangements thereof.
  16. Phillips, Reed E., Linear faraday induction generator for the generation of electrical power from ocean wave kinetic energy and arrangements thereof.
  17. Phillips, Reed E., Linear faraday induction generator for the generation of electrical power from ocean wave kinetic energy and arrangements thereof.
  18. Phillips, Reed E., Linear faraday induction generator for the generation of electrical power from ocean wave kinetic energy and arrangements thereof.
  19. Phillips, Reed E., Linear faraday induction generator for the generation of electrical power from ocean wave kinetic energy and arrangements thereof.
  20. Phillips, Reed E., Linear faraday induction generator for the generation of electrical power from ocean wave kinetic energy and arrangements thereof.
  21. Phillips, Reed E., Linear faraday induction generator for the generation of electrical power from ocean wave kinetic energy and arrangements thereof.
  22. Phillips, Reed E., Linear faraday induction generator for the generation of electrical power from ocean wave kinetic energy and arrangements thereof.
  23. Phillips, Reed E.; Gabbay, Elianne M., Linear faraday induction generator for the generation of electrical power from ocean wave kinetic energy and arrangements thereof.
  24. Phillips, Reed E., Linear faraday induction generator including a symmetrical spring suspension assembly for the generation of electrical power from ocean wave kinetic energy and arrangements thereof.
  25. Hopper, Hans P., Method and apparatus for generating energy from a flowing water current.
  26. Janssen, Andreas; Uphoff, Heinrich, Method for controlling a water sluice gate drive for a water sluice gate having an electric machine, service connection, water sluice gate drive and hydroelectric power plant.
  27. Allaei, Daryoush, Power generating skin structure and power generation system therefor.
  28. Koivusaari,Rauno, Process and an apparatus for utilizing wave energy.
  29. Robson,John H., Submersible electrical power generating plant.
  30. Power, III, Daniel E.; Hansen, Ned R.; Bachtar, Dody; Schilke, Alan, System for generating electricity from fluid currents.
  31. Power, III,Daniel E.; Hansen,Ned R.; Bachtar,Dody; Schilke,Alan, System for generating electricity from fluid currents.
  32. Sepp, Albert; Rutschmann, Peter; Olivier, Maria, Systems comprising a plurality of shafts and connecting channel.
  33. Parker, David Joseph, Tethered propgen.
  34. Neumann, Joel G., Turbine rotor for electrical power generation.
  35. Sireli, Eyup Mete; Platon, Mihai C.; Raychev, Milen Atanasov, Unidirectional hydro turbine with enhanced duct, blades and generator.
  36. Bolin, William D., Water current power generation system.
  37. Ahdoot, Ned M., Wave energy converter.
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