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[미국특허] Method for using variable supersonic Mach number air heater utilizing supersonic combustion 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C06B-043/00
출원번호 US-0014376 (2004-12-14)
등록번호 US-7296396 (2007-11-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Wilson,Kenneth J.
  • Jaul,Warrent K.
  • Fitzpatrick,Shannon L.
  • Burman,Robert G.
출원인 / 주소
  • United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 16


A supersonic combustion apparatus and method for using the same including a fixed geometric nozzle having a converging area, throat, and a diverging area, at least one fuel injection means and at least one flame stabilization means located in the divergent area, and an exit plane adjacent and downst


What is claimed is: 1. A method of using a supersonic combustion air heater comprising: providing a starting pressure flow which is expanded through a throat, said pressure flow having a starting total pressure Po1; providing a fixed geometry nozzle having a throat, converging area, and diverging a

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (16) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Lawlor, Shawn P., Apparatus for power generation with low drag rotor and ramjet assembly.
  2. Salemann Victor (Issaquah WA), Bypass duct for a hypersonic propulsion system.
  3. Schmotolocha, Stephen N.; Morris, Donald H.; Pederson, Robert J.; Edelman, Raymond B.; Morrison, Jr., Calvin Q., Compact swirl augmented afterburners for gas turbine engines.
  4. Boehnlein John J. ; Bendot Joseph G., Ejector ramjet engine.
  5. Davis Walter S. (Salem NH) Pugmire T. Kent (Carlisle MA), Electrothermal reactor.
  6. Browning James A. (c/o Draco ; P.O. Box 6 Hanover NH 03755), Extreme energy method for impacting abrasive particles against a surface to be treated.
  7. Hartman Neil W. (Richfield WI), Gas compressor for jet engine.
  8. Papamoschou, Dimitri, Mixing enhancement using axial flow.
  9. Wilson, Donald R.; Lu, Frank K., Multi-mode pulsed detonation propulsion system.
  10. Bulman, Melvin J., Rocket vehicle thrust augmentation within divergent section of nozzle.
  11. Simmons John Robert (Cincinnati OH), Split fan work gas turbine engine.
  12. Vetrovec,Jan, Supercharged internal combustion engine.
  13. Greene Leonard M. (Scarsdale NY), Turbo jet/RAM jet propulsion system.
  14. Faulkner Robie L. (P.O. Box 1630 Alpine CA 91903), Turbojet engine with afterburner and thrust augmentation ejectors.
  15. Johnson James Edward (Hamilton OH) Sprunger Elmore Verne (Cincinnati OH) Simmons John Robert (Cincinnati OH), Variable cycle turbofan-ramjet engine.
  16. Thayer Edward B., Vectoring nozzle using injected high pressure air.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Trefny, Charles J; Dippold, Vance F, Dual-mode combustor.
  2. Trefny, Charles J.; Dippold, Vance F., Process for operating a dual-mode combustor.
  3. Hofer, Douglas Carl; Nagel, Zachary William; Holmes, David Graham, Supersonic compressor rotor and method of assembling same.
  4. Hofer, Douglas Carl; Gottapu, Dhananjayarao, Supersonic compressor rotor and method of compressing a fluid.
  5. Hofer, Douglas Carl; Nagel, Zachary William; Gottapu, D{acute over (h)}ananjayarao, Supersonic compressor rotor and methods for assembling same.
  6. Hofer, Douglas Carl; Gottapu, Dhananjayarao, Supersonic compressor startup support system.
  7. Vysohlid, Martin; Hofer, Douglas Carl, Supersonic compressor startup support system.
  8. Hofer, Douglas Carl; Michelassi, Vittorio, System and method of assembling a supersonic compressor system including a supersonic compressor rotor and a compressor assembly.
  9. Hofer, Douglas Carl; Gottapu, Dhananjayarao, System and methods of assembling a supersonic compressor rotor including a radial flow channel.
  10. Wilson, Kenneth J.; Jaul, Warren K.; Burman, Robert G.; Fitzpatrick, Shannon L., Variable supersonic mach number air heater utilizing supersonic combustion.

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