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[미국특허] Nestable containers with coverings having a fold 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B65D-021/00
  • B65D-085/62
출원번호 US-0083870 (2005-03-18)
등록번호 US-7392907 (2008-07-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Herbert,Curtis B.
  • Kolar,James C.
  • Brock,Michael J.
  • Rafferty,Michael S.
  • Woods,David N.
출원인 / 주소
  • Foldware, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Dardi & Associates, PLLC
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 7  인용 특허 : 24


Embodiments include sets of nestable containers with each container having a cover comprises a fold. The covers are disposable between two of the nestable containers when the containers are nested with each other. Uses of the containers include, for example, food, craft, and home storage.


The invention claimed is: 1. A storage apparatus having a container with an opening defined by sides of the container and a detachable cover having peripheral edges that engage the sides to seal the container and being reversibly deformable between a storage position and a covering position for cov

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (24) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Colasent Julius R. (123 Farland Pl. Escondido CA 92025), Adjustable lid.
  2. Rush Jonathan E. (Phillipsburg NJ) Toczek Thomas R. (Nazareth PA), Beverage cup lid having an annular flange extension for increased cap retention force, and method of manufacture.
  3. Jamison Barry (Cincinnati OH) Stein Eric (Tega Cay SC), Bi-fold lid for container.
  4. Overholt, Trenton M., Collapsible container.
  5. Bailey Mark William,GBX, Container.
  6. Sirotkin Karl M. (307 Colonial Rd. Knoxville TN 37920), Container.
  7. Adams Kathleen (3550 Marlesta Dr. San Diego CA 92111), Container storage system.
  8. Malmanger John A. (Vashon Island WA), Container with collapsible lid members.
  9. Moore Timothy J. (301 Diamond Redondo Beach CA 90277), Container with integral fold-in closure lid.
  10. Kalin Jonathan (Manhattan Beach CA), Crate apparatus with adjustable lid.
  11. Wind Harold (C/O F-J Packaging Development Corporation ; 80-103 Surrey Place Jamaica NY 11432), Disposable food container.
  12. Seok, Chong-Chul, Food item receiving container.
  13. Moret Michel (Ermont FRX), Handling case with incorporated foldable lid.
  14. Van Melle Hugh (Etobicoke CAX), Lid for disposable containers of differing sizes.
  15. Kolar,James C.; Herbert,Curtis B., Nestable containers with reversibly deformable closures.
  16. Herbert,Curtis B.; Kolar,James C., Nestable storage containers with reversibly deformable closures.
  17. Weidt Karl Adolf (Siegen DEX), Nestable transport container.
  18. Webb Daniel D. (Troy MI), Nestable, stackable tote boxes.
  19. Lanoue Michel (Ste-Foy CAX) Nolet Roch (St-Joseph-de-Beauce CAX), Plastic container with hinged lids.
  20. Hwang Philip C., Reusable produce crate.
  21. Hwang Philip C., Reusable produce crate.
  22. Lown John M. ; Marcello Thomas J., Stackable containers with removable cover members.
  23. Warwick Michael J. (Northwich GB2), Storage container with removable lid.
  24. DeMars Robert A. (23221 Ladrillo Ave. Woodland Hills CA 91367), Storage container with reversible lid.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (7) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Levy, Mariean; Levy, Marvin; Lam, Paul, Container for microwaveable food.
  2. Kemper, Bernard J.; Miller, Charles H.; Berger, Janine, Food storage container system.
  3. Ra, Su-Hwan, Heating container.
  4. DeSiena, Jessica, Sealable container for household use.
  5. Gosen, Craig R.; Wazny, Katie M.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Thurin, Matthew N.; Mather, David P.; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Chaudry, Saad; Rathgeber, Martin, Storage container systems.
  6. Gosen, Craig R.; Wazny, Katie M.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Thurin, Matthew N.; Mather, David P.; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Chaudry, Saad; Rathgeber, Martin, Storage container systems.
  7. Gosen, Craig R.; Wazny, Katie M.; Zettle, Jeffrey J.; Thurin, Matthew N.; Mather, David P.; Wlezien, Christopher M.; Chaudry, Saad; Rathgeber, Martin, Storage container systems.

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