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[미국특허] Shopping cart 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • 12-02
출원번호 US-0264725 (2006-08-16)
등록번호 US-D550423 (2007-09-04)
발명자 / 주소
  • Splain,William D.
  • Peota,Robert D.
  • Hennen,Alexandre
  • Cameron,Allan
  • Ryan,Mark T.
  • Pruitt, Jr.,David L.
출원인 / 주소
  • Target Brands, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Dicke, Billig, & Czaja, PLLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 57  인용 특허 : 63


초록이 없습니다.


CLAIM The ornamental design for a shopping cart, as shown and described.

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (63)

  1. Rehrig Houston (Richmond VA), Advertising panel for shopping carts.
  2. Rehrig Houston (8801 Mary Meade Ct. Potomac MD 20854), Basket handle unit.
  3. Rehrig Houston (Richmond VA 23226), Basket wall and placard display assembly.
  4. Rehrig Houston (Richmond VA), Basket wall with placard display assembly.
  5. Rehrig B. Houston (4539 Gorham St. Corona Del Mar CA 92625), Bottom-supported basket.
  6. Chiv Lim (Richmond VA), Bumper arrangement for nestable carts.
  7. Johnson, Christopher M.; Porter, Terrill M.; McCann, Ralph C.; DeCost, Norm; Butterfield, Robert G.; Inashvili, George; Woods, Joseph T.; Doheny, Lawrence J.; Grant, William, Cart.
  8. Porter, Terril, Cart.
  9. Rehrig ; Houston, Cart basket.
  10. Rehrig B. Houston (Pasadena CA), Cart basket.
  11. Rehrig Houston (Pasadena CA), Cart with advertising panels.
  12. Porter, Terril, Cart with collapsible receptacle and method of use.
  13. Rehrig Houston (1401 Oak Knoll Ave. Pasadena CA 91106), Cart with plastic basket.
  14. Rehrig Houston (4606 Foxhall Crescent Washington DC 20007), Child seat for shopping cart.
  15. Rehrig Houston ; Hodge Lori Jane, Children's shopping cart.
  16. Rehrig Houston (6345 Ridgeway Rd. Richmond VA 23226) Valla Matthew (Richmond VA), Collapsible child seat assembly for cart.
  17. Nadeau, Serge; Doyon, Jean-Christophe, Collapsible compartment for a shopping cart.
  18. Kern Alan R. ; Johnson Christopher Michael ; Henry Scottlan Ray, Combined molded plastic shopping cart basket and rear panel.
  19. Rehrig Houston (Pasadena CA), Combined shopping cart basket and advertising panels therefor.
  20. Rehrig Houston (Pasadena CA), Container with reinforcing ring.
  21. Huang Ming-tai (4th Fl. ; No. 302 ; Sec. 7 ; Chengteh Rd. Taipei TWX), Foldable toy shopping trolley.
  22. Joseph ; Raymond, Goods transport cart with molded plastic panel.
  23. Rehrig Houston (4010 E. 26 St. Los Angeles CA 90023), Hand carrying basket.
  24. Waterman Dewey J. (Battle Creek MI), Hand-carrying basket.
  25. Kern Alan R. ; Hammack Thomas Vineyard ; LaFleur John A., Integrally molded gate support arrangement for plastic shopping cart baskets.
  26. DeCost, Norman, Method of molding a cart using molding processes.
  27. Duhamel Jean-Pierre (10 Deneuve St. Ville Lorraine ; Quebec CAX J6Z 1W9), Mobile display counter.
  28. Nadeau, Serge; Doyon, Jean-Christophe, Modular plastic shopping cart.
