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[미국특허] Modular storage unit 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 12-02
출원번호 US-0217449 (2004-11-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bothun,Richard A.
  • Mather,Frederick A.
  • Prins,Marty L.
  • Ulrich,Craig J.
  • Jines,Michael D.
  • Nelson,Gregg S.
  • Gallea,Mark E.
출원인 / 주소
  • Wenger Corporation
대리인 / 주소
    Patterson, Thuente, Skaar &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 87


초록이 없습니다.


CLAIM We claim the ornamental design for modular storage unit, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (87)

  1. Mahoney, Michael J., Athletic equipment hanger.
  2. Michael J. Mahoney, Athletic equipment hanger.
  3. Michael J. Mahoney, Athletic equipment hanger.
  4. Johnston Daniel J. (Porterfield WI) Cleven Russell (Marinette WI), Automatic locking device for movable shelving.
  5. Molnar Albert E. (Ringtown PA) Molnar William J. (Phoenix AZ), Baseball equipment cabinet.
  6. Braaten Donald L. (Box 384 Colfax WI 54730), Baseball equipment holder.
  7. Ryan ; Jr. James J. (8816 Rough Rider Rd. NE. Albuquerque NM 87109), Baseball/softball cart.
  8. Foley Kevin M. (20 Manor Rd. St. Catharines ; Ontario CAX L2N 3B5), Bat rack.
  9. Matzen Larry H. (24689 N. Scott Park Rd. Eldridge IA 52748), Bat suspension device.
  10. Janson Steven L., Cantilevered pull-out shelf system.
  11. Steven A. Tomeny, Carrier for hockey sticks.
  12. Scarpa Afra (Trevignano ITX) Scarpa Tobia (Trevignano ITX), Clothes hanger assembly.
  13. Soo Mike,TWX, Detachable hanger for sport pads.
  14. Mason Michael L. (2176 Bumpy Rd. Pensacola FL 32533), Drying rack.
  15. Allman Michael X., Drying rack for athletic equipment.
  16. Naito Hanichiro (Tokyo JA) Yamaguchi Tsuneo (Tokyo JA), Electrically-operated shiftable article storage device.
  17. Lodge Reginald A. (Wheaton IL), Garment rack assembly.
  18. Hsia Ben M., Golf accessory organizer.
  19. Hsia Ben M., Golf accessory stand.
  20. Bennett, Kyle M., Golf equipment organizer.
  21. Banker Robert K., Golf equipment storage device.
  22. Sarno Richard L. (5204 Guerin Pass New Berlin WI 53151), Hidden track file storage system.
  23. Stewart Edward C. ; Stewart C. Allen, High density linear motion storage system.
  24. Devening Charles K. (11431 Village Brooke Ct. Cincinnati OH 45249), High density storage system.
  25. Lindsay Scott,CAX ITX M2R 2N7, Hockey equipment dryer.
  26. Bearss, Ronald S., Hockey equipment rack.
  27. Yamaguchi Tsuneo (Tokyo JPX) Harashima Kiyoshi (Tokyo JPX), Locking and unlocking device for manually movable wheeled storage rack or the like.
  28. Taniwaki Genshi (Kumamoto JA), Manually movable wheeled storage rack or the like.
  29. Camenisch Johann L. (Dubendorf CH), Maximum density mobile storage system.
  30. Jines Michael D. (Owatonna MN), Method and apparatus for transporting portable upright stage panels.
  31. Laub Bernard C. (Tulsa OK), Mobile baseball equipment storage device.
  32. James C Muth, Mobile carriage.
  33. Muth James C, Mobile carriage.
  34. Muth, James C., Mobile carriage.
  35. Badia Mario (4570 NW. 49th Ct. Coconut Creek FL 33073), Mobile fishing rod rack.
  36. King ; James R., Mobile shelving unit.
  37. Brown Billy R. (Franklin TN) Anderson A. Edwin (Columbia TN), Mobile storage apparatus.
  38. Sattel John A. (Janesville WI), Mobile storage apparatus with cantilevered light fixtures.
  39. Glumac Nick P. (355 Litchfield Rd. Kingsford Heights IN 46346), Mobile storage platform.
  40. Dahnert, Dean L., Mobile storage systems with leash control.
  41. Spitzer Christopher G. ; Spitzer Richard F., Modular book/computer shelf moving cart.
  42. Christopher G. Spitzer ; Richard F. Spitzer, Modular container/bookshelf moving cart.
