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[미국특허] Bottle 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 09-01
출원번호 US-0234410 (2005-07-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • Abadinsky,Donna
출원인 / 주소
  • MSRF, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Seyfarth Shaw LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 6  인용 특허 : 42


초록이 없습니다.


CLAIM The ornamental design for a bottle, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (42)

  1. Martin, Kevin P., Barbell bottle.
  2. Brillet Isabelle (Chateauneuf FRX) Brillet Jean-Louis (Chateauneuf FRX), Bottle.
  3. Chimetto Fabio,ITX ; Favero Loris,ITX, Bottle.
  4. Ellise Rico Lamont,GBX, Bottle.
  5. Farris Paul Andrew, Bottle.
  6. Ginsberg Simon (Suite 408 - 2239 Folkestone Way West Vancouver B.C. CAX), Bottle.
  7. Grandesso Piera (New York NY) Ferguson Lorraine (New York NY) Chermayeff Ivan (New York NY), Bottle.
  8. Grivory Jean-Pierre (Paris FRX), Bottle.
  9. Hillesland, Jan, Bottle.
  10. Holbrook Don (7673 S. Caballero Dr. Sandy UT 84093), Bottle.
  11. Klemm, Jason T.; Sadeghi, Fred F., Bottle.
  12. Mauro, Cella, Bottle.
  13. Rosen, Marc, Bottle.
  14. Sarda Enrique (Box 9906 Saint Thomas VI 00801), Bottle.
  15. Schultz Steven D., Bottle.
  16. Sillerud Arlen R. (807 E. Third Ave. Ada MN 56510), Bottle.
  17. Stephan K. Hutchins, Bottle.
  18. Weiss Stephan, Bottle.
  19. Wilfond Arthur E. (Edison NJ), Bottle.
  20. Biesecker Frederick N. (Boyertown PA), Bottle or the like.
  21. Mednis Juris M. (Howell NJ), Bottle or the like.
  22. Chimetto Fabio,ITX ; Favero Loris,ITX, Bottle with annular groove.
  23. Emanuel Peter Morano, Bottle with nipple.
  24. Duranthon Agnes,FRX, Combined bottle and cap.
  25. Hicks Barton L. (Rte. 1 ; Box 1118 Flintstone GA 30725), Combined bottle and cap.
  26. Kingsbury John W. (Cold Spring NY), Combined bottle and cap.
  27. LePage Cecile, Combined bottle and cap.
  28. Lee Eric Kai-Chung, Combined bottle and cap.
  29. Lunderman William (New York NY), Combined bottle and cap.
  30. Dinand Pierre,FRX, Combined perfume bottle and closure.
  31. Darin Lee Beaver, Container.
  32. Crawford, John C., Container and cap.
  33. Dean, Greg Norman; Stinedurf, Lia Eva, Container body portion.
  34. Frber Jrgen (Kaarst DEX), Container for liquids and bulk materials.
  35. Nye, Rebecca R.; Nye, Daniel J., Container for storage and serving of breastmilk.
  36. Wurster, Michael; Steih, Richard J.; LaBombarbe, Christopher, Container having square and round attributes.
  37. Diak/Ghanem, Darlene, Insulated and luminescent nursing bottle.
  38. Diak/Ghanem, Darlene, Nursing bottle.
  39. Hay, Denise Dubarry; Off, Robert, Solution bottle and cap.
  40. Mansau Serge,FRX, Spray dispenser.
  41. Stevens Timothy A. ; Mussi Edward, Tissue culture flask.
  42. Joergensen Carsten,CHX, Vase.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (6)

  1. Hamilton, Patricia, Bottle.
  2. Rashid, Karim, Bottle.
  3. Turner, Chanel, Bottle.
  4. Robson, Michael Donald, Container.
  5. Olarte, Alvaro Mauricio, Container system and apparatus.
  6. Kruparova,Petra, Plastic container.

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