  29. Kern Alan Roger ; Johnson Christopher Michael ; Henry Scottlan Ray, Molded plastic basket and rear panel for shopping cart.
  30. Kern Alan R. ; Henry Scottlan R. ; Johnson Christopher M., Molded wheel and bearing assembly.
  31. Johnson Christopher M. ; McCann Ralph, Multiple child seat nestable shopping cart.
  32. Johnson, Christopher M.; McCann, Ralph, Multiple child seat nestable shopping cart.
  33. Cohen Melvin (Franklin Lakes NJ), Nestable basket for use with nestable shopping carts and the like.
  34. Perry Michael L., Nestable shopping cart with safe child seat.
  35. Rehrig Houston (1401 S. Oak Knoll Ave. Pasadena CA 91109), Over-the-counter cart with hingedly attached plastic basket and retracting front gate.
  36. Jones Ronald J. (Muskogee OK) Wright Lonnie W. (Broken Arrow OK), Plastic basket.
  37. Rehrig, B. Houston, Plastic basket for use with a cart having front and rear baskets.
  38. Murar, Jason T.; Stribbell, Jeffrey M.; Wilson, Jr., Donald L.; Hoffman, William G., Plastic shopping cart.
  39. Symons Ronny,FRX, Plastic trolley.
  40. Rehrig, Houston, Protective flange for wheel castor housing.
  41. Rehrig Houston (Pasadena CA), Reinforcing ring for a container.
  42. Tannehill John M. (2890 Lansdowne Rd. Victoria AL CAX B.C. ; V8R 3P9) Tannehill John B. (507 Briarwood Dr. Enterprise AL 36330), Rotary display for shopping cart.
  43. Rehrig Houston (4606 Foxhall Crescent Washington DC 20007), Shopping basket.
  44. Levy-Joseph Marc (Strasbourg FRX), Shopping cart.
  45. Rehrig Houston (Pasadena CA), Shopping cart.
  46. Splain,William D.; Peota,Robert D.; Hennen,Alexandre; Cameron,Allan; Ryan,Mark T.; Pruitt, Jr.,David L., Shopping cart.
  47. Thompson ; Jr. William A. (Toms River NJ), Shopping cart.
  48. Rehrig Houston (8801 Mary Meade Ct. Potomac MD 20854), Shopping cart and chassis therefor.
  49. Davidson Michael B. (Toronto) Jackman Joseph P. (Toronto) Whitworth Cameron G. (Toronto) Braul Harold (Toronto CAX), Shopping cart and container apparatus.
  50. Porter Terrill, Shopping cart child seat.
  51. Porter Terrill, Shopping cart child seat flap.
  52. Lantz, Charles J., Shopping cart constructed of resin and metal channel members.
  53. Jones Ronald J. (Muskogee OK) Wright Lonnie W. (Broken Arrow OK), Shopping cart having plastic basket.
  54. Badger Ronald L. (Battle Creek MI), Shopping cart with plastic basket.
  55. de Luna Gerardo S. (Barcelona ESX), Shopping trolley for supermarkets and the like.
  56. Lindberg Jan (Sjostigen 20 S-714 72 Stlldalen SEX), Side piece for goods handling trolley.
  57. Segura de Luna Gerardo,ESX, Supermarket shopping carts.
  58. Gaze Martin,GBX ; Drury Peter R,AUX ; Daykin Stuart,GBX, Supermarket shopping trolley.
  59. Bergia,Michelangelo, Supermarket trolley.
  60. Mollon Leslie (Southfield MI), Three-way tote baskets.
  61. Huang Ming-Tai,TWX, Toy shopping trolley.
  62. Lenihan, Gary G., Universal cart and interchangeable attachment system.
  63. Rehrig Houston (4606 Foxhall Crescent Washington DC 20007), Upper rim for shopping basket.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (57)

