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[미국특허] Green tea formulations and methods of preparation 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • A23F-003/00
출원번호 US-0877757 (2004-06-24)
발명자 / 주소
  • Quan,Danyi
  • Xiong,Wade W.
출원인 / 주소
  • Xel Herbaceuticals, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Thorpe North & Western, LLP
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 8  인용 특허 : 33


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이 특허에 인용된 특허 (33) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Sanderson Gary Warner (Englewood NJ) Hoefler Andrew Charles (Cresskill NJ) Graham Harold Nathaniel (Englewood NJ) Coggon Philip (Orangeburg NY), Cold water extractable tea leaf and process.
  2. Christopher William Goodsall GB; Timothy Graham Jones GB; Joseph Kipsiele Mitei KE; Andrew David Parry GB; Richard Safford GB; Ambalavanar Thiru GB, Cold water infusing leaf tea.
  3. Lehmberg Gregg Lance ; Balentine Douglas Ashley ; Hang Robert Steven ; Gobbo Steven Alphonse, Enzyme extraction process for tea.
  4. Lehmberg Gregg Lance ; Balentine Douglas Ashley ; Hang Robert Steven ; Gobbo Steven Alphonse, Enzyme extraction process for tea.
  5. Lehmberg Gregg Lance ; Balentine Douglas Ashley ; Hang Robert Steven ; Gobbo Steven Alphonse, Extraction process of tea with enzymes.
  6. Hitoshi Kinugasa JP; Masami Sasame JP; Nobuo Matsumoto JP; Kenji Shimaoka JP; Yoko Ueno JP; Hitoshi Niino JP; Kazunori Okanoya JP; Izumi Kobayashi JP, Green tea beverages manufacturing process.
  7. Ekanayake Athula ; Bunger John Robert ; Mohlenkamp ; Jr. Marvin Joseph, Green tea extract subjected to cation exchange treatment and nanofiltration to improve clarity and color.
  8. Ekanayake Athula ; Bunger John Robert ; Mohlenkamp ; Jr. Marvin Joseph, Green tea extract subjected to cation exchange treatment and nanofiltration to improve clarity and color.
  9. Ekanayake Athula ; Bunger John Robert ; Mohlenkamp ; Jr. Marvin Joseph, Green tea extract subjected to cation exchange treatment and nanofiltration to improve clarity and color.
  10. D'Jang Arthur H. K., Herbal extract composition containing gynostemma pentaphyllum, crataegus pinnatifida and camellia sinensis.
  11. Strobel Rudolf G. K. (Cincinnati OH), Low-temperature steam desorbate process for improved instant tea.
  12. Levinson Melvin L., Method for making a coffee/tea/beverage using a table-blender and a microwave-oven.
  13. Yamaguchi Noriaki (Higasi-Osaka JPX) Kubota Rieko (Higasi-Osaka JPX), Method of producing an instantly soluble tea powder.
  14. Liu Richard T. (Worthington OH) Proudley John C. (Delaware OH), Oxidation of tea.
  15. Bombardelli Ezio,ITX ; Morazzoni Paolo,ITX ; Mustich Giuseppe,ITX, Polyphenol fractions of tea, the use thereof and formulations containing them.
  16. Mordini Mauro Dominick ; Harbowy Matthew Evan, Powdered tea concentrate, method for foaming tea concentrate and delivery system for preparing same.
  17. Bombardelli Ezio,ITX ; Morazzoni Paolo,ITX ; Mustich Giuseppe,ITX, Process for extracting polyphenol fractions of tea and compositions produced therewith.
  18. Ekanayake Athula (Cincinnati OH) Kirksey Sanford T. (Cincinnati OH) Pultinas ; Jr. Edmund P. (Cincinnati OH), Process for making a stable green tea extract and product.
  19. Tsai Chee-Hway (West Chester OH), Process for making green tea solids.
  20. Chang Stephen S. (E. Brunswick NJ) Bao Yongde (New Brunswick NJ), Process for manufacture of natural antioxidant products from tea and spent tea.
  21. Gobbo Steven A. (Secaucus NJ) Tobin John W. (Hillsdale NJ) Balantine Douglas A. (West Milford NJ), Process for manufacturing cold water soluble and chill stable ready to drink tea and product.
  22. Lunder Tito L. (Lausanne CHX) Nielsen Corine M. (Lausanne CHX), Process for preparing cold soluble tea product.
  23. Fu Xiaoping,CHX ; Liu Richard Tien-Szu ; Nickle Lawrence ; Rahmani Rachid, Process for producing cold water soluble tea extract.
  24. Lunder Tito Livio (Morges CHX), Process for the preparation of a powdered instant black tea drink mix.
  25. Sato Jinichi (Iwakura JPX) Kurusu Toshiro (Iwakura JPX) Kondo Naoyoshi (Iwakura JPX) Tamaki Makoto (Komaki JPX), Process for the preparation of instant tea.
  26. Hara Yukihiko (Shizuoka JPX), Process for the production of tea catechins.
  27. Wickremasinghe Robert L. (St. Coombs CL), Process of making cold water soluble tea concentrates and powders.
  28. Barmentlo Bart (Delft NLX) Bel Willem J. (Rotterdam NLX) Hoogstad Bruin (Bedford GB3) Pendlington Sidney (Stevington GB3) Slater Nigel K. (Maasdam NLX), Process of preparing a tea product.
  29. Goodsall Christopher William,GBX ; Parry Andrew David,GBX ; Safford Richard,GBX ; Thiru Ambalavanar,GBX, Producing theaflavin.
  30. Nicolas Pierre,CHX ; Raetz Eric,CHX ; Reymond Sylviane,CHX ; Sauvageat Jean-Luc,CHX, Tea extract preparation.
  31. Creswick Norman S. (Wyckoff NJ), Tea extraction process.
  32. Barrett Matthew John,GBX ; Birch Mark Richard,GBX ; Jones Timothy Graham,GBX, Tea processing with zeolites.
  33. Lee Eldon C. (New Milford CT), Water soluble tea extracts.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (8) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Prakash, Indra; DuBois, Grant E., Condiments with high-potency sweetener.
  2. Fukuda, Masahiro; Takahashi, Hirokazu; Kusaka, Ryo; Itaya, Eri, Green tea drink packed in container.
  3. Wu, Jerry; Quirk, Brien, Gynostemma extract surfactant/cleaning agent/emulsifier/foaming agent and method of producing same.
  4. Lomax, Leonard; Pohlman, Kory, Herbal pain killer compositions.
  5. Prakash, Indra; DuBois, Grant E., High-potency sweetener composition with rubisco protein, rubiscolin, rubiscolin derivatives, ace inhibitory peptides, and combinations thereof, and compositions sweetened therewith.
  6. Harris, Patricia; Beaton, Verity; Barfoot, Clare, Horse supplement.
  7. Colliver, Steven Peter; Sharp, David George, Process for manufacturing tea products.
  8. Colliver, Steven Peter; Sharp, David George; Smith, Ian, Process for manufacturing tea products.

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