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[미국특허] Facilities connection bucket for pre-facilitation of wafer fabrication equipment 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F16M-009/00
출원번호 US-0906395 (2001-07-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Schauer,Ronald Vern
출원인 / 주소
  • Applied Materials, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Dugan &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 3  인용 특허 : 59


A facilities connection locator is provided for use with a support apparatus for supporting manufacturing equipment. The facilities connection locator comprises a fluid tight bucket having a bottom surface, a plurality of side walls extending upwardly from the bottom surface, and a mounting mechanis


The invention claimed is: 1. A facilities connection locator for use with a support apparatus for supporting manufacturing equipment, comprising: a fluid tight bucket having: a bottom surface; a plurality of side walls extending upwardly from the bottom surface; a mounting mechanism adapted to mo

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (59)

  1. Albrecht Raymond E. (Sewickley PA), Access floor system.
  2. Langlais Sylvain (120 A Rang 10 Lefebvre CAX) Cusson Robert (245 Chemin O\Brien Lefebvre CAX J0H 2C0), Adjustable legs for desk and the like.
  3. Albrecht, Raymond E.; Lindner, Robert G., Adjustable pedestal for elevated floors.
  4. Brandon ; Jr. Darrell W. (P.O. Box 1143 Marion IN 46952-7543), American wet tank system.
  5. Huang C. Y.,TWX ; Ding T. H.,TWX, Apparatus and method for transporting wafers.
  6. Johnson Addison M. (1346 E. Juniper Beach Rd. Camano Island WA 98292), Apparatus for containing fluid leaks and overflows from appliances.
  7. Fork Frank W. (Allison Park PA), Closure device and floor structure utilizing the same.
  8. Bressner Gorm (Providence RI), Connector assembly for double tubing.
  9. Silvers Terrel W. (Burkburnett TX), Double containment piping system and centralization seal therefor.
  10. Robbins Howard J. (8561 El Paseo Grande La Jolla CA 92037), Double wall tank manway system.
  11. Gartner Rodney W. (Coraopolis PA) Gray Charles R. (Coraopolis PA) Hazen John O. (Monaca PA), Electrical activating assembly and closure member therefor.
  12. Zeliff Richard B. (Ramsey NJ) Feiner Gerson (So. Woodcliff Lake NJ), Electrical connection box used in conjunction with raised floors.
  13. Gudgeon Thomas Alan, Electrical wire and box connector.
  14. Fork Frank W. (Allison Park PA), Electrical wiring distribution system.
  15. Webb Michael C. (Chester Springs PA), Environmentally safe underground piping system.
  16. Osborne Keith J. (600 Enterprise Ave. ; Ste. 218 Oak Brook IL 60521), Flexible double-containment piping system for underground storage tanks.
  17. Payne Harold J. W. (Handley GB2) Payne Ghislaine R. L. (Handley GB2), Flooring system with service trunking provision.
  18. Okamoto Shinichiro,JPX, Foot structure for apparatus.
  19. Robertson Stephen E. (Woodbury NJ) Marchica Frank C. (East Meadow NY), Fuel dispenser pump containment apparatus.
  20. Christensen Emeron P. (806 Rachel Pl. Onalaska WI 54650), Furniture elevating device.
  21. Blacklin Peter A. (Columbia MD) Racine David A. (Baltimore MD), Laminar damper and method of airflow control.
  22. Rouch Kenneth E. (29571 Locust Dr. Elkhart IN 46516), Leveling apparatus for a level sensitive device.
  23. Turner George S. (Conyers GA) Mitchell Donald B. (Lilburn GA), Lightweight concrete cladded heavy equipment base.
  24. Bright Nick ; Mooring Ben, Modular architecture for semiconductor wafer fabrication equipment.
  25. Collier William R. (Oak Brook Terrace IL), Modular combination floor support and electrical isolation system for use in building structures.
  26. Cummings John H. ; Fujii Alan I., Modular lighting fixture.
  27. Schwarzli Josef W.,CAX, Modular pedestal for vending machines.