  1. Walter, Ivor Michel, Back gate and basket for cart.
  2. Walter, Ivor Michel, Cart.
  3. Walter, Ivor Michel, Cart.
  4. Walter, Ivor Michel, Cart.
  5. Walter, Ivor Michel, Cart.
  6. Walter, Ivor Michel, Cart basket.
  7. Walter, Ivor Michel, Cart basket.
  8. Walter, Ivor Michel; Sin, Ning Siu, Child seat for a shopping cart.
  9. Walter, Ivor Michel, Child seat for use with a shopping cart.
  10. Walter, Ivor Michel, Combined child seat and retention flap for use with a cart.
  11. Walter, Ivor Michel, Combined child seat and retention flap for use with a shopping cart.
  12. Walter, Ivor Michel, Combined child seat and retention flap for use with a shopping cart.
  13. Peota,Robert D.; Hennen,Alexandre; Cameron,Allan, Cupholder for a shopping cart.
  14. Splain, William D.; Peota, Robert D.; Hennen, Alexandre; Cameron, Allan, Handbasket.
  15. Stauff, Richard; Vande Berg, Gary; Watson, Roy, Handle for shopping cart.
  16. Stauff, Rick; Vande Berg, Gary; Watson, Roy, Handle for shopping cart.
  17. Splain, William D.; Peota, Robert D.; Hennen, Alexandre; Cameron, Allan; Ryan, Mark T.; Pruitt, Jr., David L., Method of assembling a shopping cart.
  18. Pruitt, Jr., David L.; Ryan, Mark T.; Shell, Charles E.; Peota, Robert D.; Crow, Kenneth R.; Sayer, Matthew E., Method of molding a shopping cart.
  19. Walter, Ivor Michel, Retention flap for use with a cart.
  20. Ryan, Mark T.; Peota, Robert D., Seat assembly for a shopping cart.
  21. Splain,William D.; Peota,Robert D.; Hennen,Alexandre; Cameron,Allan; Ryan,Mark T.; Pruitt, Jr.,David L., Seat assembly for a shopping cart.
  22. Walter, Ivor Michel, Set of cart baskets.
  23. Walter, Ivor Michel, Set of cart baskets.
  24. Walter, Ivor Michel, Set of cart baskets.
  25. Walter, Ivor Michel; Engel, Jeroen; Zeng, Wilson, Set of cart baskets.
  26. Fredendall, Jonathon A.; Ebling, John Robert; Stemler, Jay Robert; Ebling, Gary Robert, Shopping cart.
  27. Magnusson, Marcus, Shopping cart.
  28. Magnusson, Marcus, Shopping cart.
  29. Stauff, Richard; Vande Berg, Gary; Watson, Roy, Shopping cart.
  30. Stauff, Richard; Vande Berg, Gary; Watson, Roy, Shopping cart.
  31. Stauff, Richard; Vande Berg, Gary; Watson, Roy, Shopping cart.
  32. Stauff, Richard; Vande Berg, Gary; Watson, Roy, Shopping cart.
  33. Stauff, Rick; Vande Berg, Gary; Watson, Roy, Shopping cart.
  34. Walter, Ivor Michel, Shopping cart.
  35. Splain, William D.; Peota, Robert D.; Hennen, Alexandre; Cameron, Allan; Ryan, Mark T.; Pruitt, Jr., David L., Shopping cart base.
  36. Splain, William D.; Peota, Robert D.; Hennen, Alexandre; Cameron, Allan; Ryan, Mark T.; Pruitt, Jr., David L., Shopping cart base.
  37. Splain,William D.; Peota,Robert D.; Hennen,Alexandre; Cameron,Allan; Ryan,Mark T.; Pruitt, Jr.,David L., Shopping cart base.
  38. Splain,William D.; Peota,Robert D.; Hennen,Alexandre; Cameron,Allan; Ryan,Mark T.; Pruitt, Jr.,David L., Shopping cart basket.
  39. Fredendall, Jonathon A.; Ebling, John Robert; Stemler, Jay Robert; Ebling, Gary Robert, Shopping cart component.
  40. Fredendall, Jonathon A.; Ebling, John Robert; Stemler, Jay Robert; Ebling, Gary Robert, Shopping cart component.
  41. Fredendall, Jonathon A.; Ebling, John Robert; Stemler, Jay Robert; Ebling, Gary Robert, Shopping cart component.
  42. Fredendall, Jonathon A.; Ebling, John Robert; Stemler, Jay Robert; Ebling, Gary Robert, Shopping cart component.
  43. Fredendall, Jonathon A.; Ebling, John Robert; Stemler, Jay Robert; Ebling, Gary Robert, Shopping cart component.
  44. Fredendall, Jonathon A.; Ebling, John Robert; Stemler, Jay Robert; Ebling, Gary Robert, Shopping cart component.
  45. Fredendall, Jonathon A.; Ebling, John Robert; Stemler, Jay Robert; Ebling, Gary Robert, Shopping cart component.
  46. Fredendall, Jonathon A.; Ebling, John Robert; Stemler, Jay Robert; Ebling, Gary Robert, Shopping cart component.
  47. Peota, Robert D.; Splain, William D.; Tharp, Robert D., Shopping cart handle.
  48. Splain,William D.; Peota,Robert D.; Hennen,Alexandre; Cameron,Allan; Ryan,Mark T.; Pruitt, Jr.,David L.; Sullivan,Ann, Shopping cart handle.
  49. Peota,Robert D.; Splain,William D.; Tharp,Robert D., Shopping cart seat member.
  50. Fredendall, Jonathon A.; Ebling, John Robert; Stemler, Jay Robert; Ebling, Gary Robert, Shopping cart stroller.
  51. Peota,Robert D.; Splain,William D.; Tharp,Robert D., Shopping cart support assembly.
  52. Fredendall, Jonathon A.; Ebling, John Robert; Stemler, Jay Robert; Ebling, Gary Robert, Shopping cart with child seat.
  53. Stauff, Rick; Vande Berg, Gary; Watson, Roy, Shopping cart with removable basket assembly.
  54. Stauff, Rick; Vande Berg, Gary; Watson, Roy, Shopping carts.
  55. Villanova Abadia, Javier Enrique; Esteban Guallar, Elena; Saviron Cornudella, Blanca; Aznar Peligero, Francisco Javier; Olmos Aquilue, Alejandro, Shopping trolley.
  56. Muscara, Maurizio, Supermarket cart.
  57. Muscara′, Maurizio, Supermarket cart.

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