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Base for a headlight lamp and headlight lamp 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01R-024/00
출원번호 US-0056127 (2005-02-14)
우선권정보 DE-10 2004 007 150(2004-02-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Helbig,Peter
  • Kantim,Uwe
출원인 / 주소
  • Patent Treuhand Gesellschaft f체r elektrische Gl체hlampen mbH
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 3  인용 특허 : 46


A base for a headlight lamp, which has a plastic base part having at least two electrical connections, which have a first end with a contact face, the first ends protruding from the base part when mounted such that the contact faces are perpendicular to the longitudinal extent of the headlight lamp,


What is claimed is: 1. A base for a headlight lamp, which has a plastic base part having at least two electrical connections, which are each made from a metal sheet and have a first end provided with a contact face, the first ends protruding from the base part when mounted such that the contact fac

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (46)

  1. Tan Samantha S. H. ; Dougherty Dianne M., Apparatus for obtaining, storing and transporting liquid samples and methods for making and using same.
  2. Forish, John A.; Rogers, John J., Axial low profile lamp socket assembly.
  3. Harada Tadashi (Shizuoka JPX) Horiuchi Kazuya (Mie JPX), Bulb socket.
  4. Ogawa Shinji (Yokkaichi JPX), Bulb socket.
  5. Ogawa Shinji (Yokkaichi JPX), Bulb socket.
  6. Kondo Hiroyuki (Shizuoka JPX), Bulb socket and method of manufacturing the same.
  7. Ogawa Shinji (Suzuka JPX) Matsumoto Masayoshi (Atsugi JPX), Bulb socket and terminal installed thereon.
  8. Kondo Hiroyuki (Shizuoka JPX) Harada Tadashi (Shizuoka JPX) Uchida Kihachiro (Shizuoka JPX), Bulb socket for wedged-base bulb.
  9. Yamanashi Makoto,JPX ; Kozono Seiji,JPX, Bulb socket plug and method of producing same.
  10. Sanders Rudolf (Eindhoven NLX) van Seggelen Godefridus G. (Eindhoven NLX), Capped electric lamp.
  11. Janson Cornelis J.,NLX ; Rienacker Hans-Ulrich,DEX, Capped electric lamp and lighting system comprising a reflector and an associated capped electric lamp.
  12. Hoffmann, Friedrich; Wings, Leo, Car headlight lamp and method of manufacturing same.
  13. Beying, Armin; Jung, Joachim; Schworm, Karlheinz; Fuchs, G?nter, Connector system for a rod-shaped two-ended discharge lamp.
  14. Behr, Gerhard; Helbig, Peter, Electric lamp.
  15. Helbig Peter,DEX ; Eckhardt Fritz,DEX, Electric lamp.
  16. Helbig Peter,DEX ; Steiner Hermann,DEX ; Wild Hans,DEX, Electric lamp.
  17. Rittner Roland,DEX ; Kantim Uwe,DEX ; Kast Werner,DEX, Electric lamp.
  18. Willems Johannes J. G. S. A. (Wijlre NLX) Wilhelm Dieter (Eschweiler DEX), Electric lamp.
  19. Helbig Peter,DEX, Electric lamp and an illuminating system having such an electric lamp.
  20. Helbig Peter,DEX ; Steiner Hermann,DEX, Electric lamp with cement-free base and metal/plastic reflector-type socket with spring.
  21. Helbig Peter,DEX ; Steiner Hermann,DEX, Electric vehicle lamp with inserted insulation plug.
  22. Margrave Christopher A. (Cortland OH) Stevens Kenneth C. (Cortland OH), Electrical assembly and connector therefor.
  23. Francis Michael Eugene ; Delaporte Dany Paul ; Brennan ; III Richard Charles ; Abbott Russell Mistretta, High intensity discharge automotive lamp socket.
  24. Henrici, Dieter; Beleke, Herbert, Holder for halogen lamp.
  25. Forgacs, Laszlo; Kerenyi, Istvan, Incandescent lamp for use in a reflector.
  26. Gal Imre,HUX ; Gonda Attila,HUX ; Torma Tamas,HUX ; Valovics Miklos,HUX, Incandescent lamp for use in a reflector.
  27. Muta Junji,JPX, L-shaped bulb connector.
  28. Matsuoka Ken (Shizuoka JPX) Uchida Kihachirou (Shizuoka JPX), L-shaped bulb socket.
  29. Muta Junji (Yokkaichi JPX) Furuta Yoshiaki (Yokkaichi JPX), L-shaped bulb socket.
  30. Muta Junji (Yokkaichi JPX) Furuta Yoshiaki (Yokkaichi JPX), L-shaped bulb socket.
  31. Coushaine Charles M, Lamp and lamp base assembly.
  32. Coushaine Charles M., Lamp and lamp based assembly.
  33. Hill Clinton W. (Romeo MI), Lamp assembly.
  34. Meinecke, Klaus Eberhard, Lamp cap, assembly of lamp burner and lamp cap, and method of fastening a lamp.
  35. Swantner,Michael J.; Seymour,Douglas G.; Scholeno,Michael, Lamp socket.
  36. Pearce ; Jr. Warren (Warren OH) Ramsey Charles W. (Niles OH), Lamp socket and bulb assembly with side contacts.
  37. Braun Alfred (Herbrechtingen DEX) Schnherr Walter (Giengen-Hrben DEX) Steiner Hermann (Herbrechtingen DEX), Lamp with cement-free base structure.
  38. Street, Steven; Garcia, Ismael, Lead aligning terminal.
  39. Forish John A. (Fort Wayne IN) Rogers John J. (Huntertown IN), Low profile lamp socket assembly and method of making.
  40. Plyler Robert G. (Vienna OH) Nestor Charles R. (Vienna OH), Low profile wedge base lamp bulb socket assembly.
  41. Forish John A. (Fort Wayne IN) Rogers John J. (Huntertown IN), Method of making low profile lamp socket assembly.
  42. Moore Marvin W. (Oxford MI), Socket.
  43. Ogawa Shinji,JPX, Socket for connection of an electrical unit with a connector.
  44. Ito Katsuya (Yokkaichi JPX), Socket for electrical elements.
  45. Hall Rolland B. (Keene NH) Bergin John A. (Hancock NH), Vehicle lamp.
  46. Powers,Christopher R.; Van Duyn,Paul D.; Marks,Carey D.; McMahan,David R.; Garcia,Ismael, Wedge base sealed lamp socket.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (3)

  1. Lutsch,Harald Michael; Resman,Ranko; Buden,Vladimir; Mahovic,Vedran; Lovko,Hrvoje, Connection element for the electrically conductive connection to the lamp holder of a main headlamp.
  2. Gerhard, Markus; Schartmann, Herbert; Westemeyer, Manfred; Muckel, Ralf; Emunds, Wilfried, High-pressure discharge lamp and a method of manufacturing a high-pressure discharge lamp.
  3. Sartori, Marco Antonio; Lopes, Ednei; Goldschmidt, Jose Roberto, Lamp socket assembly and method.
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