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[미국특허] Retaining system for front and rear boot holder units of a binding for skis or snowboards 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A63C-009/082
  • A63C-009/08
출원번호 US-0431224 (2003-05-07)
우선권정보 DE-102 20 483(2002-05-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Krumbeck,Markus
  • Wagner,Ludwig
출원인 / 주소
  • Marker Deutschland GmbH
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 12  인용 특허 : 8


A ski or the like has integrated in it a flat retaining or securing system which bears the boot-retaining units of a binding in an adjustable manner.


What is claimed is: 1. A retaining system having a flat surface for front and rear boot-retaining units cooperating with respective front and rear regions of a boot, said system mountable on the upper surface of a ski or a snowboard or integrally recessable in a ski or a snowboard, said system comp

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (8)

  1. Rohrmoser Alois (Wagrain ATX), Adjustable coupling device for a ski.
  2. Fritschi Andreas (Wimmis CHX) Fritschi Christian (Reichenbach im Kandertal CHX), Adjustable length binding system for snowboards having independently variable heel and toe spans.
  3. Stritzl Karl (Vienna ATX) Freisinger Henry (Vienna ATX) Wrthner Hubert (Hainburg/Donau ATX) Riegler Andreas (Vienna ATX), Adjusting device for a ski binding.
  4. Rohrmoser Alois (Wagrain ATX), Monitoring and/or controlling device for a coupling device between a boot and a piece of sports apparatus in particular.
  5. Himmetsberger Alois (Vienna ATX) Weigl Erwin (Brunn am Gebirge ATX), Safety ski binding.
  6. Himmetsberger Alois (Vienna ATX) Wittmann Heinz (Vienna ATX), Safety ski binding.
  7. Weigl Erwin (Brunn am Gebirge ATX) Stritzl Karl (Vienna ATX), Safety ski binding.
  8. Mercier Michel,FRX, Ski binding with two displaceable binding elements.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (12)

  1. Hoesl,Erwin; Wurm,Christoph; Jahnel,Gernot; Wuerthner,Hubert; Ollinger,Franz; Himmetsberger,Alois, Arrangement for longitudinal adjustment of two binding jaws of a ski binding.
  2. Hauglin, Bernt-Otto, Cross-country or telemark binding.
  3. Baumgartner, Manfred; Stritzl, Karl; Jahnel, Gernot, Device for positioning a skibinding on a ski.
  4. Bjertnaes, Gunner; Alsgaard, Thomas, Ski binding.
  5. Holzer, Helmut; Rieger, Erich, Ski binding with a positioning and fixing mechanism for its binding piece bodies.
  6. Brandt, Helmut, Ski boots.
  7. Bjertnaes, Gunnar, Ski having a mounting aid for a binding, process for the manufacture of such a ski, and corresponding mounting aid.
  8. Bjertnaes, Gunnar, Ski, or similar device for sliding on snow, having a mounting aid for a binding.
  9. Failing, Bryan Marc, Sports board configuration.
  10. Failing, Bryan Marc, Sports board configuration.
  11. Failing, Bryan Marc, Sports board configuration.
  12. Wøllo, Even; Pettersen, Aksel; Holm, Thomas; Svendsen, Øyvar; Hauglin, Bernt-Otto, Spring cartridge for ski binding.

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