  28. Rubin Richard H. (Fairfield NJ) Petrone Benjamin J. (Netcong NJ) Heim Richard C. (Mountain View CA) Pawenski Scott M. (Wappingers Falls NY), Modular processing apparatus for processing semiconductor wafers.
  29. Rubin Richard H. (Fairfield NJ) Petrone Benjamin J. (Netcong NJ) Heim Richard C. (Mountain View CA) Pawenski Scott M. (Wappingers Falls NY), Modular processing apparatus for processing semiconductor wafers.
  30. Del Zotto William M., Modular steel tank with casting wall.
  31. Slocum Alexander H. ; Van Doren Matthew J. ; Ziegenhagen ; II Rodney Scott ; Sauer Don, Modular system.
  32. Derlich Hans-Joachim (Hessheim DEX), Mounting assembly for machines.
  33. Flachbarth Charles T. (Parkersburg WV) Hadfield Robert W. (Parkersburg WV), Out-of-sight service fittings.
  34. Wright Marvin D. (Rte. 2 ; Box 10 Madisonville TN 37354), Pad for protecting floors against water damage.
  35. Walsh Matthew E. ; Wolf Gary A. ; Soderstrom ; Sr. Eric G., Pass-through dual containment fitting.
  36. Johnson Robert L. (655 S. Dakota St. Seattle WA 98108), Plumbing fixture.
  37. Bush Harry (1900 Ridgemoor Lake Ct. Town and Country MO 63131) Dickhaus Mark L. (St. Louis MO), Portable container security device.
  38. Semba Norio,JPX, Processing system.
  39. Lindner Robert G. (Sewickley PA), Protective cap for underfloor access housing.
  40. Teslovich John L. (Pittsburgh PA), Receptable support assembly.
  41. Whittington C. Wendell (1315 Village Oaks La. Lawrenceville GA 30243), Recycling systems and methods for oil and oil filters.
  42. McCleskey Michael, Removable utility connection floor box and method.
  43. Selby William J., Safety hose system.
  44. Moore John C. ; Moran Kevin, Secondary tubing containment system for a metering pump.
  45. Blacklin Peter A. (Baltimore MD) Bell Jonathan D. (Ellicott City MD), Self-gridding flooring system.
  46. Ebata Hitoshi (Mishima JPX) Komiyama Yoshizo (Gotenba JPX), Semiconductor vapor phase growing apparatus.
  47. Bierce Laurence M. ; Heyman J. Tad ; Shaw Mark D., Spill containment pan.
  48. Valentz Arthur J. ; Nemazi John E., Support base.
  49. Fork Frank W. (Allison Park PA) Kelly Charles J. (Pittsburgh PA), Surface mounted outlet unit.
  50. Olbrich Herbert (Rutesheim DEX) Gentischer Joseph (Remshalden DEX) Fruhauf Wolfgang (Gerlingen DEX) Dorner Johann (Deizizau DEX) Breitschwerdt Gnther (Stuttgart DEX) Kunze-Concewitz Horst (Wiernsheim, System for manufacturing semiconductor substrates.
  51. de Guelis Hubert V. (Le Pecq FRX) Doute Pascal (Verneuil-sur-Seine FRX), System for putting two contiguous enclosures into individual communication with the outside.
  52. Bartlett Robert L. (Dayton OH) McKee Robert N. (Huber Heights OH), Table assembly for a multipurpose tool.
  53. Santamaria Oscar, Telecommunications cabinet isolation, allocation and mounting system.
  54. Albrecht Raymond E. (Sewickley PA) Haskins Paul L. (Aliquippa PA), Underfloor access housing.
  55. Fork Frank W. (Allison Park PA) Lindner Robert G. (Sewickley PA) Kelly Charles J. (Pittsburgh PA) Albrecht Raymond E. (Sewickley PA), Underfloor access housing utilizing a trough space of a cellular flooring unit.
  56. Ziu Christopher G. (Somerville MA), Underground containment tank and piping assembly.
  57. Ziu Christopher G. (Somerville MA), Underground containment tank with removable piping assembly.
  58. Bravo Sergio M., Valve jacket.
  59. Unruh Arnold E. ; Ebling Wade M. ; Hubbard R. Dale ; Powers Lincoln, Water line guiding and holding device.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (3)

  1. Tarr, Adam L.; Beers, Andrew J.; Mastro, Joseph E., Modular exhaust gas header and method of incorporating same in design layout for a manufacturing process machine.
  2. Baumann, Timothy Lee, Pump riser.
  3. Clark, Daniel O.; Moalem, Mehran; Vermeulen, Robbert M.; Chandler, Phil, Systems and methods for treating flammable effluent gases from manufacturing processes.
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