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[미국특허] Device for making beverage 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65B-025/08
  • B65B-025/00
출원번호 US-0267675 (2002-10-10)
발명자 / 주소
  • Fenaroli,Matthew A.
출원인 / 주소
  • Fenaroli,Matthew A.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 7  인용 특허 : 16


A device for making a beverage, such as tea, in a container, such as a standard two liter bottle. The device has a bag for holding a beverage component, and a securing device for securing the bag in the container. The device also has either a planar element for holding or suspending the device in th


I claim: 1. A device for making a beverage in a container, said device comprising: a bag adapted for holding a beverage component; a means for securing attached to said bag; a shaft attached to said means for securing; and a planar element attached to said shaft; said bag further comprising a suppl

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (16) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Gibler Gregory A., Beverage storage and mixing device.
  2. Kiser, Danny, Container closure containing a mix.
  3. Millman Paul (201 W. 70th St. New York NY 10023), Decoction apparatus and method.
  4. Villanueva, Amado, Disposable baby bottle.
  5. Lesser Brian J., Disposable beverage infuser.
  6. Lesser Brian J., Disposable beverage insufer and method of making a beverage using the infuser.
  7. McCormick James B. (505 N. Lakeshore Dr. Chicago IL 60611), Disposable unitary coffee maker.
  8. Sean P. Denny, Drink mix apparatus for making personal quantities of beverage.
  9. Melton Bruce W., Infuser filter for making beverages.
  10. Casey Theodore, Method and system for storing and mixing two substances in a container.
  11. Flansburg Donald G. (Merced CA), Multi-compartment container with pop-top and communicating door.
  12. Luzenberg, Robert S., Porous plastic dispensing article.
  13. Mifune Hideo (Shizuoka JPX) Nitta Tomio (Shizuoka JPX) Shike Tsutomu (Shizuoka JPX), Ready-to-heat canned goods.
  14. Lozito Michael C. (708 Mallard Way Peekskill NY 10566), Self contained disposable coffee brewing device.
  15. Roberts Robert E. (2033 N. Sunset Dr. Apache Junction AZ 85219), Sun tea adapter for plastic cartons.
  16. Romandy Mark K. ; Salyers Gregory E. ; Warner Dean C., Tea steeper for coffeemaker.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (7) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Peasley, John; Carricato, Andrew, Device and method for adding flavoring to a liquid.
  2. Saha, Pamela, Disposable combined squeezer/stirrer/dispenser/brewer device.
  3. Saha, Pamela; Luna, Fernan, Disposable combined squeezer/stirrer/dispenser/brewer device with bottom cup.
  4. Kramer, James F., Fruit flavoring in the image of a fruit portion stored with a vessel for flavoring a fluid.
  5. Kramer, James F., Fruit flavoring in the image of a fruit portion stored with a vessel for flavoring a fluid.
  6. Chang, Wen Shih; Yada, Naoyuki, Sealing bag for hydrogen gas, and method for dissolving hydrogen gas.
  7. Aemisegger, Steve; Hodel, Thomas; Lang, Markus; Möri, Peter; Moser, Renzo; Schenk, Rudolf, Water circulation system for a beverage preparation device.

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