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[미국특허] Preparation bowl 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 07-01
출원번호 US-0222150 (2005-01-26)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kishbaugh,Ronald G.
  • Isler,Letesa
  • Watson,Richard
  • Taylor,Rebecca
출원인 / 주소
  • WKI Holding Company, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Wallenstein Wagner &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 21  인용 특허 : 43


초록이 없습니다.


CLAIM We claim the ornamental design for a preparation bowl, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (43) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Ho Alexander (Taipei TWX), Anti-slip plastic glass.
  2. Chen Tzung-Wen (No. 13 ; Yen-Ping St. Tainan TWX), Anti-slip structure for cups.
  3. Lauer, Jennifer L.; Michel, Marianne H.; Krauss, Kevin; Lapetina, John, Base-mounted, tilted bowl.
  4. de Groote, Jan-Hendrik; Cautereels, Victor J. J., Bowl.
  5. Onneweer Frederik J. (Tervuren BEX), Bowl for hand mixing.
  6. Daoust Gilbert (1074 Cabana Avenue Boisbriand CAX J7G 2P8) Gingras Michel (14713 Notre Dame Street East Montreal CAX H1A 3T3), Citrus fruit pulp cutter.
  7. Straka Daniel C. (Sewickley PA), Coating composition for glass fibers and coated glass fibers made from same.
  8. Longmuir Robert William, Corn steamer device.
  9. Suzuki Toshio (Chiba JPX) Kasuya Akira (Chiba JPX), Curable organopolysiloxane composition.
  10. Valade, Joseph A.; Reo, Ned J., Curable silicone elastomer and process of production thereof and method of bonding therewith.
  11. Kessler ; Milton, Cutting board.
  12. Heath Derek E., Cutting board for food products.
  13. Nicholson Dale, Cutting mat.
  14. Whitmore Rebecca E. ; Dees Jerome G., Disposable plastic kettle.
  15. Haasl Robert J. (Roseville MN) Miller Thomas M. (Lakeland MN) Haasl Scott R. (Roseville MN), Elastomeric coatings containing glass bubbles.
  16. Mayer ; Emil (30 Timber La. Manhasset NY 11030), Glass block panel construction and device for use in same.
  17. Klokkers-Bethke Karin (Rdermark DEX) Fischer Wilfried (Burscheid DEX), Glass container internally coated with a silicone and having an in situ freeze-dried solid product therein, and process.
  18. St John Robert A., Glass container with handle structure.
  19. Pellegrini Louis (Oak Brook IL) Roberts Melvin F. (Niles IL), Glass container with safety coating.
  20. Bolen Charles E. (Newark OH) Foley Kevin M. (Hebron OH) McCombs Frank Paul (Granville OH), Glass fibers coated with a silanized butadiene polymer.
  21. Wang Ming Yuan,TWX, Heat insulated cup holder.
  22. Kroenke June E. (West Bend WI), Integrated cutting and pressing board including marking scale on the handle.
  23. Meshberg Philip (85 Old Oaks Road Fairfield CT 06604) Meshberg Emil David (2625 Park Ave. ; Apt. 3J Bridgeport CT 06604), Method of making a dispenser having a stepped mounting cup.
  24. Onneweer Frederik J. (Tervuren BEX), Mixing bowl.
  25. Stowell Davin (New York NY) Allendorf Stephan C. (Hoboken NJ), Mixing bowl.
  26. Tardif Pierre (Longueuil CAX), Mixing bowl.
  27. Morris David F., Mixing bowl supporting assembly.
  28. Thompson, Ted; Neshat, Mike, Modular special purpose board.
  29. Cytacki, Walter S., Non-slip drinking vessel.
  30. Plueddemann Edwin P. (Midland MI), Novel organosilicon compounds.
  31. Ferguson ; Robert H., Pizza cutting board.
  32. Wellner, Lucie L., Plate.
  33. Hamada Mitsuo (Kisaratsu JPX) Yasuda Sadami (Ichihara JPX), Primer composition used for adhesion.
  34. LeGrand Donald G. (Burnt Hills NY) Vitale Gina G. (Saratoga Springs NY), Primer composition, composite and method for making the same.
  35. Marx Ronald P. (Lakewood WI) Wnek Patrick H. (Menasha WI) Grans Denny R. (Appleton WI), Rigid paperboard container.
  36. Antonen Robert C. (San Ramon CA), Self-adhering polyorganosiloxane compositions.
  37. Hamada Mitsuo (Kisarazu JPX) Yasuda Sadami (Ichihara JPX) Hasegawa Chiichiro (Ichihara JPX), Silicone compositions for adhesion and method for adhering silicone rubber to a substrate.
  38. Brown Peter (Nr. Warrington GB2), Silicone rubber compositions.
  39. Gray Thomas E. (Midland MI) Kunselman Michael E. (Ichihara MI JPX) Palmer Richard A. (Midland MI), Silicone rubber with self-adhesion to glass and metal.
  40. Vockler Larry D. (15207 N.E. 53rd Ave. Vancouver WA 98665), Silicone-coated opaque glass.
  41. Yukio Koizumi JP; Jiro Watanabe JP; Hidekazu Takeyama JP; Shigeru Yamauchi JP; Toru Serizawa JP, Thermoplastic elastomer composition, insulating glass using the composition, process for producing the insulating glass.
  42. Murata Kazuhiko (Ichihara JPX) Murakami Norishige (Ichihara JPX) Muraoka Kyooji (Waki JPX) Sakamaki Noboru (Ichihara JPX), Thermoplastic elastomer laminates and glass run channels molded therefrom.
  43. Maguire Thomas F. (Troy NY) Medford George F. (Ballston Lake NY), Transparent shatter-resistant silicone coating.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (21) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Lion, Mathieu; Suquet, Bérengère, Bowl.
  2. Montgomery, Seana L., Bowl with utensil holder.
  3. Montgomery, Seana L., Bowl with utensil retention feature.
  4. Montgomery, Seana L., Bowl with utensil retention feature.
  5. Montgomery, Seana L., Bowl with utensil retention feature.
  6. Montgomery, Seana L., Bowl with utensil retention feature.
  7. Montgomery, Seana L., Bowl with utensil retention feature.
  8. Shamoon, Ellis N., Collapsible bowl.
  9. Shamoon, Ellis N., Collapsible bowl with tilt mechanism.
  10. Shamoon, Ellis N., Collapsible container with integral clip.
  11. Myoung, Sul Gi; Janky, Gregory Thomas; Hinds, Treasure Lynae, Collapsible storage bowl.
  12. De Leo, Anthony M., Infant feeding bowl.
  13. Heiberg, Jakob; de Groote, Jan-Hendrik, Mixing bowl.
  14. Heiberg, Jakob; de Groote, Jan-Hendrik, Mixing bowl.
  15. Lee, Stuart Harvey; Schaepers, Jochen; von Heifner, Christian, Mixing bowl.
  16. Heiberg, Jakob; de Groote, Jan-Hendrik, Mixing bowl with handle.
  17. Montgomery, Seana L., Pan with a utensil retention feature.
  18. Montgomery, Seana L., Pan with a utensil retention feature.
  19. Montgomery, Seana L., Pan with a utensil retention feature.
  20. Lee, Stuart Harvey; Schaepers, Jochen, Pinch bowl.
  21. Lee, Stuart Harvey; Schaepers, Jochen, Pinch bowl.

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