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[미국특허] Aircraft and missile forebody flow control device and method of controlling flow 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B64C-005/10
  • B64C-005/00
  • B64C-021/00
출원번호 US-0766225 (2004-01-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Prince,Troy
  • Lisy,Frederick J.
  • Patel,Mehul P.
  • DiCocco,Jack M.
  • Carver,Reed
  • Schmidt,Robert N.
출원인 / 주소
  • Orbital Research Inc
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 19


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대표청구항이 없습니다.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (19) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Murri Daniel G. (Grafton VA), Actuated forebody strakes.
  2. Zell Peter T. (San Jose CA), Aerodynamic surface distension system for high angle of attack forebody vortex control.
  3. DiCocco,Jack; Prince,Troy; Patel,Mehul; Ng,Tsun Ming Terry, Aircraft and missile afterbody flow control device and method of controlling flow.
  4. Lisy Frederick J. ; Schmidt Robert N., Deployable flow control device.
  5. Peters ; Jr. Spence E. (Fort Worth TX), Flight control device to provide directional control.
  6. Lisy, Frederick J.; Modarreszadah, Mohammed; Patel, Mehul P.; DiCocco, Jack M.; Carver, Reed; Schmidt, Robert N.; Prince, Troy, Flow control device and method of controlling flow.
  7. Schmidt Robert N. ; Shaw Greg S., Fluid flow control devices.
  8. Hakenesch Peter,DEX, Fuselage nose for controlling aerodynamic vehicles and method of utilizing same.
  9. Peckham Derek H. (Farnham GBX), Guided missiles.
  10. Meier Hans U. (Gttingen DEX) Maier Alois (Gttingen DEX) de Zhou Ming (Nanjing CNX), Method and apparatus for influencing a laminar turbulent boundary layer transition on bodies in flow.
  11. Katz Richard A. (East Lyme CT), Method and system for identifying the onset of a turbulent boundary layer induced by a body moving through a fluid mediu.
  12. Patel, Mehul P.; DiCocco, Jack M; Prince, Troy, Reconfigurable porous technology for fluid flow control and method of controlling flow.
  13. Stoy David R. (Woodland Hills CA), Separately banking maneuvering aerodynamic control surfaces, system and method.
  14. Gongwer, Calvin A., Spherical vehicle for operation in a fluid medium.
  15. Komerath Narayanan M. ; Darden Leigh Ann ; Magill John C. ; Peterson Kevin G., Stagnation point vortex controller.
  16. Farokhi Saeed (Lawrence KS) Taghavi Ray R. (Lawrence KS), Supersonic vortex generator.
  17. Malmuth, Norman D.; Fedorov, Alexander; Shalaev, Vladimir; Zharov, Vladimir; Shalaev, Ivan; Maslov, Anatoly; Soloviev, Victor, Surface plasma discharge for controlling forebody vortex asymmetry.
  18. Teter, Roger D.; Kudlick, Dean A.; Williams, Richard M., Three axis flap control system.
  19. Rao Dhanvada M. (Hampton VA) Murri Daniel G. (Grafton VA), Yaw and pitch control of air vehicles at high angles of attack.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Krol, William P.; Uhlman, James S., Adaptive material actuators for Coanda effect circulation control slots.
  2. Prince, Troy; Lisy, Frederick J.; Patel, Mehul P.; DiCocco, Jack M.; Carver, Reed; Schmidt, Robert N., Aircraft and missile forebody flow control device and method of controlling flow.
  3. Sowle, Zak; Vasudevan, Srikanth; Stucke, Russell; Lisy, Frederick J.; Schmidt, Robert N., Flow control device and method for aircraft and missile forebody.
  4. Fraysse, Jr., John W., Guided fuse with variable incidence panels.
  5. Linn, Eric H.; Deeds, Michael A.; Herman, David, MEMS type thermally actuated out-of-plane lever.
  6. Thomas,Steven H.; Elgersma,Michael R., Methods and systems for determining air data parameters.
  7. Sclafani, Anthony J.; Konings, Christopher A., Retractable nacelle chine.
  8. Sowle, Zak; Vasudevan, Srikanth; Birch, Matthew C., Rotational control actuation system.
  9. Neitzke, Klaus-Peter; Bauer, Karin; Bolzmacher, Christian; Kupke, Winfried, Switchable vortex generator and array formed therewith, and uses of the same.
  10. Neitzke, Klaus-Peter; Bauer, Karin; Bolzmacher, Christian; Kupke, Winfried, Switchable vortex generator and array formed therewith, and uses of the same.

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