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[미국특허] Broadcast spreader attachment for hand-held gas or electric leaf blowers 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A01C-003/06
  • A01C-003/00
출원번호 US-0825461 (2004-04-15)
발명자 / 주소
  • Murphy,Charles Patrick
  • Treadway,Charles Daniel
출원인 / 주소
  • Murphy,Charles Patrick
  • Treadway,Charles Daniel
대리인 / 주소
    Myers &
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 3  인용 특허 : 17


A broadcast spreader attachment for a powered leaf blower for dispensing large dry particulates. The attachment typically includes an elongate main tube having opposite intake and discharge ends. A secondary smaller tube is affixed to and in fluid communication with the main tube. The intake of the


We claim: 1. A device for spreading large dry particulate matter comprising: a main elongate tube of approximately eight to ten inches in diameter and seven to ten inches in length; a supply hopper; a secondary tube having a one-half to two inches diameter and being affixed to the main tube at a si

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (17)

  1. Dvorak Tom Rudy, Apparatus for dispensing powdered and granulated materials.
  2. Medlin Michael A. (125 Conestoga Rd. Madison MS 39110), Apparatus for producing patching material for filling potholes in paved surfaces.
  3. Williams Bruce M. (1568 Gridley Grand Rapids MI 49504), Broadcast spreader apparatus.
  4. Mattson Charles A. (Woodland Hills CA) Michel James (Agoura CA) Domagalski Anthony (Moorpark CA), Fertilizer spreader.
  5. Sansalone Dominic A. (5421 Menlo Ct. Barberton OH 44203), Garden powder duster.
  6. Hampton Tracy E., Particulate applicator attachment for a leaf blower.
  7. Daniel, Dorce L., Particulate blaster assembly and aspirator.
  8. Mesic Robert S. (P.O. Box 95 Christmas FL), Pesticide duster.
  9. Ussery Frank G. (173 Farr Rd. Kathleen GA 31047), Pesticide duster attachment for portable blower.
  10. Gamoh Akira (Kodaira JPX) Miura Takashi (Higashiyamato JPX) Sawada Toshiharu (Fuchu JPX) Kiyooka Katsumi (Warabi JPX), Piggyback type blower unit.
  11. Bartek, Edward J., Pneumatic material delivery gun with removable material cartridge.
  12. Sansalone Dominic A. (5421 Menlo Ct. Barberton OH 44203), Portable garden powder duster.
  13. Cole ; John M. ; Cole ; Ruth E., Portable manually operated duster.
  14. Gunzel ; Jr. ; Rudolph M. ; Radecki ; Tony, Portable motor driven dusting apparatus.
  15. Gunzel ; Jr. Rudolph M. (Palm Springs CA) Demarest Scott W. (Caledonia WI) Edwards David J. (Racine WI) Shanklin Donald J. (Fullerton CA), Portable particulate material spreader.
  16. Takata Harry H. (Edina MN), Venturi system for agricultural spreaders of solid particles.
  17. William H. McCauley, Yard blower for distributing yard care material.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (3)

  1. Weihl, Ricky A.; Schultz, James H., Blower apparatus with releasable mount and direction control.
  2. Rappin, Craig, Nozzle assembly.
  3. Rappin, Craig, Nozzle spray assembly III.

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