  43. Beggs Christopher J., Modular crate furniture.
  44. Quinn David A. (Tuxedo NY) Peros Mladen (Astoria NY), Modular file or the like system.
  45. Nemec, Brian R.; Janson, Steven L.; Houghton, Fraser D.; Edwards, John R., Modular mobile storage system.
  46. Morcheles Bernard I. (Short Hills NJ), Movable aisle storage system.
  47. Fujita Tsunehiko,JPX ; Takenaka Tadaaki,JPX, Movable shelf.
  48. Taniwaki Genshi (Kumamoto JPX), Movable storage cabinet.
  49. Rhodes ; Jr. Howard A. (Annapolis MD), Movable storage system.
  50. Baker Edward A. ; Campau Thomas M., Moveable file storage supporting apparatus.
  51. Konstant Anthony N. (Winnetka IL) Weider John J. (Arlington Heights IL), Multiple location storage bays.
  52. McAllister Larry N. (Dover DE) Poore John D. (Smyrna DE) Bartz ; Jr. William L. (Dover DE), Overhead track high density storage system with center and side guide rollers and caster lock alignment clip.
  53. Rose ; Sr. Alan P. (713 Jansen St. Cayce SC 29033), Portable multi-ball storage container.
  54. Waranius Kenneth E., Portable stick locker with removable hangers.
  55. Taber ; Russell E., Rack and golf cart.
  56. Schinzing Walter W. (1932 Gervais Maplewood MN 55109), Rack for hanging bats or other objects.
  57. Dumont Gilles,CAX ITX J5A 1X5, Rack for sports equipment.
  58. Brandon J. Craig, Returnable gasket rack.
  59. Naito Han-Ichiro (Akishima JPX) Yamaguchi Tsuneo (Tokyo JPX) Harashima Kiyoshi (Ome JPX), Shiftable article storage device.
  60. Naito Han-Ichiro (Akishima JPX) Yamaguchi Tsuneo (Tokyo JPX) Harashima Kiyoshi (Ome JPX), Shiftable article storage device.
  61. Homan John F. (Brighton MI), Single track mobile storage structure and method.
  62. Long Charles M., Skate rack.
  63. Leong Jerry ; Leong Holly, Sport clothing and equipment rack.
  64. Solowiej Leszek, Sport organizer.
  65. Moon, Brian; Anderson, Torrence, Sport rack.
  66. Buccioni Aldo,CAX ITX L0N 1P0, Sports equipment carrier.
  67. Paullin Lane A. (1402 Edgewood Dr. Ashland OH 44805), Sports equipment holder.
  68. Mercer ; Jr. Alan S. (11 Windsorville Rd. Broad Brook CT 06016) Mercer ; Sr. Alan S. (11 Windsorville Rd. Broad Brook CT 06016), Sports equipment organizer.
  69. Puzo Richard (Mahwah NJ), Sports equipment organizer.
  70. Bobeczko James D. (9940 Cypress Cir. Concord Township,Lake County OH 44060), Sports equipment rack.
  71. Martin Harold G. (48360 Romeo Plank Macomb Township ; Macomb County MI 48044), Sports equipment rack.
  72. Schroeder Scott, Sports equipment rack.
  73. Craft, Charles W.; Stitchick, David M.; Gormley, Carolee G., Sports equipment storage rack.
  74. Janson, Steven L., Stabilizing and enclosure system for mobile storage units.
  75. Whitehead Stephen P. ; Anderson Torrence, Storage apparatus for sporting goods.
  76. Tucker Frank Philip (Oceanport NJ) Becker ; III Sherburn M. (Little Silver NJ), Storage means with sequentially shiftable units.
  77. Forsberg Klas Y. (Karlstad SEX), Storage structure comprising movable racks.
  78. Baker ; Jr. Edward A. (Birmingham MI), Storage system.
  79. Croker John C. (Farmington Hills MI), Storage system.
  80. Steger Arthur (Ferndale MI), Storage system.
  81. Spirk ; Jr. John W. (Moreland Hills OH) Temple Kenneth D. (Twinsburg OH), Storage unit.
  82. Estwanik, III, Joseph J., Suspendible storage assembly.
  83. Hurt Daniel P., Tool holder.
  84. Troller Robert J. (Madison WI), Tote bin for high density articles and material handling system.
  85. Belisle, Florent, Transportable hockey stick rack.
  86. Gerstner Robert, Wire rack display stand.
  87. Brancher Rodney E. (Wyoming PA), Wire shelf.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1)

  1. Hicks, Neil, Glove dryer.

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